
Leveling System In Another World

A Story of a Man, Who was given a chance to travel into a new world. In the middle of some unknown city, The world ended and the dead rose from the earth as they conquered it. Humanity has lost, The only city that wasn't invaded was fallen due to the endless horde of undead and monsters. A man was on the rooftop of some building, He was alone in this world. He didn't found any human other than him. He survives many dangerous situations and deathly peril but in the end, it was useless. The smoke of the fiery buildings surrounded in flames, The Growls of the creatures that wanted to eat him. The Weird Orange sky of the world, Some might have thought that the moment humans disappeared. The world would go back to its former glory. "In the end, I lose." The Man sighed, He was trapped on this rooftop. Surrounded by thousands of creatures that wanted him in their stomach. It was the end of his journey and it was good and bad at the same time. [Congratulations Human...] [You have been chosen as the Host of the Leveling System.] [You are lucky...] [You will be brought to a New World...] [You don't have the right to disagree.] "Eh?" The Man was surprised at what he heard, A Monotone voice that echoed in his ear. He was either crazy or on the verge of a mental breakdown. A Weird Crack appeared in the sky, Absorbing the Man from the rooftop. The man wasn't given a choice and he didn't have time to react. He was absorbed by the Weird Crack and the only thing he heard was the last Monotone message. [Leo Sinclair, Your Journey hasn't ended. You will continue in your Journey, In the pretext of a New Journey in a New World.]

PBOM2004 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

19-The Test of the Strongest Part 6

In the Ancient Stadium, Dead Bodies could be seen littered everywhere. Some were still recognizable but terrifying while some were deformed and bloodied into something more horrible than the Human Hybrid Dogs. The War between the Monsters and the Prisoners was finally ending but there was something that would happen. Something unexpected and expected for the Prisoners and staff inside the Secret Facility.

At the small area of the Ancient Stadium, This was where the guy was devoured by the Human Hybrid Dogs with his childhood friend. His name was William Pauvre Amour, He came from the Ancient Noble Family in the Southern Part of the Empire. He was having a time in his life, Living as a commoner with his friend.

The Two of them were from the Fallen Ancient Noble Families that had a rival towards each other. After the Fall, These two nobles work together and they manage to survive during the purge. The Relationship between the two noble families prosper but they knew that they must not let their names spread. With this fact, The two Fallen Ancient Noble Families became commoner families.

The Good and peaceful life was something that Nobles didn't know, The moment they tasted it. They bath in peacefulness, This was why they live in the middle of nowhere. The Southern Part of the Empire, Near the Forbidden lands was their home. No one would step in this land due to the fact that it was near the Forbidden Lands. This was what the Nobles thought until fate itself prove it to be different.

They had their lives until the Slave Traders attacked...

The Fire of Suffering was seen by William, The Burnt bodies of his family were seen by him. The Pain that was seen in their eyes before burning to death was something that traumatized him. Why did this End? Where is my family? These questions echoed in William's mind, He plans on killing himself. It was a dangerous thought but he was about to be captured by the Slave Traders until.

Emma Triste appeared right beside him, A childhood friend of his. They both played in their free time before the hell in front of them happen. Emma Triste was sleeping right next to him, He didn't even notice her. The two of them were hiding in the woods. William, who plans to kill himself gritted his teeth. He decided to change his goal, He would protect Emma.

They were still captured by the Slave Traders, But William kept protecting Emma from the dangers of fate. He would teach her in his free time on using the art of the sword. Although the two of them were the same age, William already trains himself since it was the tradition of his family. It proves its usefulness and William now tried to learn the art of the Shield.

They didn't have any weapons so they had to do it with sticks or anything they could find near them. Emma proves to have a strong will, Even William was jealous of her. She would always smile towards him and would always tease him. It was like the old days with his family. The Peaceful days continued until they were sold in some Slave Auction.

The Ones that bought them was clearly weird people, William just accepted it since the two of them will still be together. The People that bought them told William that the two of them would be experimented on in the Secret Facility. William was shaken when he heard this, He was already creating a plan of escape but the people that bought him already knew it.

This was the time when the People that bought William promised that the moment the experiment succeeded. He and Emma would be free, It was the sweet words that made him shut up. The People that bought him was to secure, There was no way of escape. They would also be hunted down in the Empire, No one would help them.

Arriving at the Secret Facility, William was brought into some small prison cell that represented hell. Luckily Emma was next to him, He could monitor her without worrying about anything. Life continued and the two of them were ordered to get stronger by the staff in the Secret Facility. It was a weird order but William and Emma work their hardest to get stronger than normal kids their age.

The Two of them thought that they were very strong until they met the other kids before the Test of the Strongest. They could feel 6 of them, Monsters. This word echoed in their minds, They didn't want to lose but they had to focus on surviving. The other kids with them were also as strong as them, some were weaker. It seems that they weren't the only one that worked hard.

But there were only 6 monsters within the group, This was what the two thought until the last prisoner entered the room. A slightly muscular build and Pitch Black Hair. The Last Prisoner was handsome and strong at the same time, The Number became 7. This didn't stop them but their morale became lower.

The Test of the Strongest began, Ugly Monsters began exiting the Giant Iron Gates. Such monsters shouldn't exist, this would mean that the Monsters test subjects from the Failed Experiments. To think, The Secret Facility created such ugly monsters. Anyway, The First war began.

They were a lot of prisoners dying, Some were fighting while some were running away. Even some were slowly devoured by the monsters. The Two of them maintain one formation, William would be the shield while Emma would be the sword. This kind of tactic manage to work and the two of them had the chance to survive in the Test of the Strongest.

This was when all hell broke loose, Emma was attacked from behind. Getting devoured by the monsters while having a frozen smile on her face. The reality of William was broken, It was something that was hard to accept. With the rejection of the reality in front of William, He lost his sanity.

He became crazy, Killing the monsters that were devouring his beloved. Using his beloved sword while cutting down her murderers. The Crazy William felt pleasure, This was what he felt until it stopped. It was his turn to die, He wasn't angry and he just apologizes to his beloved who died before him.

This was what he expected, Darkness.

In some unknown place, A weird place that twisted reality. What kind of place is this? A figure was seen floating in this Unknown place, This was William. He thought that he was dead until he opens his eyes. He could see his body floating in the Dark Space, He was shocked and confused at the same time.

"Where the hell am I?" William asks himself, He thought that he was dead. His anger was still in his heart burning in vigor. It didn't want to stop, He tried to calm himself but the Anger of Fire got stronger. It was a weird feeling, He began looking around until he heard a distorted voice.

A Human? Amusing...

"Who are you?" William asked the distorted voice.

Who am I? I am just a Daemon.

"You are one of those monsters." William knew the existence of the Daemon, The Main Race of the Underground Continent. They were very mysterious like the race that lives in the Flying Continent.

Yes..... Yes, I am.

"I heard you could grant wishes?" William asked the Daemon, He heard that they were powerful beings. There was some unknown reason that two races from both underground and flying continents not entering the World of Barbarus.

Not Wishes, You mean Deals...

"What do you want?" William asks while gritting his teeth.

Soul, I want your Soul. You want Power, I will give you Power in exchange for your Soul.

"Can you revive the dead?" William asks while lowering his head, He wanted to know if there was a possibility to revive the dead.

No, Only power I can give.

William lost hope, He was clenching his fist. He thought about power, The Wish for peace would not be accepted without power. He wanted to be strong but without Emma why would he want to get stronger?

Revenge William, Revenge. I can see that your friends in Barbarus left your body devoured by those ugly monsters.

'Those Bastards, I kill them.' The Insanity of his slowly recovered, The Prisoners with him didn't help the two of them. His view has been shrouded by Selfishness, The perfect prey for the Daemons. Anger, Fury, and Hatred ignited fiercely deep within his heart. The Distorted voice was once again heard.

Do you want a Deal?

William thought about it, A crazy smile appeared on his face. He spoke the Magic Word for the Daemons.



"Are you done?" Leo asked towards the Prisoners, Most of them look like they bathe in blood. Dead bodies of the Monsters could be seen, Surprisingly no Prisoners died from the Second War. Alex was currently right beside Leo, The Smell of the Blood was in the air but most of the Prisoners already got used to it.

The Prisoners nodded towards Leo, The Second War was finally finished. They could now go back to the Secret Facility. The Dead body of the Huge Monster was still there, It was in a pool of its own blood. The Ugly deformed bloodied head it had was clearly seen by the Prisoners, This made them realized that the two in front of them were worse monsters.

"It seems that we are finally finished." Leo shook his head and sighed, He wanted to go back in order to monitory his current status. He didn't plan on spending his current rewards since it was not needed for the moment. While the two of them were standing in front of the prisoners, A voice could be heard.

"You really are good at fighting." Douglas said towards Leo with a smile, The strength of the Prisoner in front of him was more or less stronger. He praised the guy in front of him for fighting such a huge monster. Leo hearing Douglas also spoke towards him with a smile.

"You are also good at leading." Leo complimented with a smile, Douglas sighed when he heard Leo and head towards the Door they came from. He was the first one to move and he just wanted to go back to his cell. Leo seeing him just turn his head and looks at Alex, who was right beside him.

"Let's go back." Keira spoke towards the Prisoners, Hearing her. The Prisoners followed Douglas and all of them return back to the doors they came from. The Test of the Strongest already ended, The only thing they needed to do was wait for the staff and soldiers to open the doors.

"Alex, Hope we become friends." Leo said while turning his head towards Alex, He was curious about Alex. Her Strength, Speed, And Agility, He wanted to know more but he was patient. He wanted to be friends with Alex, It was a step forward for him or this could be a step backward.

Alex, who was about to go with the Prisoners turn her head when she heard Leo. Her Cold Crimson Red Eyes was seen, The Domination it represented. Alex then spoke with a serious and cold voice, It was a bold message towards Leo.

"You are presenting your fake self, I don't like people like that. I hope I could see your true self or else I would not accept your offer." Alex said calmly towards Leo, She then began walking slowly towards the Prisoners. Leo, who heard it was frozen. But there was something seen in his face.

"You got me." Leo spoke quietly with a smile, To think that Alex just spoke to him like that. It seems that she is unaffected by the plan and even seems to know a part about it. He was smiling due to the fact that someone in his age manages to see through his mask.

"I hope, We get along." Leo muttered while heading towards the prisoners. His Smile already disappeared, A cold Leo replaces him. It was different from the Charismatic Person, It was like an assassin. It was not a good thing to release this kind of thing so it quickly disappeared the moment it appeared.

A Loud Sound Echoed in the Ancient Stadium. All of the prisoners heard it, It was a siren and a voice was heard with it.

((A Daemon has been Detected))


((Evacuation Protocol will start))

((Elimination Procedures will start))