

Death is just the beginning. The real grind starts now. Legends of the Shattered Fragment (LOTSF) had taken the world by storm, and Xu Wushuang, its top player, thought his days of trying to conquer the game were over. But a freak accident throws him into a nightmarish reality where the once pixelated monsters now stalk him with terrifyingly real claws and teeth. Wushuang, however, isn't fazed. Armed with his knowledge of gaming mechanics and a mysterious sword, he must level up, fight for survival, and uncover the secrets of this brutal new world.

boredcorporatelady · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Game Over... Is Never Over

A dull ache throbbed in Xu Wushuang's wrist, a constant reminder of his shattered dreams. No longer the swift and precise instrument it once was, the hand that once dominated the VR controller now felt clumsy and foreign. A collision on a rainy night, had stolen his ability to game with the same dexterity he possessed for years. It was a cruel twist of fate, especially considering it happened a month before he planned to go out in a blaze of glory.

Tonight was the culmination of months of meticulous planning – the final raid on the Obsidian Citadel, the most challenging instance in Legends of the Shattered Fragment. Wushuang, known throughout the game as Reaper, had assembled a ragtag team of min-maxers, each a master of their chosen class. Hours were spent strategizing, refining tactics, and pushing their characters to the absolute limit.

The digital world of LOTSF materialized before him, not through the familiar VR headset, but through the haze of nostalgia. He watched, a spectator now, as his avatar, a sleek and deadly rogue, materialized alongside his teammates. The air crackled with anticipation, the techno beat of the raid soundtrack echoing in his mind.

The initial stages were flawless. Years of honed reflexes and a deep understanding of the game mechanics propelled them through the first waves of enemies. Reaper danced through the battlefield, a whirlwind of steel, dispatching foes with practiced precision. But as they reached the inner sanctum, the monstrous Gatekeeper, the final boss, unleashed its devastating arsenal.

Chaos erupted. One by one, Wushuang's teammates fell, their pixelated forms dissolving into shimmering ash. Frustration gnawed at him as Reaper, for the first time, found himself overwhelmed. He fought with a desperate fury, but the damage was done. With a final, earth-shattering roar, the Gatekeeper delivered the final blow. Reaper's lifeless body slumped to the ground, a digital tombstone marking the end of his reign.

Disbelief washed over him as he stared at the screen. The words "Game Over" seemed to mock him, a cruel reminder of his stolen future. But a flicker of defiance sparked in his eyes. Giving up wasn't his style. This wasn't just a game; it was a passion, a community, a second life cruelly ripped away. The accident might have taken his ability to play, but it couldn't extinguish the fire within him.

Wushuang shook his head, the memory a bitter echo. He glanced out the window at the first rays of dawn painting the city skyline a pale orange. A new day beckoned, a world outside the endless grind of experience points and virtual glory. He shut down his computer, the familiar chime a final knell for Reaper's reign of terror. "Just a game," he muttered, more to reassure himself than anything else.

Before he could stand, a jolt of energy, unlike anything he'd ever felt, surged through Wushuang's body. He gasped, dropping his phone as the room dissolved into a swirling vortex of light and color. Panic clawed at his throat as he tumbled through the chaotic void, his screams lost in the deafening roar of unknown energy.

The world solidified around him with a bone-jarring thud. He found himself sprawled on rough stone, the acrid tang of dust and damp earth filling his lungs. Disoriented, he pushed himself upright, taking in his surroundings.

Gone was his familiar apartment. In its place, a desolate landscape stretched before him, bathed in the eerie glow of two blood-red moons – one whole, the other shattered like a broken dream. Twisted, skeletal trees clawed at the crimson sky, their branches groaning under the wind that howled like a banshee. In the distance, monstrous silhouettes lumbered across the cracked earth, their guttural roars echoing through the desolate wasteland.

Panic threatened to consume him, but a flicker of defiance sparked in his eyes. Years spent conquering the digital realm of LOTSF had honed his instincts. This might not be his virtual world, but it was a world nonetheless, and Wushuang, despite his initial shock, was a survivor.

He reached down instinctively, his fingers brushing against the hilt of a sword – a weapon not from his gaming arsenal, but one that felt oddly familiar in his grip. A shiver ran down his spine as the realization dawned – this wasn't a game anymore. It was terrifyingly real.

A/N: Min-maxers are players, typically in role-playing games (RPGs) or video games, who focus on creating the most powerful or optimized character possible.

Hey there! Thanks so much for checking out my first story! If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it. Be gentle, though, it's my first attempt!

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