
Leveling System in Naruto

This novel is about a weak and sick boy who is selected by the Universe Consciousness to get reincarnated in the Naruto World with a System and some perks. ----------------------------------- It's my first webnovel so feel free to contact me if there is a mistake so that I can improve the quality of the Novel. This contains no Harem or R-18 scenes as I am not interested in those. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Daddy2604 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

New Start and Future Plannings

At last I am 4 year old even though enough time has been passed my resolve has not been decreased a single bit rather it has being increasing day by day. The powerlessness that I felt that day had never being forgotten by me.


[Main Quest : Road to Strongest 1

Description : By the seeing the power and destruction caused by the Nine-Tails and knowing that being the same cannot change the destiny the host has decided on becoming the strongest and control one destiny on One's on hand.

Completion Conditions : Do the following exercises for one year

1. 100 sit up

2. 100 squats

3. 100 push ups

4. 100 pull ups

Increase by 1 per day

Rewards : ???

Failure :???

Do you accept the quest]


"Yes" I said in my mind and started doing the quest.

At first I did 20 sit ups then it was harder then I changed to 15 squats after doing it I lost all my energy so I decided to rest for 5 mins and continue. I continued the rest and workout session for 2 hours till I complete it.


[Today's quota has been completed]

[Reward : Complete recovery of health and chakra]

Suddenly a warm current passed through my body and I felt relaxation in my muscles and it seemed that all the fatigue collected has been dissolved.

"System show my stats"

[Host Name : Saiki Gojo

Age : 5

Hp: 240 {(Dex*2+Str+Agi)*10}

Cp: 100 {Cha*100}

Str : 7

Agi: 5

Dex: 6

Int: 12

CC: 0.5

Cha: 10]

'Not so bad for a child I think. Now I should think of a way to increase it'

"System what about my perks I got"

[The host will get the Gravity Gravity Fruit as a Kekkei genaki and Haki and others when host meets the requirements.]

[Is the host host ready to receive his Kekkei genaki

Remainder : It is requested to to go to a silent place as it is a painful process]


Immediately I went to my bedroom made sure my doors and windows are closed such that no noise will be heard to my neighbour during the process.And I selected Yes.

'Ahhhhhhh' I screamed sa my body felt like thousands of ants are crawling and biting my body. It felt like I would go crazy if if this continues for another 10 minutes. Thankfully the process only lasted for 5 minutes. My clothes and bed were completely drenched with my sweat. I immediately cleaned myself and checked my stats.

[Host Name : Saiki Gojo

Age : 5

Hp: 360 {(Dex*2+Str+Agi)*10}

Cp: 120 {Cha*100}

Str : 9

Agi : 7

Dex. : 8

Int : 14

CC : 2.5

Cha : 12

Kekkei Genaki : Gravity

Skills : Nothing]

'Huh it seems all my stat points went up by 2 and system also added two columns. Skills should bring to Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, etc. I should probably test my Kekkei genkai

After that I went to courtyard to check my Kekkei genaki.

I concentrated on increasing the gravity on a stone by 1.2 times the current gravity and continued to increased it. After reaching 1.5 time the increase stopped so I thought that should be my current limit. As I was thinking ways to improve my Gravity power suddenly I heard sound of my entry gate opening so I went to look over and saw it was non other than a cute little girl with blonde hair and greenish blue eyes smiling there and shouting "Saiki let's play, you promised to play with me". It was none other than Ino. Yep she always comes to my home to play with me after I visited her home last year with Inoichi-san. Man even though I don't like playing with kids but it feels good to spend some time with her as it makes feel no longer being alone. I smiled at her and asked "What do you like to play my dear Ino"

"Stop teasing me Saiki" Ino pouted

"Sorry, sorry tell me what do you want to do"

"Let's go to park"

"Ok my princess" I replied and took her to the Senju park I just listened to whatever she wanted to say while agreeing to get request and smiling at her. After sending her back I returned home I decided to make a plan to train myself. I also decided to start the academy early and graduate early. But I also have to make sure that I don't get in the radar of Danzo. Damn he is biggest pot king of Naruto World from the death of Konoha White Fang Sakumo Hatake to the attack of Nine-Tails I dare say he is one who calculated all of it. Sakumo's mission details should be considered confidential but before he even entered the village the rumours about him spread to the entire Konoha which eventually led to him committing suicide. As for Nine-Tails Fourth Hokage Minato is one of the best Fuinijutsu expert in Naruto World along with his wife. Do you say he won't atleast place a barrier to protect his wife and according to fans Root's Headquarters should be near the place where Minato took Kushina for surgery. Not only that b*t*h didn't sent any help but also stopped others from doing anything.

I have decided there is till 9 years till Orochimaru attacks Konoha it is probably the best time get rid of Danzo. I won't save Sarutobi Hiruzen because even if I show the evidence of all his crimes he will probably let go of Danzo. After Tsunade becomes the Hokage I will confess every thing to her but for that I will have to make Naruto make her overcome her fear of blood and bring her back early because according to Cannon there is still a time gap of 2-4 weeks between these two events and in that period of time me killing Danzo can be verified and will probably be a Missing-Nin which I don't want. I will have to plan each and every thing carefully for that I will probably need the help of Itachi. I won't stop the Uchiha Massacre but I will convince him to help me get rid of Danzo by showing him enough evidences of Danzo manipulating the Uchihas. I will also fool Tobi in such a way that I will make Danzo the one who initiated the war with Hidden Mist and made obstacles for Minato so that he can't come and save Rin which led to her death but I have to make sure he doesn't know about me. For this I will make use of Itachi and I fully believe he will co-operate with but the prerequisite of this is to have enough strength so now it's time for me to begin my training to become the Strongest Shinobi ever in the Naruto World.