
Introductory Letter

Dear Norton,

How are you? I mean, how have you been? Hope you're eating well! Please, please take care of yourself. If that's a word or something! In any case - Wanna tell you that I got into a role--Like it's a very important one! THAT IMPORTANT! It's a surprise though! I hope I can invite you to watch it with us when it gets released! See you there, okay?

Take care!

Love Always, Mikey ♡

End of letter.

Norton stared at the letter for a moment before sighing exasperatedly. A deep breath from a heavy heart. He never knew a letter could tire him this much. The sudden feeling of pain went through his stomach while reading. Worse part- the person who had sent him the letter was his former lover.

Sometimes, Norton wondered if he made the right choice to keep Mike as a friend after their break up, knowing Mike now belongs to another man. Their break up was neither bad nor good. It was quiet, it was solemn, it was full of respect.

Norton was a workaholic; he was fully aware of his insensitivity towards his lover. He worked day and night, just letting the clock tick its end. It came to the point where he would often cancel his date plans with Mike and even forgetting to messaging him back. It seems to him that a simple I love you as a message would consume him so much time. And with that, Mike felt that he wasn't valued enough. Was he a mere decoration to Norton who gets swarmed by the ladies in the office? Norton is a good-looking man. Talented and full of life. Norton was this ideal man who could take you out on a date on a rainy day and sharing under a single umbrella could make your heart roll over the floor. Was he worth someone's everything? Mike would beg to differ.

Mike and Norton often fought to the point that Norton would almost raise his hand against Mike out of stress and exhaustion. The raging emotions just couldn't make Norton any better person that he ends up hurting the very person whom he adores the most. Norton doesn't deserve Mike at all. Mike was loving and understanding towards him. He was Norton's safe haven. Norton knew what he was doing, and chose to break up instead. Mike wanted to stay - he really does, because he believed that they could still work it out. For Mike, Norton was his world. But Norton thought so otherwise. He thought that distance was the solution. He was honestly indecisive but it was tiring. The constant fighting and demands, the quarrels and misunderstanding just made him grew out of love.

So, they both agreed and decided to separate ways.

Back when they were still together, behind the curtain was this one guy who was constantly comforting Mike and giving him the attention that Norton couldn't provide. He was Lucky, Mike's childhood friend. Lucky's feelings are unrequited for a long time. Back when he could remember how Mike's smile made his day. Mike was Lucky's light in this dark and seemingly lost path. But Mike couldn't give back his feelings. He thought Lucky as his dear friend, Their relationship was no more than that.

Yet some things could change.

In between the quarrels with Norton, Mike knew, at the back of his mind, a warm and gentle hand was pressing against his cold and pained heart. A patient and worried voice constantly whispering that he is not alone, that he is loved. It was Lucky.

Tears became grins. Grins turned into bigger smiles. And those smiles, at some point, made his heart beat in a different way.

Lucky was there when Norton wasn't.

Lucky held the rope that Norton kept on dropping.

Lucky caught Mike after Norton finally cut the bond between them.

It was Lucky, not Norton.

Yet Norton never expected the turn of events.

Norton firmly believed that he was the only thing Mike ever has. He was so confident that despite the constant fights that Mike would always welcome him into his arms each day.

After a few years, Norton finally saw Mike happy again. Happy and loved - but with someone else. His heart had shattered into a million pieces. He wanted him back. He really does. His mind screams for Mike's name. His soul weeping for his former lover.

His body yearning for the old flame to come back again. But after all the mistreatment he had made, after the abandonment of a love that was still ready to accept him for who he is, he knew he had to let Mike go. He knew he had to endure the pain of loneliness.

He can't bring back what was lost.

Flames don't die so quickly. Mike was aware that he still loves Norton, so he insisted to stay as friends. He still wanted to stay connected, which Norton had accepted.

It's been two years after the break up, but it seems that Norton still hasn't healed. He was good at hiding under his mask of personalities, the agony which he had tied within his heart for a long time. He was too focused on his career that it ends up losing someone who was his everything.

Norton slumped down in his bed, shoving off the letter Mike had given inside his drawer. Mike would give letters twice a month to him. Such an old school, he chuckled. But after a small laugh, was a rushing tear that fell into his cheek, down to his lips. Fighting hard to not let any more feelings out, he turned off the lights and went to sleep, praying that these emotions won't haunt him, or perhaps, even in dreams, the love that was once lost will never be found.


In this modern world where snail mail is not an option...I'm a postman. Some people are wondering why do I still insist on delivering letters when I can opt out to other jobs at the post office...

As a matter of fact,

I love this job. It has something that I do not have. It carries various emotions that I cannot feel or receive. Joy. Regret. Love. Happiness. Anger. Sadness. And other emotions a normal people show on their daily basis.

I…don't have anyone aside from my pup that accompany me to work every day. This work is something that makes me look forward to everyday. Especially the exchange between these couple which still uses mails to exchange messages between them.

One was a very cheerful and bright actor. He's cute like my pup.

The other a corporate research analyst. Always so serious usually has bags under his eyes. He's handsome.

I saw how their expressions turn out from being so in love, to being sad in a span of a couple of years exchanging letters.

They still continue exchanging letters up until today but it was evident that the other was much happier today. I can't say for sure to the corporate slave. Loneliness. Sadness. Regret. It filled his onyx eyes every time he receives the letters from me.

I want to comfort him. I want to see those bright eyes he had when he first received and sent his letters to the other party. It's a pity though. It seems they are no more now. And to keep exchanging letter is breaking him even more.

As per my usual schedule I'm on my way to pick up his letter for the actor.

"Good Morning Mr. Postman. You're always in time for this"

I flash a hearty smile to him. As usual I receive his letter to him if he happened to be at home.

This was the first time he initiated a conversation. It was usually Here's my letter for today. Please deliver it safely. Thank you.

"Hmm, here's a letter... For you"

My jaw literally dropped from receiving a letter instead of delivering it. What is this emotion I'm feeling? It's heartwarming. I feel shocked, happy, scared and other things I don't have no word for.

Then a tear suddenly dropped.

"Mr. Postman, Did I do something terrible? Are you crying because you thought that letter would end my contract with the post office? I'm sorry, that's not about it."

He's scratching his head. He felt perplexed with my reaction. I flashed him the biggest smile I could ever show in my entire life.

I rummage my bag to find a pen and the usual colorful sticky notes that I stick up to the letters he received.

Ahhh- I can't see where it was. I need to speak up to him fast.


My voice can't get out. I still can't let it out. My heart is pulsating. I'm scared . This is terrible.


A hand was placed on my head. All the uneasiness was gone. I looked up and smiled to him once again for reassurance and take my time rummaging my sling bag until I found it.

It's Viktor I wrote it up.

"Huh?" He looks concerned earlier but this time flustered.

My name is Viktor. Thank you so much Mr. Campbell for the letter. I will treasure it

The letters on the piece of paper were so small. I hope he reads it well.

Next time I'll bring a pad to make sure I get my message across.


It's the first time Norton gave someone a letter other than his former lover. He did not expect that this little postman to cry over it. It was adorable how he's holding onto it though. His eyes fresh from tears but still glitter at that paper. It made him chuckle and pat his head.

The postman turned to him with a bright smile on his face and subconsciously he smiled back

Reading those words that this person will treasure his letter gave him mixed feelings. Does Mike ever treasure my letters? Or maybe not. Maybe for Mike, It's just a unique communication system of some sort. Norton's expression turns into a frown. He's trying his best to sway those negative emotions away

As he did. He noticed the little postman tilted his head. With that troubled look on his face. Before the postman could write up a message in his piece of paper, Norton immediately replied

"I'm fine. Take care now."

Walking back inside his house without looking back.

That little postman--No, Viktor always looked worried and curious whenever he sends me letters. I wondered why? Like why is he concerned about me?

For the past few years. Coincidentally, Viktor is the postman I often encounter who sends and receives the letters for Mike and I. I never noticed it before but this guy has been in my mind for days now

There's this odd feeling inside me. I want to know this person. I've been ignoring these feelings quite some time now but last night was different. Out of impulse. I wrote him a letter...

Dear Mr. Postman,

Good Day to you. I would like to thank you. You're a hardworking fellow and you never fail to give me and a good friend of mine the best service a postman could give.

I want to say more but I'm not used to talking in general and even in letters. I would like to ask If when are you free? Perhaps, I could treat you for a lunch or dinner? I would like to thank you properly.

Sincerely Yours,

Norton Campbell

End of Letter

"What am I doing with my life?" I mumbled to myself. I slump to my bed. Tossing from one side to the other. Till I stop and stared at the ceiling. Closing my eyes and began to drift away. Tomorrow is a new day. Those words I often tell myself before I fall into a deep slumber.


I never felt so ashamed in my life. I cried in front of him. I even said I'll treasure it. I hope he's not weirded out. I'm glad I flash a smile to hide my embarrassment or else I would let the floor eat me whole.

But a pain looked suddenly flashed in his onyx eyes. It's only subtle but I always catch it anyway. This is what made me curious about him even more because out of all the clients I encountered. They openly showed me their feelings

For Mr. Campbell... It was different. He tried to send and receive his letters without showing much of his emotions

The couple of years of service to him as a postman, I get a hold of familiarity with this man's changes in his expressions.

As I showed concern, he dismisses me right away.

Right, we've just recently got acquainted.

But finally, I managed to tell him my name. Looking back, he didn't even ask me what my name is. Am I getting ahead of myself? I'm not in my right mind. Get a hold of yourself Viktor!

As soon as I get back home I opened and read his letter.

The content of his letter was very him. Short. Concise. Very formal. Something you'll expect from a very stoic man such as himself.

It might sound too extra that I said I'll treasure it. But what can I do? It's the first letter I received from someone that was addressed to me. But most importantly, he asked me out on a da--No--A lunch out—Ahh-- To thank me for all my hard work. But at least I got one step ahead to know more about him and also befriending him.

I must prepare myself for this fated day. But first I must write a reply when I'm available for this meeting.

I got up from my desk and look for a stationary. I rummage the stockpiles of paper inside my drawer only to realize that I don't have one…

Right. This would also be the first time I'm going to write to someone aside from my mom. I don't have any envelop on me. I always burn my letters to her so that the smoke going up could reach her whenever she was.

Good thing. My subordinate constantly gives me papers. Said he often have them stock in his place because his dorm mate is studying in college and use a lot of papers. It's quite crowded in their place. To lessen his burden, I took some and keep it with me. I never realized I will need these papers someday.

So, to write my letter…

Dear Mr. Campbell,

Thank you very much for acknowledging my hard work. I really love this job and it was showing in my work.

Thank you for your invitation! I'm very much honored. I have never received an invitation such as this. I'm available on xx Aug 2019, at around 4 PM.

Looking forward to your reply if this schedule would fit to yours.


Viktor Granz

P.S. I'm very sorry for the way I acted back then. I must've gotten ahead of myself. But tears just fell out. I just want you to know that your letter was the very first one I received from someone. I will keep my word and treasure it. Hoping you have a good day today as well too!

End of Letter

A mound of crumbled paper is on my side. How many did I write until I'm satisfied with my reply... And still not quite satisfied at all.

This is really challenging.

I hope this doesn't sound too apologetic.

But I really anticipate his reply. I really do.


It was Friday. As usual I would go to my Mailbox to check If I receive any letters.

Whenever I missed the Postman's call. He always leave it by my mailbox and put a small colorful note there that goes Good Day Sir! Here is your letter, Have a nice day! I figured It was the same Postman right away. His handwriting. His construction of the message. His colorful notes. I think It's some kind protocol that all Postman do to provide a good customer service. I think?

I have a stock of his colorful notes in my drawer already. I never throw it anyway or anything letter related for that matter. I don't have time to do so. I'm too busy so I just stock everything in my closet or drawer.

I recall this one time, I thought I receive my letter from a different Postman since he didn't leave a small note in it. There's this small voice inside of my head. Sadness and disappointment. It got me irritable the entire day. I didn't understand why I got all those negativities swirling inside of me. I know I'm always sullen but for some reason this one was...different.

What other's view of me was not that surprising. Unfriendly and unapproachable--Some even see me as a gloomy person. Only a few would try to approach or even befriend me. Maybe I really was what they say.

After a few weeks. I didn't expect anything at all when my letters were delivered.

I went to my mailbox as quickly as I can. I took out the letter and when I was about to close my mailbox a small note drops from it. I blinked for a couple of seconds and kneel down to take it. I curiously scanned the paper in my hand. Colorful note…


"It's him again." I subconsciously smile at the small note in my hand. Then snap back in an instant. I covered my mouth with my hand. Wide eye. Why am I smiling? What am I expecting from of this? A bubble of warmth envelops my heart. This small colorful note made me happy.

I turn the note and to my surprise Its long compared to the generic ones I receive. It's always Good day Sir or Have a nice day kind of thing. I began to read it

Good Day Sir Campbell

That was the first time I saw my name on his note. Of course, he knows my name. It was written when being sent to me. I was just a little shock he writes it down this time. I continued to read

Here is your letter. Sorry, I forgot to greet you with a small note last time! I was in a hurry and there are tons of letters I have to deliver that day that I need to leave immediately! I want to greet you properly this time! Hope you have a nice day!

Pfft . I chuckle. He didn't have to explain whatever happened but for some reason he still does. He must be really busy. It's a holiday season after all.

Little by little. I expect his notes even more than Mike's letters. Strange . We didn't even exchange letters yet this note brings a smile on my face.

I have to thank him for everything.

Everything...? Is it because he's doing his job well? Or making me smile with the notes? Well. Whatever, I just want to thank him. How though?

After recalling that memory. I took all the letters inside my Mailbox. While heading inside my house. I noticed one letter is different from the others. I turn it and saw Viktor Granz written in the middle of the envelope. He replied already. That was fast.

I sat down the sofa and starts reading his letter. Pfft. A chuckle escapes my lips. This postman have the most amusing replies I've ever seen. He even put a post note and apologize for crying.

"What an odd fellow"

He accepted my invitation.

"4pm huh?" I scratched my head staring at the letter I received. Do I have a meeting that day? I sure hope not otherwise I will either cancel this or will be very late. That's a bad impression. I sighed. I took out my phone and texted my secretary.

Norton: Ms. Nair any updates for the upcoming meeting with the board of directors [Sent: 0819]

Vera: Good Morning Mr. Campbell. Early as usual! Not really Sir, for now the schedule are being confirmed by Mr. Carl. I will probably get the confirmation this week. Rest assured I will inform you ASAP [Sent: 0820]

Norton: Alright. [Sent: 0820]

Vera: Anything else you need, Sir? [Sent: 0820]

"Anything I need?" I think of a response for a few minutes before I reply.

Norton: I was wondering If I'm free next Friday. 1600H? [Sent: 0820]

"Vera~" A woman with crimson dreadlocks called flashing a smile at Vera. Vera didn't acknowledge her calls. Her attention is fixed at the phone in her hand. Leaning closer to Vera the woman peek slowly creep to her side. When Vera realize someone's presence she shot up from her seat and to her surprise it was her friend.


"You wereeee soooo preoccupied~~ You didn't notice me! Who was that anyway?"

"It was Mr. Campbell"

"Oh that hottie~ what's up? Ya know what! I'm kinda jelly! He always like--like ALWAYS talk to you! Ya know!"

"It's not romantically Fiona and shh! Others might hear you're calling him - Hottie - He's our boss"

"Yea, Yea~ but he's still a hottie and everyone in the company knows that. He's one of the princes here ya know~ Man, I would love to date one of those five hotties ♡"


"What's up anyway? You look like a worried mother. You guys are college buddies, right? Hm~ perhaps that's why you guys are so close."

"You talk too much, Fiona"

"Thanks for stating. Captain Obvious~"

"Well. It's strange."

"Hm? What is?"

"Mr. Campbell is asking if he's free next Friday. 4pm."


"Right? No way. He never asks this. Not AT ALL. It was always work work work. No free time for himself. He's always available for work though"

"Maybe he has a lover?"

"Fiona. Don't go spreading rumors! I share this to you out of all people. I trust you to keep this between us."

"Promise~ but hey! Maybe he has a new lover? Heehee"

"Maybe? In any case. I hope he's free on that day otherwise--Well. I hope just he is."

"You care quite a lot for a friend Vera yieeee~"

"N-no! It's just he deserves to be happy and a break too. THAT'S ALL FIONA!"

"rightttt~ happy. Pfft"

"Get back to work, Young Lady!"

"Okaaaayyyy Mom~ see you at lunch!"

"Oh Fiona"

Vera: I apologize for the delay. I'll clear up your schedule next Friday. Have a pleasant day, Mr. Campbell [Sent: 0907]

That was one long delay. Vera is probably busy working.

In any case, Friday 4pm. What to do. I'm thinking of where to go for dinner. I opened my laptop to work or maybe research of places to eat. Restaurants? I have a couple of places in mind. What to wear? Should I wear something casual? Or maybe formal. It is dinner after all. What else?

What do I mean what else ? I tap my fingers against the table. Arched my back a little just to stare at the ceiling. I'm thinking about this meeting way too much. I can't even focus on work right now. I need to head to my office already but for some reason rest is a stronger call today.

No. I need to go to work. I don't want to cause trouble for Vera or any of my subordinates. I turn to my laptop once again. I was about to key in my password…


My phone rang. I shifted my gaze and took it. A number? Who could this be? I open the message.




I pause for a long time. My eyes began to widened in shock. The contents petrified me "W-what happened!?" I turn pale as a sheet. My heart is speeding up. I was internally panicking. As fast as I can I immediately grab my coat and gather my valuables. Run towards my garage and start my car. I can feel fear slowly creeping inside me. My stomach felt like It's being torn inside out. I gripped the steering wheel. Shaking as I rest my head on it. Pull yourself together! Nothing bad happened. No….Nothing!

'Norton. I love you'

'Is this for me!?'

'You're the best!'

'I'm always here for you.'

'Don't go.'

'We can still fix things up right?'

Those words are starting to occupy my mind. Tears threatening to fall. Shutting my eyes. I anxiously wait for my garage door to open.

"Please...Please...Be okay...be...okay" I chant those words over and over again. When the light from the outside touch my car. I looked up and starts pumping the gas. Quickly, I make my way to the streets, passing every shortcut to Sacred Heart Hospital.

"I'm OKAY! Stop making that face." Mike pout brushing his fingers over Lucky's face. He continued to do so seeing Lucky's worried expression, "Please. It's not your fault, Lucky."

"I know. Sorry." Lucky held his hand. Giving him a smile. Both of them smiled at each other, "Do you...need anything? I can get you something to eat, if you want."

Mike tap his chin looking around. Lucky waited for his response but he has a hunch what might Mike would like to have and It's not the kind he would like for him to have "Well~ I like something sweet. Hm, Chocolate?"

I knew it Lucky muttered under his breath.

"Chocolate? You've been eating nothing but sweets lately." Lucky frowned. He knows how much Mike loves sweets and will eat nothing but sweets every single day. Lucky always cook something healthy for Mike. Even If Mike didn't fancy it at all. Knowing someone cared for him like Lucky do. He appreciates it. After all Lucky did make time to prepare such delicious delicacy.

"Fine! Fruits will do. They're sweets too anyway."

"Good." Lucky snorted. Sometimes Mike can be really childish and that's something he doesn't show in public. His roles were always those serious type of characters. Strange , cause he thinks Mike will fit that adorable type of character role.

Lucky gave Mike a kiss on his forehead before leaving but before he turns the knob. Mike called out to him. He immediately turns to Mike with a smile

"What is it?"

"Did...um...Did Norton message you back?"

"Norton...? Oh." Lucky stared at Mike for a moment and a sharp breath escape his mouth. It was so obvious how disgusted he was hearing that name. It was Mike's ex-lover. The jerk that dumped Mike. The jerk that made Mike cry every night. Yeah , That's the name he loathed the most but couldn't show it to Mike. He doesn't want Mike to feel guilty or sad of what he feels for that jerk because Norton was still Mike's special someone. Lucky replied in a dull tone "He didn't, sorry."

"Oh. Thank you." Mike slump his shoulder. Lucky could see how disappointed Mike was. Lucky knew that Mike still have these lingering feelings towards that guy but he didn't let it bother him it might stir some trouble in their relationship. He left the room. Shaking his head.

Humming alone in the room. Mike stared at the window. What an empty sky he mumbled. He recalled what had happened before this accident. That fall gave him a big break from the shoot or anything in particular. He shouldn't have been that reckless. It was an insane stunt to pull off. Declining the stunt man. He thought It will be a good opportunity to impress the staff.

Unfortunately, it didn't go so well. A chase scene where the protagonist race to catch the perpetrator. I was ahead of myself when I jump from that third-floor building window to the next. I missed my step and fall flat on the ground. I fell unconscious afterwards.

When I woke up. I was in the hospital. My whole-body aches from my injuries. I can't muster my strength to open my eyes. I can only listen to my surroundings.

"Mr. Morton is stable."

"That's reassuring..."

"Thank you so much, Doctor"

"I shall take my leave. Call me in case something happens."

CLICK. Those familiar voices.

"I need to go too. Is it okay for you to take care of Mike for me? There are some things I need to discuss with the team..." That voice. Must be my manager. Mr. Jack

"It's alright. Thank you, Sir Jack." Familiar. That's Lucky. He sounded dispirited.

"...I don't think he'll be able to--"

"Yes. I will tell that when he wakes up."

"Hope he don't get too depressed about it."

"He won't. Thank you for the concern, Sir."

"Thanks, Lucky."

With that Jack left the room. Lucky then turn to Mike. He cupped his hand. Lucky sighed exasperatedly, "You're such a troublemaker you know that." Lucky stared at Mike's face. His face had few scratches and bruises nothing too bad but still made his chest pang. He then stare at Mike's left fractured leg. Shaking his head. You'll be resting for quite a while.

I'm so sorry If only Mike could tell him. He regretted it too late. For now, He needed to rest. Get his strength back apologize to everyone, to Lucky. Worrying them was not his intention. He needs to be careful from now on.

"Mike...I'm sorry..."

Mike felt someone's warmth caressing his cheeks. Holding his hand gently. Mike woke up at the sound of someone's sobbing near him. He slowly opened his eyes. He must have been dozing off while staring out the window minutes ago.

"Nngh...." Mike slowly composed himself. His eyes lazily blinked, Slowly he turn to the person who was making this muffled cries and to his shock. He saw Norton looking deep in his eyes. He can tell Norton have been crying for a while now. Mike's chest tightened. He wanted to see him so bad. He wanted to hold him. He wanted to talk to him personally. But he couldn't tell him that. He can only savor their friendship and appreciate they still have that relationship. Besides Norton only sees him as a friend now, Right? He let him go after all.

"Y-you...you're awake....I..." Norton's voice cracked.

"Norton. I thought--" Mike was cut off by Norton's sudden embrace. Hearing Norton's voice. Made his heart ache even more. It was a long time since they see each other personally. Both were busy with work. Norton's action always cause Mike's emotions in turmoil. He can't help but to feel joy and pain at the same time whenever Norton is around.

Mike hugged him. He rests his head in Norton's shoulder.

The two shared a long silent embrace. Until Norton lets him go. Norton was about to ask what happen when Mike stopped him knowing he will ask a handful of questions. Mike took the initiative to explained it to Norton instead.

"Why are you so reckless..." Norton groaned. Norton was angry alright but he didn't want to get TOO angry. He looked away from Mike distracting himself from the worry and stress whirling inside him. Mike was injured and needed some rest. He tries his best to control his emotions. Mike knew this and just gave him a smile.

"I promise to be careful from now." Mike reassured. Looking at Norton and giving him that same puppy dog eyes he makes back when they were together to simmer his anger. It always works like a charm.

"Whatever. Just..." Norton run his fingers through his hair. His eyes are still unfocused. Seeing Norton panic make Mike chuckle. Same old Norton . Mike thought to himself.


By the sound of the door opening. A brown-haired guy bobs his head. To the guy's surprise he saw someone sitting next to Mike. His expression turn irritated.

"Lucky! You're back! Took you long enough!" Mike said enthusiastically.

"Y-yeah. The mall was kind of far. The canteen didn't have anything good for you to eat. So I bought this for you instead." Lucky walk up to them without greeting Norton. He made his way towards the table placing various fruits in it.

"Wow! That's a lot!" Mike's eyes glitter from the sight of the fruits laid out for him, "Eat, you two! Norton and Lucky!"

"Oh. I'm full." Norton declined. He narrowed his eyes towards Lucky. It was obvious his presence is not wanted here. He was kind of pissed. Lucky was the one who sent him a message to come yet he's not VERY welcoming of him.

Mike happily took a bite of every fruit. Lucky smiled at him happily peeling the oranges for him to eat.

Norton watch Mike eating happily. Glad he's in high spirits even with the injuries he has. Lucky saw Norton staring lovingly towards his lover. It was ticking him off. While glaring at Norton's solemn expression he thought of something to pissed him off.

"Mike." Lucky called

"Hm?" Gulping the last fruit he was eating. Lucky took out a piece of an orange and place it in front of Mike's face

"Say ahh" Lucky said teasingly, "I'll feed you"

"Whaa? Seriously--I-I can feed myself you know!" Mike replied. Blushing deeply as he removed the orange from his view

"Aww. You don't want me to? That's sad..." Lucky pouts. Mike still keep that same hue plastered on his face. Mike was too flustered over this that he didn't notice Norton's discomfort watching them both flirting in front of him

"F-fine...Geez!!!" Mike opened his mouth. Letting lucky feed him. Even with that face he's making Mike seemed satisfied being spoiled like this.

Norton grit his teeth. Clenching his fist. Seeing both of them go lovey-dovey in front of him. Guess, He's not needed here anymore. Norton stood up. Took his bag without looking back.

"I need to go. Take care Mike." Norton turn his back. Still have his fist balled. He didn't come to see this.

"Norton--" Mike was about to call Norton back when Lucky stopped him

"I'll talk to him, Okay? You rest here." Lucky gave Mike a kiss on his forehead and starts heading to where Norton went.

Norton walks in an empty hallway. Sighing profusely. I shouldn't have gone here I'm so stupid. Why am I doing this to myself? Lost in thought Norton didn't hear someone's call from behind

He was given a tight grab on the wrist

"Hey! You trying to ignore me too?"

With that strong force and that voice he snaps out of his trance. Norton turn around. It was none other than Lucky. His brow crunched and his aura changed from bitter to an annoyed one.

"What do YOU want?" Norton asked. He was still agitated of what was Lucky trying to do earlier. He knew it was a way to provoke him. It worked so perfectly. He understands that Mike and him are a thing now but that bitter past still haunts him and can get his nerves easily. He still had feelings for Mike after all.

"Nothing much. Just want to walk you out of the hospital as a thank you for visiting. That's all."

"Is that Mike's request."

"Nah. It's all on me."

"I can walk on my own. I don't need you"

"If you say so. I'm still assisting you though."

"Please don't." I'm asking nicely. Hope he goes away.

"I told you it's a thank you"

"I don't NEED it" Is he trying to annoy me more?

With that Norton stormed off knowing Lucky's persistence will anger him. He walk as fast as he could. Away from Lucky.

This bothered Lucky alot. He was being kind to this jerk because he was a close friend to Mike but this is the treatment he gets. Lucky stopped and stared at Norton whose presence getting farther away from him. Lucky closed his eyes. A sharp breath escape his mouth. He began to speak.

"Mike don't need you." Lucky said sarcastically, "You don't have to see or talk to him anymore. I'm here. I'll take care of him"

Norton stopped his track. How dare this guy? Don't have to see or talk to him? Who does he think he is!? He didn't even take care of Mike at all! That's why he's confined here. This snap Norton from his senses. He turns to Lucky with a sharp glare.

"Take care of him!? You fucking let him fall!!! How the fuck is that taking care of him!?" Norton retorted. His anger finally took over him. Throwing all logic he has off the window. He wanted to get this off his chest so bad. Even If it means loosing his composure in front of this guy.

"Calm down were at the hospital, Norton..." Lucky frowned at Norton's response. He didn't expect Norton to make a big deal out of it. Then again, knowing Norton have no control over his emotions whenever he's angry. He got worried that they might disturb the people residing here

"Don't call my name! Don't go buddy-buddy with me!" Norton grit his teeth. He wanted to punch Lucky so bad. He always do. Ever since he took Mike from him.

"If you keep doing this. I will call security..." Lucky warned taking out his phone.

"Wow! Go ahead. You don't deserve him!"

"And you do?" It feels like a pin was dropped down by Lucky's reply. It sure hit Norton in the gut. It made Norton falter.

"I..." Norton wavered

"Don't act like you did better. For all I know you brought nothing but pain to him. No wonder he left someone like you"


"It hurts doesn't it? because It's true. I'm tolerating you because you're important to him but I do hope he dumps you as a friend already. I'm sick of being nice to a jerk like you."


"He never deserves you. No one ever does."

With that Lucky walk away leaving Norton by himself. Those words cut him so deep. Reopening that same wound again. He was still lost after the break up. It feels like everything related to Mike hurt him. Why can't he get over it? No matter how many distractions he made. It was worthless. What was it that he needed to move on? Did he really deserve to suffer like this? Again. Endless negative thoughts swirling inside his head. He depressingly heads down to his favorite bar. Maybe if he drinks he will forget. He hopes he does


I got too excited and sent him my reply right away upon receiving his letter of invitation. I put it in his mailbox. I have a hunch he's not home and probably is working hard as usual in his company.

What would his reply be? I hope Friday would be okay. I would be quite busy delivering letters on weekends. I hope it was not too much of a hassle for him.

It was the day I was expecting a reply from Mr. Campbell. The anticipation is making my heart thump. I can't wait to finish delivering all these letters at once and finally proceed to his mailbox.

As I was walking down my neighborhood to get to work a flash news caught my attention.

"Flash Showbiz News! This afternoon. Famous action star Mike Morton fell off the building performing action stunt for his upcoming movie. Currently, the media was informed by the actor's management that his condition is stable. Fans of...."

My tracks were stopped upon hearing the news from the radio an old woman was listening to.

Mr. Morton had an accident but at least his condition was already stable. That was good news. But Mr. Campbell must know of this. News don't reach fast on his ears unless someone tell it to him as soon as possible. I need to tell it to him quick. Mr. Morton and Mr. Campbell only exchange messages via letters. What if the news didn't reach him?

I clutch my sling bag hard and motioned Wick. My company that was rolling off the grass to come quick. I ran to the nearest stop to grab a ride to his office.

His office is well known around the business district. I got a glance on his company ID while he's in his work attire. He looks majestic in it. AH! What am I thinking? Stop it. Viktor. I shook my head and focus on the task at hand

Oletus Inc

I need to be fast. I motioned the taxi cab driver to please be fast and scribbled down to my piece of paper the Oletus Inc. address.

I don't know why I go to certain lengths for a certain customer. I'm going frantic. I clutch my chest as there was a pang of pain. I was imagining what would his reaction to the news would be. I'm concerned.

Wait. What? This is more than an acquaintance should be doing right? I shake my head again and let the idea flew off. I will be doing this as a concerned friend.

10. 20. 30 minutes have passed. The traffic congest the busy roads in the morning. It was not usually like this unless there is something that was blocking the way. Alas there is. I was right. A large cargo truck chooses to have a problem today out of all days. Luckily, we got out of this situation.

I can see the building from the window as we began to approach the premises. I buckle myself up to tell him the news about Mr. Morton.

I paid the driver and ran fast as I could inside. I ask the lady by the front desk.

"..." I forgot. Words can't come out of my mouth. The women tilted her head. Maybe out of confusion.

"Good day Sir! My name is Fiona Gilman. How may I assist you today?" She flashed a pretty smile. She's gorgeous.

I quickly get my pad and scribbled May I have a talk with Mr. Norton Campbell? This is an emergency.

The woman in front of me sense this urgency. She was also shocked. Maybe I look frantic and desperate.


I was wrong.

She immediately does sign languages that I don't even understand in the first place.

I write down again Sorry, I'm not deaf. I can hear and understand you clearly. I just... Can't talk

Her jaw dropped and clears her throat then flashed a smile again

"I'm sorry about that Sir, could you please wait for a moment. I will just call her secretary." She started tapping off the number to the telephone near her.

"Hello. Hey Vera! This is an emergency. A cute blondie guy suddenly appears and is looking for Mr. Campbell."

"What the hell Fiona. Is he hearing what you're saying? You might scare the guy. You always turn off work mode if you're talking to me. Let me guess is that Mr. Mike? Please tell him he did not go to work yet, Probably running late. I will go crazy If this was a day filled with meetings. Lady luck is on my side! There was none. I can take over what he had left though"

"Alright! That was noted! But this is not Mr. Mikey though~" Fiona giggled. Playing with the phone cord, "Finally, Mr. Campbell run away from work. That was new. That was refreshing. "

"Oh? It's not Mr. Mike then? Is he still there? I think Mr. Campbell will go to work cause you know that work is life, right? He has a lot to sign for approval. Just let the visitor in his office and I'll wait for him there. We'll talk again later about this cutie blondie you're referring to"

"Gotcha! I never knew you're this interested~~ that was new Vera~ hehe talk to you later! Bye!"

"Alright. Good bye"

The call ended. Fiona then turn to Viktor with a grin on her face, "Thank you for waiting."

I scribble to my paper and showed her my name. That call went long and not so formal like what I've expected in a corporate setting. They might be good friends.

"Sir Viktor, Sorry about that. It went long right. I hope I didn't scare you"

No that was perfectly fine. No issues with me I flashed a smile while showing her what my reply was. She let out a satisfied sigh.

"Sir Viktor, here's a visitor access card to Mr. Campbell's office and this one is an elevator access card which automatically stop at Mr. Campbell's office floor level. Ms. Vera will assist you accordingly. She's his secretary." She handed me a couple of card keys. I took it and hid it in my bag for safe keeping, "I welcome you to Oletus Inc. Have a Great day!" With that final word.

I reply with a smile and wave my hand to her. I was taking a little detour before reaching the elevator. What a beautiful place it was. The people here looked very busy they're all walking in a haste. Quite an intimidating environment.

As I reached the elevator, I took out the key card and as instructed by Ms. Fiona I head to Mr. Campbell's office.


It's midday and I'm here. In the bar. Hoping to forget what took place earlier at the hospital. Taking shots of liquor like some old man in his 50's. I don't even know why I'm doing this to myself because of him. When in the first place, I knew our break up was entirely my fault.

For some people. Liquor muddle their brain but it cleared my head. Lately, I've been doing something that's not very like myself. Like today. I was drinking in mid-day. Getting off right in the middle of my working hours. Going back with an alcohol in my system. And losing my composure over that Lucky guy. His name is not only lucky but he's also lucky huh ?

Mike Morton is someone that already has it all. Loving. Kind. Sweet. Understanding. Handsome and Cute. How in the hell I wasted someone as precious as him? I must be out of my mind. That guy was right. I don't deserve him.


No use in crying over spilled milk.

I dusted myself off and weigh whether I could drive or not. I drink an acceptable amount so I'm still capable to drive and besides, my office is just a couple minutes' drive away.

"Campbell. Here to sober you up."

"Thanks, Xie Bi'an. Where's your twin, Fan Wujui?"

"Taking his day off. I didn't serve you with high alcohol content today. I know how workaholic you are. You'll be back at your office, right?"

"Mhm. That's Right. You twins never ceased to amaze me."

"You're basically a patron of our bar for a couple of years now. How come we don't know how workaholic you are." Xie Bi'an teased. Taking the empty glasses at the table, "Always complaining about work but never about a lover." He laughed,"Oh right. You're in a relationship with your work."

"Ha. Ha. Funny Xie." I stared at him blankly.

"Get your ass off here. I won't serve you no more than two glasses"

"Okay Dad~" I waved my hand to him.

"Yes son. Off you go. Take care! I hope to hear real lover problem in my bar next time. I'm tired of hearing about your work every time." Xie Bi'an plastered a snickered laugh in his face.

I give him a pained smile in return before closing the door behind me. The twins we're not showy but it was evident that they were concerned about me and I really appreciate them for that.

I start my car and go easy on my way. I hope Vera won't notice I got a couple of drinks on my way back to the office. It won't be a good impression on my subordinates.


I'm sitting on Mr. Campbell's visitor sofa while fidgeting my hands and was looking around. The interior is sleek and cool. With monotone color of gray and white. It perfectly suits him.

"Do you want to have some coffee or tea while waiting for Mr. Campbell?"

She's Ms. Vera Nair. Mr. Campbell's secretary. Also, gorgeous and elegant. She smelled nice too. She's the one who assisted me to his office.

"I've got dog treats with me too" Ms. Nair offered smiling kindly at me.

Wick jumped around Ms. Nair happily. I smiled at her. Give her a go signal that it was okay to feed Wick. I'm glad pets were allowed inside the office.

I'm fine. I don't need any drink. Thank you for your offer . I showed my pad to her.

"Oh. Okay. Feel free to open the television for entertainment or read magazines that you could get on that stand. And if I may. Can I introduce him to other Company pets in this building?" She's already rubbing Wick's tummy. That was fast.

His name is Wick. I scribbled and showed it to Ms. Nair Company pets? You have those here? My eyes widen in shock and admiration as I continued to write in my paper. This company openly allowed to have pets at work.

Ms. Nair giggled, "You really love animals Mr. Viktor." She stood up and continued, "Yes. They are somewhat like therapy pets. They really helped out when employees are stressed. It's a great thing that it was implemented here."

That's very thoughtful of the management to let the employees mingle with pets I replied.

"Yes, it was! Then off I go~"


Wick was not struggling while being carried away by a stranger. I feel betrayed. So, you prefer ladies now huh.

I sat down again on the couch, placing my hat on the desk. The sun was already setting. I walk to the nearest glass window to take a look at this magnificent view. It felt like I was aligned with the sun. 24th floor office location isn't bad.

I close my eyes and feel the last warm rays of sunlight hit my face. This felt so satisfying. I retained my position savoring the moment for who knows how long it was.


A strong arm snaked around my waist and a head nuzzled over my shoulder. The breathing over my neck sent shivers to my spine.

Wait. I didn't even notice that someone come up to me. I was too preoccupied with my amazement and thoughts about the sunset.

I was petrified. I can't even voice out what I want to say.

My face was flushed and my heart was drumming vehemently inside my chest. I was preparing to struggle free from this grasp. When a soft voice pass through my ears.

"Mhmm... Mike..."

HUH!? This voice…

Mr. Campbell.

Thanks for reading everyone. It's my friend (Yuma) and I's first time making a long fan fiction like this. It bloom from our love for our favorite fan fiction authors => Hope you enjoy <3 Title is the hardest part of making this.

AiAmPplecreators' thoughts
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