
Level up Zombie

Zain Talen, your average college slacker, was busy skipping class to go play a new video game he had just bought, when a strange woman came running his way. Before he could get out of the way she collided with him. Quickly picking herself up she ran away leaving behind a pendant. Without knowing where she went Zain pocketed it and decided to look for her after his gaming session. During his binge, he heard it. *Bang *Bang *Bang His door was assaulted with the banging of someone who sounded desperate to get in. Rushing to open the door he found himself overpowered by something and not soon after felt a sharp pain on his neck. Vision fading in and out Zain found himself at death's door. "Could this be the end?" [Congratulations!] [You have been turned into a zombie!] [QUEST RECEIVED- Begin your horde!] [infected 0/10] [Level 1]

JKSManga · Fantasy
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The first one to step up toward the centre, was Kun, even though Pink was more eager, but Kun had insisted that he be the one to fight Zain first, because he felt like in terms of combat, he was actually worse than Pink, who was incredibly talented at fighting before becoming a Reborn zombie.

"My specialty is guns, but the rule states no guns, so I'm just going to have to go with my bare hands." Kun said.

[Optional quest received]

[Defeat your opponent: Bronze reward]

[Defeat your opponent with no weapons: Silver award]

"I'll be fair, there might be a time where I have no weapons on me, and I will have to use just my fists." Zain said, as the weapons disappeared into his inventory as quickly as they had appeared.

Those around him were still amazed by this and the weapons themselves, as in the last few fights they had seen, anything the swords clashed against, they would break right through them.