
Chapter 8

Geon head was dizzy as he tried on opening his eyes.

For multiple times already, he had succedeed as his eyes waa fully opened but was still having a hazy vision.

But when his vision was not hazy amymore.

Geon immediately knew who was the one that was currently sitting in front of him, bask with the sparks of the fire that the joint dead sticks had created after being lit.

Geon heart thumped as he hurriedly sat down and frantically called for his system.

'System! What was my stepdad doing in here?!'

Geon called out and asked in a panic.

The system who went offline a while ago after having to witness that guy that was a legnd in the eyes of many people and was forcibly sent back on becoming online once again was a little grumpy as system Dangena only said one sentence or two before shutting herself once again, completely letting herself isolated yo the outside world.

'You must take care of yourself Host while I am offline'

That was the sentence that system Dangena said before she once again went offline.

Geon eyes dimmed slightly as his system betrayal to turn his system back at him once again when he was in trouble and then had a wry smile hanging onto his lips after his Dad finally got to notice that he was finally awake.

"Are you awake?" Gabrielle hoarse voice sounded as he asked his stepson.

But even if he was asking, it was true that Geon was really awake.

Geon did not have the time to close his eyes that was half opened when his Dad eyes swept over his face.

It might be too awkward between him and his Dad if he continued on closing his eyes and did not answer his Dad question.

"Hmm" Geon answered and hummed vaguely and then nodded as a response as he felt it was too cold towards a relative who had taken care of himself for a long time. 

Geon twitches his lips as blue veins appeared at his fair skinned arm as he finally opened his lips once again and said, 

"I am fully awake now Dad" Geon voice was interminient.

Maybe because Geon slept for who know how many hours for him to have this voice as a result.

Gabrielle only lightly glance at him once again before turning the stick that he was holdong between the two of his fingers.

Even if Gabrielle gaze did not stayed at Geon body anymore,

Gabrielle lips was still opened as Geon felt his back straught and stiff with an atmosphere as if waiting for an ancestor.

Geon hated it very much.

Where did he suffered this much grievances in his life?

But he cant complain or blame anyone.

As he still remebered his promise in the past.

Geon shivered as he tightly bit his lips.

Geon did not wish for more as he wish to be granted an amnesty as soon as possible to eat the food or the meat that was obviously bought at who knows whos system store' that his own stepdad had specialy roasted by his own hands as the aroma that filled the air really made him gulped down hard and always made his nervousness go away in the next second but then still came back after seeing hus stepback quiet profile.

Gabrielle was as of in deep thought.

The mask that was originally hang loosely earlier was now fully tied at the back of his head after seeing an outside was here ( actualy, it was the little guy whom he had promised to take on an apprentice if ever this little guy succeded the mission that he gave.

But judging alone by the little guy appearance.

It was obvious at a glance that this little guy had failed the mission that Gabrielle had give hin before the two of them had their ways seperated in the portal).

But the brows that was hidden behind those smiley mask had furrowed after quite some time.

Gabrielle tilted his head to the side as a cold glint flash past his eyes when he meanifully glance over at Geon neck where system Dangena form originally resided in.

System Dangena who was offline because she really cant handle the strong pressure that guy had emit all over his sorroundings, once again felt the pressure even if she was offline and contact disconnected to his Host.


Is she really having to have a miserable day like any other ordinary systems had when their Host was out of control?


System Dangena does not know but she still hope that she will not be able to experience it today.

Because, it was simply too scary if this was the guy who will execute the first miserable day that she will get in her life.

It was okay if it was someone else.

She just wishes that it was not at this guy hands.

As this guy was the one who bore the grudge the most even if he was not attacked by her or to any other creatures that dont have their little brain to use.

And judging by the spoiling habits of his alone towards her own Host.

The last bit glimmer of hope that system Dangena had held onto her heart for a little time disappeared withoyr a trace as if that glimmer of hope was never been there in the first place.


Gabrielle opened his lips and said, npt caring about what will be his meaningful gaze mean to the one who received it.


"What level are you?" 

Gabrielle asked hoarsely.

It should be harsh but when it comes to Gabrielle mouth esoecially if he was talking to Geon.

It sounded surprisingly pleasant that Geon had the time of his own to narrow his eyes in pleasantries as he seriously responded after having to see the light that flashes through his Dad eyes.

"Its on level 1. I should have upgraded to level 2 today if I defeat the monster, but I did not"

When Geon said this, his eyes drop a little as his voice was quieter than usual.

Gabrielle eyes twitch as disappointment flash through his eyes.