
Chapter 324 Here Comes the Durian. Which One Should I Kneel on?

The roses on the table were new, and there were red wine, candles and champagne.

Her computer and cell phone were on the tea table in front of the TV.

The computer was wiped clean and the phone was replaced with a new case.

Besides these two things, there were also some other things that Kristen was most familiar with.

Especially the bear which she had for a long time.

The bear was wearing a handmade dress with a broken leg.

Kristen walked over and picked up the ragged bear, lost in her memory.

This bear was the only gift she got in her childhood.

She found it by the river after she was rescued by Trey.

This bear had accompanied her whole childhood, girlhood, and even after she grew up...

Taking a deep breath, Kristen looked at her computer and hesitated for a while before pressing the power button.