

I had always considered it just a myth and a myth, but for it to be a bitter reality that I would live by, this was not an idea When the Angel of Good Angel falls into the hands of the Devil Lucifer What will happen ?? Writer: H. S-Rania

HS_RANIA · Horror
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1 Chs


She barely woke up, laying her hand on her head, with a terrible headache

She looked around, tied to her left hand

I tried to pull it, but in vain the iron chain was tight

In that deep darkness, she could see nothing

She felt nothing but terrible pain and drops of water falling from the black roof that spiders had made her refuge

A strategic place to build their homes

After she toured her eyes and asked in a hoarse voice

"Aisha? ... Zainab? ... Yara?"

But silence was the master of the situation

Until the door opened after a while

To show the huge brown man with muscles that the tattoo made a painting

He looked at it sharply

To get down to her level and he whispered in her ear in his strong manly voice, and that after he grabbed her chin.

"Ask where you are, but those petty people were not loyal enough to stay by your side ... They may have abandoned you in your first crisis."

She tipped her head to raise her untied right hand and slapped it hard

To flutter nervously

"Oh damn, what have you done to my girlfriends? What have I done ??"

A side smile was drawn on his lips, so he looked back

And pulls it from her hair forcefully

"You idiot ... then beware not repeat what you did now ... and regarding the damned name is so sweet to Mister Lucifer."

Shocked upon hearing that name, muttered with a curse

"What are you raving about, are you that shameless Lucifer? Is that damned myth true ??"

He raised his head, smiling maliciously, to lower his gaze, and with a lightning speed, he looked back at her

To pull out her emerald jewel necklace

Stop cursing ... and Lucifer wants your necklace and your soul haha.

Laughed out loud

To add

"Enjoy my hospitality ... and if you want to save your girlfriends ... marry me haha"

To cut the space between the wall that angels were bound to and the door

To clap him hard and get out

As for she, she barely swallowed her saliva in a failed attempt to digest those last letters

In the Cursed Forest, as everyone knows it, the three girls were completely lost

They don't know where they are and why they are here

Zainab muttered in exasperation: "For heaven's sake, let those angels stop their ridiculous games ... A month has passed while they are repeating their sentences to us."

Aisha chuckled: "I will let you go through an adventure that will lead to a panic attack, and you swear it will be your end."

As for Yara, who was wandering near that deserted temple, examining the trees and stones around him, her feelings of anxiety were evident.

To cheer tense

"Girls, it doesn't sound like a silly adventure or friendship prank ... It's worse than all this."

Zainab wrapped her arms to shout sarcastically

"Yuri, we all know that she has a lot of friends in the field of acting, art and cinematic deception, and this must be one of her pranks."

Aisha, horror crept into her heart after she saw drops of blood and the corpse of a young man hanging from the top of a tree around the temple

"Yara girl, it seems ... has a logic ... logic ... logical"

She muttered and terrified her rightly, her limbs were trembling, raising her finger towards the corpse above

As soon as the other saw her, she screamed at the top of her voice

"Aaa ..."

Zeno leaps hugging her friend

She was raising her eyes very slowly, trying to accept the shock and the bitter truth

But ... but after she got her balance of courage she saw enough to get a look

She also cried out loudly, cursing angels

"Damn Angel of God ..."

And she pulled on Yara, incubating her

As for Aisha, her eyes remained dark on the corpse and her index finger was that way

It fell sitting on the ground with its temperature rising and becoming like a volcano about to explode

As for the two girls, they saw that sitting and hugging each other was the best solution. Here they closed their eyes pressed on each other.

The three remained that way

However, a strong wind blew and a black cloud traveled to their skies

Here Aisha approached them and took their hands to whisper into their ears

"Girls, to remain close to each other, and after counting to three, we will stand and run away from this absurdity that we have fallen into ... We will survive ... Yes we will survive ... My friends we will survive and find angels ... We will survive and find her."

In a suffocated and trembling voice, her letters were fired one after the other

After a while, I started counting

"Wa ... one ... two ... two ... two ... three"

She could not finish her sentence as the wind had increased her anger and with difficulty they were able to stay seated on the ground.

Let that anger slowly subside, and here the damned appeared, as Angel called him. All I heard was one of her grandmother's stories about him, which I have always considered an old myth.

But adults know a lot of what is hidden from the little ones

With his arms crossed to his chest, he stood in majesty as a king awaiting his coronation

Looking at the terrified girls sharply, he said strongly

So the last presentation of Mr. Lucifer terrified you so much, I see.

"Who are you bastard, and what is your relationship with what is happening with us ??"

I asked Zainab nervously and in a sharp tone

The other licked him, raising his head, to return his eyes to her, and his sharp features came back

"I am the reason for what is happening, but Angel's husband is your friend Haha"

"Yes? What? You ridiculous"

Aisha asked in an angry tone

"As you heard, my beauty ... I can also make you my second wife haha"

Laughed sarcastically

"Where are the angels, where are they?"

She asked Yara, and in her tone she sent him a message saying she would be killed if she did something wrong for her, O Silly

"Oh, but from gossip and absurdities, I do not know what makes my wife choose you as her friends, because you are the same boredom and insignificance."


She spanked the last girl to stand, holding the hand of her companions

But he did not have time to hear more of their absurdities, which he whispered to himself

And he raises his robe and disappeared from sight

In that dark cellar there were seated angels shivering from the cold and such that the drops of water were very disturbing and her lean body could not bear all this.

From hunger, pain, cold, torment and woo

She does not know what makes a psychiatrist practice her profession and live a simple and enjoyable life with her friends, trying to bring joy to everyone who gets off at the same station she is in.

But her question found its answer after the specter of Lucifer appeared again before her. It did not open and knocked on the door until it appeared suddenly without announcing that.

"Where did you come from ??"

I asked him sharply

To make him laugh as he wrapped his fingers in the locks of his charcoal hair, which was streaked with fiery locks

"I am Lucifer, the Devil Genie, suddenly appeared without earning you ears."

To add, and it has gone down to its level and started playing with her hair sometimes and holding her chin at times, raising it towards it.

So what has my beautiful decided: Are we going to marry tonight and sacrifice our souls?

I spat on his face


She nervously added

He ran his fingers across his face, firmly pulling her hair, and lifting her up

"You damn it"

She pressed her lips, preventing her groans from freeing, as she would not allow anyone to enjoy the sound of her pain

Then he pulled it and nailed in front of it like a wall

"You will see what will happen. You will see. I will take this damn necklace and sip your blood to the point of your death, my dear wife."

Then to come down to release the cuff on her left hand

To make her follow him, dragging her behind him

They came out of that basement into the front garden, she couldn't have time to contemplate the view or to enjoy some fresh air as he was quick in his steps.

To enter his great mansion, and in the same vein, they went up the stairs quickly. Her ankle twisted her ankle to groan in pain.

He turned to her without caring what had just happened, whispering near her ear, pulling out her locks of hair

"My angel will suffer the most ... You wanted it"

To pull her back at the end of that narrow corridor to the right of the stairs her room was

True ownership but slavery remains even if your bathroom water is jewels

He threw it on the bed

To repeat in a fatal tone:

"Tonight, Doctor's end will be the end of Angel ... the necklace is with me, so forget about your freedom."

Elsewhere, girls were walking around the woods holding hands close to each other, looking for any way to find a way out to bring support to help their fellow disappeared from the middle.

Lucifer returns to appear before them in the midst of that frightening dark forest that resembles the jungle of the Amazon

"Hello, welcome back to meet."

He added sarcastically to add

"I will not hear a word, but to tell you there is nothing more beautiful than for your friend to share her joy at her wedding haha"

"Damn ... despicable ... bastard"

Yara annoyed and attacked him

But with one movement of her hand he pushed her away from him with the power of the jewel he now possesses, which makes him stronger

The necklace

Aisha added with horror

" what is the matter with her? "

Zainab asked with interest

To mumble Aisha

According to legend, if the necklace falls into evil hands, the good will forever end.

I held her head, as she got a terrible headache as soon as she thought about it

Lucifer returns to disappear, but this time he has the girls find themselves in a large party hall

And he clapped his hands in front of them, speeding up time

"Tonight is the night of the full moon and the end of the story of goodness and the world."

Lucifer chuckled to add

"My wedding night to the angel of goodness"

The angels went down the stairs forced, and her heart squeezed

To approach her and hold her hand, announcing the beginning of the party

A lot of time passed and the girls were thinking of a way to find a solution to the dilemma

After a long thought, they decided to distract him while Angel pulled the necklace

The moment the girls pushed his powers away from him, as the moment of the full moon had come

Angels pulled the necklace from his hand

Strongly blatant

"On this night, the powers of good, wake up and announce your will forever."