
Letters to Romeo.

Author: ash_knight17
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 9M Views
  • 332 Chs
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    820 ratings
  • NO.200+
Silver Prize for WSA 2021 ContestSilver Prize for WSA 2021 Contest

What is Letters to Romeo.

Read ‘Letters to Romeo.’ Online for Free, written by the author ash_knight17, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Light Novel, VAMPIRE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [Mature Content. No Rape]'All it took was breaking one rule that she was not supposed to'He was the bad boy with tattoos...


[Mature Content. No Rape] 'All it took was breaking one rule that she was not supposed to' He was the bad boy with tattoos. She was the good girl with glasses, and she was his. — When Julianne Winters decides to move to the dormitory of the reputed University, she has everything planned so that she can complete her graduation and leave the place. But her plan is quick to catch fire from the moment the eyes of Roman Moltenore from senior year lands on her. And his appearance screams nothing but TROUBLE. "What rules?" Julianne asked with a frown as she read through the page. She was sure she hadn't seen any rules of the campus mentioned on their website. # 4. No using cell phones. # 12. Students should not roam outside the campus after eleven in the night. The further she read, the more bizarre it turned out to be. Her friend turned the page and then pointed at the last rule # 29. Listen to Roman Moltenore. "This is made up. Look, the last one is even written in pencil." Julianne couldn't believe that her friend from the next dorm thought she would fall for it. "And no phone?" "It is important you abide by all the rules. Especially number twenty nine," said the girl in a serious tone. "Remember not to get involved with Roman. If you happened to see him, run in the other direction. There is a reason why it is written down here." With the rules of the campus, she resorts to sending handwritten letters to her uncle. But who knew it would end up in someone else’s hand! 

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This is my favorite read right now. I’m not even a fan of contemporary romance, as I prefer the historical ones, but this story is so good that I’m hooked.


Excellently written. I happened on this book one evening and I am so glad I stumbled on it. You will not be sorry. The intrigue, the suspense, the characters, the cliffhangers….the writer is excellent!


Right from the jumpstreet, I’m going to confess that the title and the picture of this novel made me want to read it. I did read the synopsis afterwards, but what I mentioned before is what ACTUALLY made me want to read this wonderful piece of work. I almost thought of Twilight when I started reading this novel. I never read Twilight, but the tropes made me think of that franchise. I soon came to realize that I was sorely mistaken by comparing this work to Twilight. I’d watch Letters to Romeo if it was turned into a movie. It is that compelling. The characters keep you on your feet and you never know which direction it’ll go. I’m addicted to it now. I look forward to every update. 10/10 would recommend 🥰😍


I came across this HIDDEN GEM 💎 in win- win mission top novels .. this got me hooked to it for hours🥰🥰🥰.. faaaar different from the novels I read😍😍! ! I thoroughly njoyed the letters between the LETTER THIEF✉️✉️ and the TROUBLE MAKER🌪☃️.. the way ML is around FL with a nice touch of his humor makes me wants to read more and more( please update more ...)if u are one who loves to read some fantasy romance in contemporary style with a great mix of humor and love then go for it ❤❤❤


If you want to feel young and in love, you better check this book out…. I find myself just smiling while reading this book. The style of how the FL and the ML got to know each other is different, yet so sweet. No coins and time will be wasted, that I guarantee 🥰🥰💚🌻


Hello hello! ❄️ I am a silent reader most of the times, but I do appreciate the good books by commenting and leaving a review, so that it can help any readers who want to know about the quality of the books they are about to read. And if you are here to read this book for the first time, I hope my review would help you. There won’t be any spoilers here, no worries xD This book is truly mesmerising and gets better as it gets updated. The author is known for her slow burn books, which makes her books stand out and unique. I wanted to write this review right after Chapter 1, but had to wait till 22 and decided to pen down what I genuinely feel for this novel. And it’s a big YES to all new readers, that you have added the correct book to your library. The genre is modern romance with a hint of fantasy. You would get the hint I am talking about when you read past the initial chapters. And that’s where it catches your attention. It might look like pure modern romance in the beginning, but it gets SO MUCH better when the author starts to introduce the fantasy elements, as you keep reading! And the way every scene is descibed, it makes you imagine the scene vividly in your mind. There is this perfect amount of mystery and suspense included in the chapters wherever it is needed, not too much, not too less. The suspense and mystery just feels right, and doesn’t cause a tornado of confusion in your mind while reading the chapters. The flow of the story is very impressive, there is no hurry to make the events happen. The author takes her own sweet time to perfectly write each and every chapter. Let me tell you, you will find some kind of connection/linking within the chapters, and I really like such stories. I love the books that keep on the edge and which slowly uncovers the secret in the later chapters, having connection to the previous chapters. And that is what is expected from such books. Ashknight has been my number one author since the day I joined Webnovel. And I am looking forward to this book as I would love to read more about the leads~ ♥️ Please give this book a read and get yourself immersed in the world of fantasy~


✨Tale as old as time - Yet in my humble opinion kicks the butt of beauty and the beast and any adaptation so far of William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet - The author has found a way to breathe new life into an old story (Sheer Awesomeness) - hopefully this Romeo and Juliet will get a happy ending and take down anyone who dares gets in their way💕✨


Omg our beloved Ash is super busy writing for us!! SuperFan here rating before I even start to read it. Anything by this author is amazing and guaranteed to entertain, enthrall and make you fall in love!! Everyone of Ash’s books are filled with action love mystery and comedy. I can already tell you there will be character growth, surprises and tears. Be ready to get addicted to this author’s literary magic.


Amazing storyline. Amazing Character development. Amazing writing skills. This is just another fantastic read from Ash. I applaud her story telling ability. She sucks you in quick and makes sure you are glued to the journey. Ups, downs and everything in between. I look forward to all the updates. This should be in your must read list today! ❤️


New novel from Ash - at this point I’m preemptively giving it a 5 star rating because everything from Ash is phenomenal. Can hardly wait to read it!


Just saw the post about this new novel! Good luck! I'm looking forward to reading the new novel... loved all the previous ones and am sure this one will be awesome too!!


A new story set of Romeo and Juliet as in another level of a modern time; comtemporary, fantasy romance. Good girl meets bad boy. Bad boy meets good girl and he will get her no matter what, no rules can't break them. Highly recommended to read to explore the journey of Julianne Winters admitted in Veteris University. Her student life will be upside down once the bad boy, Roman Moltenore and friends will change her life forever. The background is amazingly detailed. You will get the imaginations real and technology, though in this book, there are changes that will take you back in a old school era. The story will make you feel young, in love, laugh, flashback the memories of youth and pain. If you are new or know author ash's work, as always her writing, she did her magic to make this novel very hooking, entertaining, and addicting to read. I love the FL and ML have the hot and cold connections together. It is so hilarious, demanded, conversational matters. 💌🥰 Even the side characters all around them makes it great to root, support to each one and another. Except the annoying ones doesn't count that gets you into your nerves.🤗😒 Diamonds to you, Ash. Thank you for the chapters.💎 Happy reading! 💌


I literally crave this book. There isn’t a single day where I don’t think about reading it, and the characters and character development?! I recommend it to everyone.


This story makes you jump with excitemen at the occurrences of both the ML and FL. Romeo makes you both want to melt and laugh with his antics. The author does a great job to develop the story in such a way that you can't help but ask for more. It has a great pace, it is so brilliantly crafted that you start to feel a connexion with the characters. It tells the way two souls connect even in the most unexpected ways and keeps proving that there is much more to what appearances tell... It doesn't disappoint not one little bit...


You all this is that famous author who is always on top with her books! the original author of the all the vampire storylines! the one who actually started the trend of Fantasy Romance - Vampires, Angels, Demons, Grims, Ghouls and what not!! And now our dear author is going to be another trend setter with this one!!! I'm so excited for this! Love you Ash ❤️❤️


Love it! Julie girl watch out. Rome is bored and needs a new play toy😜. Started reading it today and blew through the chapters! Such a page tirner already stalking for updates.🥰🥰🥰


I have read Several books that seem to follow similar story lines but this book gets your attention right away with the curious nature of Julie and Rome. i love the clever humor and alluring bad boy reputation. I always want more and Have timed my day around release time!! Best new and different type of story on WN right now!


who cares about other things I will give five stars just for the name called ash knight. cause she worth it.be ready to drown in the new novel ah I couldn't wait to be drowned


This book is really worth reading; all of Ash's books are worth reading. I really wish I could rate more than five stars. Thanks Ash for all your awesome books.


17 chapters by now, 1 chapter os updated per day... 1 each day you’d think is a good Rate, right?! Not if you are reading a novel from Ash! They are so good that you’ll always want more!!! AbouT the story, characters and so on... trust me, if it is written by Ash it is fatted to be great. No disappointments so far!!!


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