
12. Weariness


After some time on the bus, Kazuki and Kohta finally arrived at the location Kohta had in mind. Located in the heart of the city, "Rising Sun" was a hunting goods store that attracted both newcomers and experienced hunters alike. Stepping into the establishment, customers were immersed in a rustic and welcoming atmosphere, where the scent of leather and wood filled the air.

The sturdy shelves displayed a wide variety of equipment, from state-of-the-art rifles and bows to sharp knives and specialized traps. High-quality camouflage clothing, sturdy boots, and practical accessories were strategically placed, ensuring proper preparation for the challenging conditions of the wilderness.

The staff, skillfully dressed in vests and caps bearing the store's logo, were always available to offer expert guidance. A central counter showcased the most popular items of the moment, while posters on the walls illustrated exciting scenes of proud hunters displaying their trophies.

"My man Kohta, you're the best! What an amazing place," exclaimed Kazuki.

"Haha, I told you you'd like it. Come on, we have a lot to see," replied Kohta.

"This place even has a personalized section. It truly is a significant store."

For customers seeking a personalized experience, there was a customization section where they could adjust their equipment to their individual preferences. Additionally, the store offered a reserved area for seminars and workshops, allowing hunters to learn new techniques and exchange experiences with other enthusiasts.

With its unmatched selection of products and a welcoming environment, "Rising Sun" stood out as the ultimate destination for outdoor enthusiasts and the thrill of hunting. Or at least that's what the attendant told Kazuki.


After a few hours, and after having to present documents to prove his age and place of residence, Kazuki finally managed to buy a compound bow, a crossbow, and at least 100 arrows for each. Unfortunately, due to local regulations, it wasn't possible to buy more. He also managed to buy boots, sturdy clothes, and some accessories; the delivery would happen again in the morning at 7 o'clock. Kazuki just hoped it wouldn't be the same delivery guy.

Leaving Rising Sun, Kazuki and Kohta visited a gardening store, where Kazuki bought several packets of seeds, guides on how to care for them, and some gardening tools.

"Hey, Kohta, do you know how to protect electronic equipment from an EMP?"

"I do, well, it's kind of complicated, but we can try a few things. One of them is using Faraday cages," Seeing that Kazuki didn't know what he was talking about, he explained, "They're like metal cocoons that block electromagnetic pulses. This can include metal bags, metal boxes, or even aluminum foil envelopes."

"Ah, I see! Thanks, my man, you're the real deal! Aluminum foil and metal box are easy to get."

"Yeah. Maybe those metal lunch boxes, you know? Or even metal safes. That way, we would create an extra layer of protection."

"But what if we're using them during the EMP?" Kazuki asked, remembering one of the last scenes of the anime.

"That complicates things. But we can take everything off from the sockets and disconnect all the cables. That already helps reduce the risk of damage."

"These solutions aren't so difficult. And besides, is there anything else we can do?"

"There is, but then it goes beyond the homemade options. You can install extra protection on electrical circuits and communication lines, like surge suppressors. This helps limit the amount of energy that enters the devices."

Kazuki quickly grabbed his smartphone and did a quick search on surge suppressors, and upon seeing the device, he turned to Kohta.

"Look, I think I'll stick with aluminum foil, you know? I lack the expertise to use this haha."

"Hehe, I don't know how to use it either. But, Kazuki, why are you buying so much stuff at once? Are you preparing for a zombie apocalypse? Hahaha" Kohta laughed, remembering a conversation they had earlier.

Kazuki looked seriously at Kohta, "YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT."

Kohta looked at Kazuki with a strange look wondering what was wrong with him until Kazuki started laughing, and he realized it was a joke.

"For a second there, I almost believed you haha."

"But you never know, right? What if the world ends this week, huh?" Kazuki said chuckling.


After some time chatting, Kohta then bid farewell to Kazuki and got into a black sedan waiting for him on the street.

"I knew the kid was rich, he just lacks self-confidence," Kazuki said as he watched the car drive away, 'Today was a good day, very productive, but with each passing day, my anxiety increases. The lives of all these people will end in a matter of days, I feel a weight inside me but there's nothing I can do. At least I convinced Kohta to watch Dawn of the Dead with his parents today. Maybe with the recent memory of the movie in their heads, they won't fall into the usual clichés and might even hide in the mall.'

'It's the most I can do,' Kazuki thought, with a bitter taste in his mouth. 'Maybe I could do more, but I'm not Aizen. I'm not a master manipulator, I just do my best with the limited intelligence I have.'

Kazuki's thoughts raced as he walked home alone, the weight of his knowledge pressing heavily on his mind. The facade of confidence and nonchalance he often wore was nowhere to be found. In these moments of solitude, his attempts to emulate the persona of a confident "giga-chad" were set aside, revealing the vulnerability beneath. So much had happened in these last few days, and the gravity of it all sometimes threatened to consume him.

"For the love of God, I DIED! ME! DEAD!" Kazuki's inner voice screamed, echoing the shock and disbelief he still grappled with after his death and subsequent reincarnation into this world. The memory of his previous life lingered like a ghost, haunting him with its implications and unanswered questions.

'Did someone reincarnate me? Is there some God looking at me? Was I just randomly thrown here? Is this even HOTD? What if Resident Evil is mixed in this? I think I would just put a bullet in my head.'

Despite his ease of adapting and assimilating into this new reality, Kazuki couldn't shake the feeling of displacement and unease that gnawed at him from within. And now, with the Day Z of Schrödinger on the horizon, his sense of helplessness only intensified.

As he walked through the quiet streets, Kazuki couldn't help but notice the ordinary scenes unfolding around him: people going about their daily lives, unaware of the impending catastrophe that loomed just beyond their comprehension. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within him, a reminder of the isolation he felt in his knowledge of the impending disaster.

With each passing moment, the sense of urgency grew more palpable, driving Kazuki to take whatever precautions he could without alerting those around him to the impending danger. It was a delicate balance, navigating the thin line between preparedness and paranoia, knowing that any misstep could have dire consequences.

Arriving home, Kazuki greeted Kyoko with a forced smile, hiding the turmoil beneath the surface. Despite the stability of their recent relationship, he couldn't bring himself to burden her with the weight of his fears and uncertainties. Or so he thought because as soon as Kyoko saw his face, she dropped everything she was doing and embraced him in a tight hug that he thought would displace a bone.

The warmth and comfort he felt in that hug were enough to stop his downward spiral of thoughts. Halting the intrusive thoughts on their steps. Kyoko forced him into the bath and they bathed together, nothing lewd happening Kyoko was fully focused on making Kazuki just relax. She also didn't ask anything of him, just put his head on her breasts and held him there.

Afterward, they had dinner, and in bed, she just hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, saying the first thing that night.

"Thank you for existing for me, Kazuki. I will always be grateful for having met you. I need you in my life more than you ever know. So please, just relax by my side, you don't need to keep a front for me."

After saying that she just closed her eyes and kept hugging him and went to sleep like that.

Maybe for the first time in years, Joshua felt what having a relationship with someone who genuinely appreciates your existence and your company felt like.

As the night stretched on, Kazuki's thoughts drifted to the days ahead, filled with uncertainty and peril. Yet, amidst the chaos, he found solace in the presence of Kyoko. Her unwavering support and care provided a stabilizing force for his weary mind, offering a sanctuary from the storm raging within him.

In the quiet darkness of their shared space, Kazuki found refuge in the intimacy they shared, the warmth of Kyoko's embrace soothing the turmoil that churned within him. In those moments of closeness, he felt a renewed sense of purpose, a conviction to stay alive, not just for himself, but for her.

With each tender gesture, Kyoko reaffirmed his determination to survive, her companionship and care serving as a beacon in the darkness that tried to take his mind today. And as they surrendered to the embrace of sleep, Kazuki knew that as long as she was together with him, he wouldn't be confused. With a newfound resolve, Kazuki vowed to do whatever it took to survive, to protect those he held dear, even if it meant facing the horrors of the unknown alone. For in the face of impending doom, the strength of his will was the only weapon he truly possessed.

'I already died once, there's nothing to dread. At worst, I die again. So let's fucking go!' 



Hey yo!

Here I am with the last chapter of the week.

This time the MC had a good time with his new friend but, the weight of the situation catches up with him and we see a bit of the weariness of everything hitting.

I hope I could translate what the MC felt well, I didn't expand because I'm not into drama and neither do I think I could do it well.

So if it felt a bit shallow, I'm sorry.

If you liked the chapter please comment and give me your spirit stones.


KanmuruZcreators' thoughts
Next chapter