
When I was 9

I'll never forget the time I first met you I was about 9 or 10 years old. We drove Nana back to to her house in California and we decided to stay and visit before heading back home, I had been in choir and sang. Nana wanted me to sing so we were all in the living room, Mom, Dad, Nana, Shae, Jaxon, and you. I was singing a song from a popular artist at the time and Jaxon was enjoying the music so much he started cheering out, he was in his highchair you remember right? He was in his highchair cheering and then you yelled "Shut up! I'm trying to hear my daughter sing!" And I froze we all fell quiet till Mom chimed in "You mean my daughter right?" Then you responded with "Yes your daughter, sorry." I brushed it off and went outside I was just a kid so naturally I thought she was just confused.

We decided to head back that night, as it would be a long journey I was the only one up besides Mom, as she was driving I was looking out at the stars when Mom said "I bet you're wondering what that was about... right?" I was looking at the stars thinking about how beautiful they were and the little boy in the highchair and why I felt weird when she yelled at him. "No, not really." I replied wanting to change the topic we were in the middle of nowhere when she pulled over. "That lady.. Your Aunt Kylie is actually your mom..." Shae said. I was glad we pulled over I gripped the door flung it open and ran into the dirt till I fell to my knees and cried. I had lived with you for my whole life, been bullied my whole life been told I was adopted my whole life, only to find out that I really was and that my Aunt was really my Mother and my Mom who raised me was really my Aunt. I'd never felt so hurt, so betrayed and that feeling I hate to admit will haunt me for the rest of my days.