
Chapter 123 Kristen, Apologize to Emilee

Kristen was stunned.

She didn't expect to meet Emilee, the woman who was out of reach for Trey, in such a way.

She thought, Emilee can't be here by accident.

She has always been haughty, and of course, she disdains places like this.

Let alone hairpins from stalls, she doesn't even buy common luxury. She only buys exclusive luxury or custom-made items.

Yet Kristen didn't care. She was simply stunned for a few seconds. Soon, she came back to her senses and nodded calmly. "Yes."

"How can you do this?

"You ... are disgracing our school by doing this.

"You are a student of New York University after all.

"Stop doing this, OK? How much are these things? I will give you the money.

"You know what? Save the trouble. I'll just give you 16 thousand dollars.

"Stop being a vendor here."

Emilee looked very angry.

The surrounding girls were dumbfounded.

They thought, 16 thousand dollars?