
Feburary 16, 2018

Dear "You",

Today I had a terrible day. You know the new job I was hired at. I've been hired for almost 4 months now, but my coworkers still exclude me. On some days, I feel like they call me stupid and ugly behind my back. I need a huge warm hug from you. It hurts me that I lack confidence. "P", you know my best friend, she said that I shouldn't care what they think or say. What do you think? Is she right? I wonder when will I really have friends there. I cried my eyes out today, it felt good but I'd still wish you were here to comfort me. Hug me and tell me I'm doing a good job. I'd wish you were by my side telling me that even though I wasn't loved at work. You'd love me so much that I wouldn't feel the difference at work. My wild imagination, huh!?