
22-Low Rank Daemon of Gluttony Part 2

In the Secret Facility that is in the middle of nowhere, Or possible in the Northern Part of the Empire. There was a Giant Hall that had Pure White Walls. It was very beautiful and it was known as the center of the Secret Facility. It was a beautiful place for the staff in the Secret Facility to gather, Although most of them were mad scientists in their own right.

The Center of the Beautiful Hall was a Gorgeous Fountain, The Calm atmosphere as the water flowed down towards the small body of water that was inside the Fountain. It also had some fishes in it, This fishes had also created their own small ecology inside the Fountain which is weird but still acceptable. There was also a lot of white stone benches around the fountain.

In this Benches was a group of people, This group of people were divided into 3 figures. The Figure in the front was a Red Velvet Haired Figure. The Figure in the middle was the Main Group of people which was the Prisoners. And the Last Figure was the Black Figures or Black Soldiers. These 3 Figures was standing in the middle of the hall and seems to be in silence.

"Now that the Victors are here, Why don't you talk about your experience during the test. Feedback is great." Fatima said with a smile plastered on her face. She was currently wearing a Dark Gothic Dress. Staring at the Prisoners while Smirking, Fatima was asking a sensitive question with a reason.

The Prisoners were in silence, The Test of the Strongest took a toll on their mental health. Some were even a little bit traumatized by the guns but it will probably disappear as time passes by. The Whole Hall was in silence, No one tried to speak anything. A noise was heard from behind, It was obvious that it came from the Black Soldiers.

"It was hell." A soft and cute voice was heard, This came from Amelia Moon. The cute LOLI that was still carrying her own Big Hammer. The Gray Hair of hers and her small body. She was currently staring right at Fatima with bravery. Seeing the Brave little girl in front of her, Fatima was smiling and spoke with an interested tone.

"Thanks for the Feedback. It seems that the test is working as intended." Fatima said with a smile. The Whole Crowd of Prisoners shook when they heard what Fatima said about the test. It was working as intended. This Sentence made the Prisoners realize that the Secret Facility wouldn't give mercy to the weak.

'They really are monsters in human clothing.' Leo thought to himself, He considered himself as a bad person but seeing the human in front of him made his bad look like a child wannabe bad. He has done everything with his interest in place, He had never done anything out of emotion.

He would always plan everything ahead in order to be able to live. If he does not plan the results would be injuries. This has been his habit ever since he became a survivor in the Old World. Analyzing everything before doing it, This was why he manages to survive during the End. He just sighed and observe the whole thing in front of him.

"Why are you killing the Prisoners, I thought they cost a lot of money. Aren't you just wasting your money when they get killed without revealing their true potential?" Another voice was heard, This came from Grover. He was someone who was always with Douglas. Most of the Prisoners were in shock when they heard Grover, They didn't say anything and just observe.

"Look, kid." Fatima was still smiling until her face changes, An Dominating Aura surrounded the hall. A serious face could be seen plastered, cold eyes that would make anyone feel fear could be seen. The Strongest Prisoners clearly felt it, It was very strong. Much stronger than the Daemon on the other side.

"Did you see what the size of this Facility is? Did you see what we use here? Did you see our top personnel? Did you see how we are hidden so close at the Empire's heart? Did you see the Monsters we created?" Many Questions was heard, Each of these questions made the Prisoners shake in fear. Grover was surprised at what he heard from the mouth of Fatima.

Grover's face was very ugly, His body was shaking from the strong Aura that came from Fatima. Douglas wanted to help Grover but his body was frozen. No matter how he tried to move, It was as if his body didn't want to move. The Prisoners was in silence until a voice was heard from the Benches.

"So what is your goal?" This voice came from Leo, He was currently sitting on some Bench that was near the fountain. The Peacefulness of the world and the Savagery of its inhabitants. This was the image he saw at the World of Barbarus. As time passes by, This image would slowly solidify proving itself in front of him.

"Hmmm.... Leo Sinclair." Fatima raised an eyebrow when she heard the voice, She turns her head and looks at the boy that was sitting on some benches. Looking at Leo, Fatima could easily guess that he was injured but Fatima was also surprised at the fact that he was injured. After looking at Leo, She then spoke with a confident voice.

"Unexpected to see someone like you Injured." Fatima spoke with a teasing voice as she slowly walks towards Leo. The Prisoners that were blocking her way avoided her like she was some plague. It was obvious that they didn't want to do something against Fatima and the Strongest Prisoners were just in silence.

But something unexpected happened. This thing shock many people, which was the Prisoners and the Black Soldiers. Fatima was also surprised at the thing that happened. While she was heading towards Leo, A figure could be seen blocking her way. A White Silver Haired Girl with Red Crimson eyes staring at her coldly.

"You shall not pass." Alex muttered with her soft voice, She was holding the sheath of her Katana. Most of the Prisoners still had their weapons with them but with the guns next to them. The Prisoners didn't dare to swing their weapons and just holds them. They didn't go back to the Armory and just continued their way to the Hall which is why they had their weapons with them.

"Oh? You're blocking my way?" Fatima said with a smirk on her face. The two of them had a staring contest, The Pitch Black eyes of Fatima and the Red Crimson Eyes of Alex. The two of them didn't plan on backing down, But Alex was clearly suffering at this standoff against Fatima.

'I must not surrender.' Alex thought to herself. There was a reason why she wanted to be stronger. It was that she could do everything by herself, She also wanted to find a goal in her way of getting stronger. Leo saving her life was one of her greatest mistakes. She would help the one that saves her as this was what her family told her before dying off and leaving her alone in this unforgiving world.

"It seems that the reason is in front of me. I thought that Leo got injured but it seems that it was just an accident." Fatima said while shaking her head in disappointment. Looking at her reactions, It seems that she is a little bit unhappy at the current events in front of her. Fatima then spoke with a cold voice.

"Get out of my way." An Aura dispersed from Fatima's body. It was a strong aura that manages to affect the surrounding air. Alex was surprised at seeing the strong aura and before she could try to defend herself from the aura. She was thrown into the air due to the power the aura represented.

The Prisoners were shocked at seeing this, Even one of the strongest didn't have any chance against Fatima. This made them fear Fatima more than before. The Strongest Prisoners on the other hand was worried about Alex. She was one of the Strongest that was right beside Leo, The Strongest Prisoners somehow form some unknown bond.

"You should be careful and take care of yourself." When Alex was about to hit the ground, Someone manages to catch her before completely hitting the ground. This was Leo, He was holding her body in one hand. The Strongest Prisoners sighed in relief at seeing the situation in front of them.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for failing." Alex spoke with a sad tone, She was confident in her strength but when someone strong appeared before her. She was thrown like a rag doll, This fact made her lose some of her pride. She also failed to protect her savior which is a slap to her since she was the one that promised on protecting her savior.

"You are strong for someone in your age, You need to be confident in your strength. If your strength is not enough, then you need to make yourself stronger until the strength of yours is enough. But be careful and please be selfish." Leo muttered, He then puts her on the bench and began walking towards Fatima.

Alex was frozen when she heard Leo's advice, She didn't have a goal but somehow and for some unknown reason. Something in her heart was lit, It was the Fire of Ambition. This was something she lost many years ago due to the tragedy and mainly due to the fact that she gave up. She was surprised at this feeling.

'I really have a soft spot for that girl, I wonder what the reason is? Maybe something is connected and an investigation is needed.' Leo had many thoughts passing through his mind. He just shrugged them off and would look at these thoughts after the problems. Arriving in front of Fatima, Leo then spoke with a calm voice.

"Business, Let's talk about business." Leo spoke with a calm voice while heading towards the exit. There was something he wanted, It was something he needed. It was a request that he didn't know would work or not but that doesn't mean he wouldn't stop trying. Fatima hearing it was obviously confused at what was happening.

She just shook her head and followed Leo towards the Exit. It seems that the Boy wanted to do business with her. Fatima was thinking a lot of things and even though she looks somehow young. She was old enough to be their grandmother, She had her life experience which is almost non-existent.

The whole Hall was in silence, After the two left the hall. The Prisoners began talking to each other. Alex, who was sitting on the bench was completely frozen and at daze. She was thinking a lot of things, her confusion was a lot but there was one thing that was different than the other. It was that the Flame of Ambition inside her was lit.

'I want to get stronger.'

In some Darkroom where the whole Ancient Stadium was observed, There were a lot of people in it talking towards each other but there were two figures that were different from them. This was Leo and Fatima, Leo was currently looking around the darkroom that had a lot of monitors in it.

"So what is this business?" Fatima asked while crossing her arms, Her THICC body was seen but it was completely infective to Leo. She was asking the question she wanted to ask before arriving at the Observation room. Leo, who was looking around turn his head towards Fatima and spoke with a serious voice.

"I want to kill the Daemon." Leo said with a cold and serious voice, This was a huge gamble but judging from the monitors where the whole situation was seen. The Daemon was obviously injured and had holes all around the body. It also had many burnt parts but even for these reasons. Leo had only one reason to risk all of it.

'Experience of a Daemon could possibly make me level up.'

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