
Letters to the Stars #5

Zeke Orion,

Always remember to be grateful, for everything that had happened, may it be a bad thing or good thing.

Everything happens for a reason.

Zeke, I really have a weak faith. Before, I only pray when I needed something from Him.

In my prayers, I keep asking for blessings, to give me what I want.

'Lord, please give me a new phone.'

'Lord, save me.'

'Lord, please give me money.'

'Protect me.'

I also ask for forgiveness for the sins I've done, over and over again.

I keep breaking my promise to Him. I wasn't true to my words.

Promises aren't meant to be broken, if it's broken, it's not a promise.

I never glorified or give thanks to Him.

That was before I met these awesome people.

Someone, brought me to a group, which are led by pastors. Members are youth, mostly around my age.

We praise God. We listen to His words. I met a lot of people.

There, I became closer to God. Little by little, I changed my ways. I started to pray properly, and honor Him.

I decided to trust and believe God. It was really challenging. To trust and believe in someone you can't see.

As time pass by, my faith and trust was shaken. I went back to my old ways. I forgot that I believe in Him.

For me, there was no progress, and my life became worse.

I thought when I believe in God, my life will be less miserable...but I experienced more hardships. I came to the point, that I blamed Him for what's happening with my life.

BUT THERE IS REALLY NO ONE LIKE OUR GOD. When I'm in pain, I tried running back to God. He became my support. I'll cry every time I speak to Him, pouring my heart out, pouring my frustrations, my pain, my sorrows.

Every time I let go of His hands, he never lets me go. He tightens His grip on me. He never gave up, even when I did.

When  my storms are rough, He calms me down. When I am in rage, He makes me feels at peace. He conquered the sea, and climbs the mountains for me, that's how God loves me.

And that's how God, can love you. As long as you trust and believe in Him.

Right now, I can feel Him, His presence, His grace and His power. He's making a move in my life, because once again, I choose to believe in Him.

He helps me to put myself together. It may be slow, but I am completely healing. Walang labis, walang kulang.

So, Zeke. I am encouraging you to trust and believe in God.

The process may be shaky, but He'll make it steady.

Love, Ashia Elio.

Friday, July 31, 2020