
LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Lafran was reborn into an Eldritch tamer tribe in the distant future, where Earth had been thrown into a mysterious eldritch galaxy for unknown reason. This event changed every living thing, filling them with strange Eldren mana and causing society to fall apart. Fourteen years later, Lafran was about to become a teenager and soon would have to take on dangerous tasks in his tribe. His tribe was controlled by a small government that secretly used his tribal members for target practice to train their supernatural soldiers. But Lafran had a unique way to level up that didn't involve life-threatening situations. He just had to complete specific tasks. One day, while feeding his favorite female goat, a message popped up: [ Ding! [ You have chosen the little doeling to level up! ] Lafran's leveling journey started with simple tasks: [ Ding! ] [ You have chosen to level up knife slash! As a Wildling of your tribe, you can level up your knife slash. [ Condition: Slash the knife 500 times. [ You have chosen a random tree to level up! The tree is a part of your tribe; you can level it up. [ Condition: Water the tree 300 times. ] [ You cannot level up anymore due to limited rank within the tribe, raise your rank first inside the clan. ] [ Condition: Give an honor to the tribe. ] As Lafran completed these tasks, he realized that the real challenge was dealing with the dangerous and complicated life in his tribe and the world around him.

Notorious_911 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Strange Pill

The path through the savannah-like forest was familiar to Lafran, and he moved quickly. Despite the familiar terrain, his mind was occupied with the impending adolescence ceremony.

He hadn't prepared anything and wasn't even sure what to prepare.

The ceremony was unpredictable and different each year. 

However, they all have two stages each ceremony.

Lafran recalled the last three ceremonies vividly and each of their first stages: the first involved fighting a bull with ten horns on its spine in a one-on-one battle; the second required finding and capturing an antelope with antennae that could detect their presence; and the most recent tasked them with subduing a carnivore that the tribe despised. 

The second one, he didn't know, that's why he's worried about.

Lafran knew he needed every possible advantage to succeed.

No matter what, the unknown second stage was the scariest because those horrifying dead bodies that was delivered back in town were the cause of the unknown second stages.

The mysterious pills his father possessed seemed to be his best hope. He had seen their effects firsthand and was determined to get more, despite their risks.

As he walked, his thoughts returned to the previous day's events. Corora's sudden surge in strength and rapid leveling up had been nothing short of astonishing.

Yet, Lafran couldn't shake a growing unease. What was the true nature of these pills? Was Corora's transformation a blessing or a dangerous gamble?

For now, he decided to set these concerns aside. The immediate challenge of the ceremony loomed large, and he needed to understand more about the pills to use them effectively without endangering Corora or himself.

His thoughts were interrupted as he reached the edge of his tribal territory. The familiar sights and sounds of home brought a momentary sense of calm, but his resolve only hardened. He would find his father and get the answers he needed.

With Corora's newfound power and the knowledge he sought, he felt a surge of confidence tempered by caution.

Steeling himself, he made his way toward his father's workshop.

As he approached, the scent of oiled leather and metal filled the air. His father was there, meticulously cleaning a spear, its blade gleaming with each careful stroke. The workshop, a repository of the tribe's weapons, reflected his father's role as one of their seasoned hunters.

"Father—" Lafran began, but his father looked up, cutting him off before he could continue.

"The pills?"

Lafran nodded, his expression a mix of determination and concern. "Where did they come from, Father? And why did Corora become so aggressive?"

At the mention of Corora, his father's eyes widened in shock. "Corora?" he repeated, then seemed to recall Lafran's goat. "You fed them to a goat? You—" He shook his head, momentarily at a loss for words. "I should have known."

"Father, you're underestimating goats again," Lafran said, his tone steady and serious. "They're tougher than you think. I saw a scene once where a goat knocked down a cow with a headbutt. They're stronger than we give them credit for."

His father, still skeptical, muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I believe you, as if it could." He tossed a small object toward Lafran, who caught it smoothly. It was another pill, similar to the ones he had given Corora.

Lafran stood, studying the pill in his hand, his mind racing with questions. "What's wrong?" his father asked, noticing his hesitation.

"Yesterday, Corora kept smashing her head against the other goats. Why? Is that a side effect of the pill?"

His father paused, considering the question, then nodded slowly. "Yes, it is. The pills can induce aggression, and sometimes the effects are delayed. Be careful not to use them on larger animals, okay? Stick to the smaller ones. If the side effects don't show immediately, it doesn't mean they won't. Overuse could be fatal."

The weight of his father's warning settled heavily on Lafran. He glanced again at the pill, then met his father's eyes with a determined gaze. "Okay, Father. I'll be careful."

Seeing the resolve in Lafran's eyes, his father's tone softened. "I trust you, son. Remember, the ceremony is just the beginning. Stay focused."

Lafran nodded, pocketing the pill, and took a deep breath. With his father's words echoing in his mind, he turned and left the workshop, his purpose clear.

Just as he was leaving, his father called out, "Wait, I forgot to tell you not to sleep there tonight—" But Lafran had already gone, leaving his father bewildered.

Realizing he had no other choice, his father whistled sharply, hoping to catch Lafran's attention before it was too late.


Lafran led Corora through the outskirts of the tribe to his family's large farm. The sun was high, casting a warm glow over the green pastures where cows grazed peacefully. 

This was the moment to demonstrate Corora's newly discovered strength, but he knew the risks. Yesterday, he had been fortunate when Corora became tired before causing too much damage. Today, he needed to be cautious.

Understanding that the dangers outside the tribe could be far greater, and without a companion like Corora, he felt compelled to test her limits safely.

"Alright, Corora," Lafran said quietly, patting her gently on the side. "Let's show them what you can do. Knock those cows down, but be careful. Don't hurt them too much or kill them."

Corora's eyes reflected her determination. Lafran hesitated, then fed her the special pill. Immediately, a glowing system screen appeared before him:

[ Ding!

[ Corora leveled up to level four, congratulations!

[ Note: Due to an unknown substance, creatures who ingest it may become aggressive. ]

With renewed vigor, Corora charged at the cows. At first, she followed Lafran's instructions, gently nudging them aside. But soon, her movements grew more forceful, tossing the cows with increasing strength.

Lafran's chest tightened with unease as he watched her. Despite his worry, he let her continue, knowing they needed to understand her full capabilities.

[ Ding!

[ Corora leveled up to level four and half, congratulations!

[ Note: Increased attack power and speed observed. ]

Corora grew slightly larger, her movements quickening. She maneuvered through the herd with surprising agility, pushing cows aside with more force.

Lafran's gaze remained fixed on her. He needed to see how far she could go, even if it made him uneasy.

[ Ding!

[ Corora leveled up to level five, congratulations!

[ Note: Maximum potential of the pill reached. Extreme caution advised. ]

Corora's transformation was complete. She had grown significantly larger, and her attacks became ferocious. She charged through the herd, tossing the cows like they were toys.

Lafran watched in a mix of awe and concern as two massive, drill-like horns emerged from Corora's head, emitting a strange dark energy that seemed to connect her feet, amplifying her power. This energy appeared to drive her rampage beyond his control.

He swallowed hard at the sight but managed to shout desperately, trying to calm her down.

"Corora, easy now! Don't hurt them!"

Yet, Corora seemed oblivious to his commands. Fueled by the strange side effects of the pill and the dark energy, she continued her chaotic assault on the herd, causing fear and panic among the cows.

If his father found out what he had done, he would surely be furious. Fearful of the consequences, Lafran took cover behind a nearby tree.

Suddenly, the ground shook with the sound of approaching hooves. 

Lafran's heart pounded as he felt familiar with the sound it was making. 

He turned his head, it was Whitegale, his father's sturdy donkey and protector, charging towards Corora. 

Lafran had barely noticed the burden the donkey was carrying on its back, so intent was he on Corora's uncontrollable rampage.

"Whitegale!" Lafran called out, his voice a mix of relief and urgency. "Stop her but don't hurt her, please!"

Whitegale brayed loudly, a determined force in its eyes as it barreled towards Corora. 

The clash was immediate and brutal.


Hooves and horns collided with a force that echoed through the field. 

Lafran stood rooted to the spot, his mind running wild. He knew Whitegale was strong, but Corora's newly enhanced power, augmented by the strange energy coursing through her, made her a formidable opponent.

So Corora evaded Whitegale's attempts to subdue her with a disturbing ease, her powerful horn finding its mark against the donkey's ribs.


The impact sent Whitegale airborne. Lafran winced as he heard the painful cry of the donkey. 

Whitegale crashed into a dried tree, landing in a dreadful position: upside down, with his hooves entangled in the branches.

"No, Whitegale!" 

Lafran shouted, frustration and helplessness gripping his neck. He had no clear plan for what to do next. 

Just as Lafran feared for Whitegale's life, Corora suddenly stumbled back. 

He saw a glint of confusion and exhaustion in her eyes as she collapsed to the ground, with her breaths coming in heavy and her labored gasps.

"Corora?" Lafran, ever vigilant, didn't move immediately. He approached her cautiously, his steps measured and deliberate. "Are you okay?"

Corora bleated weakly, her strength clearly sapped from the intense burst of energy. Lafran knelt beside her, his hand gently stroking her fur in a calming motion.

"You did well, Corora," he murmured, his voice soft yet serious. "You stopped. But I apologize for putting you through this."

Corora lay still, breathing heavily as she tried to recover. 

Lafran's gaze shifted to Whitegale, who was hanging nearby, panting but otherwise unharmed.

"Thank you, Whitegale," Lafran said, his voice filled with gratitude and a hint of the weight of responsibility he felt.

He knew he couldn't leave them in their current state. 

Determined, Lafran took on the arduous task of moving them one by one to another nearby cave where he had previously nursed Corora back to health last time. 

The creatures were heavy, and the effort required almost half a day—an exhausting, yet necessary endeavor.

Whitegale had been carrying something on its back, but Lafran, focused on the immediate crisis, didn't examine it closely. He assumed it was one of his father's possessions, and left it be for now.

Once they were safe and able to move on their own, Lafran returned to the farm to address the aftermath. He carefully tended to the injured cows, his mind preoccupied with the events that had unfolded.

As he worked, he didn't know that inside the cave, a sudden, unusual light began to emanate from Corora. 

The glow startled Whitegale, who woke up abruptly and scampered off, leaving behind the item it had carried—a look of awareness in its eyes.

[ Evolution in process…

[ After this stage, the creature may become more dangerous due to the host breaking the rules…

[ Please exercise extreme caution.]