
Level up Zombie

Zain Talen, your average college slacker, was busy skipping class to go play a new video game he had just bought, when a strange woman came running his way. Before he could get out of the way she collided with him. Quickly picking herself up she ran away leaving behind a pendant. Without knowing where she went Zain pocketed it and decided to look for her after his gaming session. During his binge, he heard it. *Bang *Bang *Bang His door was assaulted with the banging of someone who sounded desperate to get in. Rushing to open the door he found himself overpowered by something and not soon after felt a sharp pain on his neck. Vision fading in and out Zain found himself at death's door. "Could this be the end?" [Congratulations!] [You have been turned into a zombie!] [QUEST RECEIVED- Begin your horde!] [infected 0/10] [Level 1]

JKSManga · Fantasy
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318 Chs

Option 3

There was a simple reason that Zain had survived in the new zombie world out there so far. At least it was the reason he believed he had survived for so long, and it was because he treated everything like a game.

The many survival games he played were ones where one made the best decision at the time for the situation. In real life, there were times where feelings, emotions and more were in play. However, in his zombie body he had learned somewhat how to disregard this.

It never felt very real to him, due to his new body, the emotions were numbed down on top of every other feeling. Yet here, in this what he assumed was a vision, it wasn't the same.

He could feel his heartbeat, was alive, and his senses were sharp. When trying to put himself in a game situation, once again he found it difficult, which had allowed him to think a little more clearly.