
Boredom Killer

For most of the week, Adam struggled to understand the concepts of strengthening his body. Though he was able to properly put it in action from just feeling, Astos put great emphasis on understanding the theory.

("What's the point? It's not like not knowing it will make me unable to use it.") [Adam]

"It will allow you to understand magic theory. If you watch your opponent create a magic circle, you may be able to accurately identify what spell they're using." [Astos]

("Nah. I ain't doing all that.") [Adam]

Ignoring Astos' words, Adam completely focused on body strengthening. Eventually, he found himself able to wrestle with the monster bison from before.

"Remember, use fire if you want to hunt it. Its fur prevents any physical force to harm it, so burn it off." [Astos]

("Great. I don't know any fire spells.") [Adam]

"You have lightning, do you not?" [Astos]

"That's my cue." [Krino]

With a flash of lightning, Krino appeared.

"Let's have some meat for dinner tonight." [Krino]

("Not that you can eat.") [Adam]

Wrapping his blade with a burning current, Adam pressed Krino against the bison's fur for an extended period of time.

"That's it! Burn a bigger opening!" [Krino]

Of course, the bison wouldn't sit still. It swung its head trying to ram Adam.

"Sorry, buddy. That won't work." [Adam]

Adam grabbed the bison's horns and exerted enough strength to keep it still. The creature huffed while trying to shake Adam off, but it wasn't enough.

"Ah, there we go." [Adam]

After burning a hole through the fur, Adam shoved his blade into the bison's hide. This caused it to whine in pain before collapsing.

("...That was easier than before.") [Adam]

"Of course. These animals were domesticated for their meat. They aren't that difficult to kill." [Astos]

Satisfied with the results of his hunt, Adam picked up the bison and headed to a small clearing that he called home.

"Looks like your training has paid off." [Krino]

("I worked hard for these muscles you know?") [Adam]

He dropped the bison and used makeshift rope to tie it. Within moments, Adam had already done all the preparations to cook it.

("Honestly, I feel that bleeding it is the easiest part. I still wish there was something I could use the blood for.") [Adam]

"You could make coagulated blood soup with it." [Astos]

("Ew, no.") [Adam]

As he began to start a fire, Adam felt something press against his shoulder.

("Huh?") [Adam]

He immediately leapt away in a defensive stance.

("What was that?! I couldn't even sense- Eh?") [Adam]

Adam calmed down after seeing what it was.

"...Fortis?" [Adam]

Standing there was the practically 2 meter tall giant.

"Fuhahaha! How have you been? You look like you are enjoying yourself!" [Fortis]

He scanned the little environment Adam had made. It was composed of a small dirt hut made from earth magic and a campfire. There were also shoddy racks made of sticks to hold makeshift clothes and dried foods Adam was attempting to make.

"Wow! You've been busy!" [Fortis]

Fortis then approached Adam and grabbed his shoulders.

"You've become stronger! I thought you'd be struggling with your original strength! How did you do it?!" [Fortis]

"Uh… Just some training here and there." [Adam]

Fortis squinted his eyes as if to peer into Adam's soul.

"Ooh… You've made a new system in your body! It's kind of like Flevateinn!" [Fortis]

("He knows about Flevateinn?") [Adam]

It was considered a rare condition Askyros had. It was surprising someone as meat-headed as Fortis knew of it.

("That shouldn't matter now. Didn't he say he was going to come by in a week?") [Adam]

"Why are you here? It shouldn't have been a week yet." [Adam]

Fortis grinned widely.

"I got bored!" [Fortis]

("...You're kidding.") [Adam]

For someone like Fortis, simply waiting is considered excruciatingly painful. His race is the type to constantly seek stimulation, mostly from combat. Hard fought battles are their favorites, but that is also their weakness. Fortis' strength is so great that many consider it unparalleled. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to find stimulation.

"From now on, we're changing your training!" [Fortis]

From the way this was going, Adam already knew this wasn't going to be something he'd like.

"You will be sparring with me! Day in, day out! Until you can land a single blow on me!" [Fortis]

("I knew it…") [Adam]

Muscleheads know muscleheads. It wasn't that hard to predict.

"Pressure Cannon!" [Adam]

Without giving a moment to react, Adam thought he could catch Fortis off guard. However, Fortis countered the wind pressure with his own breath.

"Eh?!" [Adam]

It canceled out Adam's Pressure Cannon. No, it overpowered it. Adam received the full brunt of Fortis' lung capacity, and the smell of his breath.

"Ugh! That's disgusting!" [Adam]

"Fuhahaha! You're a thousand years too early to try ambushing me!" [Fortis]

"Krino!" [Adam]

Summoning his Soul Weapon, Adam lunged at Fortis.

"Taking out your Ethereal Blade?! Smart choice!" [Fortis]

Raising a hand, Fortis motioned for a finger flick.

("He's not taking me seriously!") [Adam]

Thinking of rushing headlong, Krino tried to stop him.

"Block it!" [Krino]

The moment Fortis unleashed the finger flick, Adam's instinct took over. He raised his blade and blocked the attack.

"Urgh!" [Adam]

A great force ran through his arms, causing him to drop his blade due to the numbing sensation.

"Amazing! You can withstand one of my finger flicks!" [Fortis]

"Don't act like that's a big deal!" [Adam]

Lowering himself, Adam attempted to retrieve his sword with rocky hands.

"You can take your time." [Fortis]

"Shut it!" [Adam]

He swung from below, flinging dirt alongside his sword. However, Fortis didn't blink. Even when soil got in his eyes he simply caught the blade between his fingertips.

"I feel that you have something else in store. Use it." [Fortis]

Fortis released Krino, allowing Adam to step back.

"Guess I can't hide anything from you." [Adam]

("You ready Krino?") [Adam]

"Always." [Krino]

Trails of lightning wrapped around Adam, forming armor and shifting Krino's form.

"Soul Aggression!" [Adam]

Witnessing the great power surge before him made Fortis feel elated.

"This is something! Come!" [Fortis]

"YAAAAH!!!" [Adam]

Letting out a battle cry, Adam attacked with all his strength. No need for technique. No need for theatrics. Pure brute strength. In respect to that, Fortis punched him.

"Oof!" [Adam]

Speed and strength greater than his own. Adam's armor shattered and he was left tumbling in the ground.

"Urgh…!" [Adam]

His vision swayed as he stared at the ground. Adam raised himself and found red droplets running from his nose.

"I'm… bleeding?" [Adam]

It was strange. Bleeding from cuts and punctures was normal to him. Even so, it was a first for him to get a nosebleed so easily.

"Do you need healing?" [Fortis]

Looking up at Fortis, Adam wiped his nose.

"Nope." [Adam]

Casting his healing spell, Adam shook off the attack and stood.

"Let's go again." [Adam]

If it hurts, it works? Thanks for reading!

Vilincecreators' thoughts
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