

I wake up to see my father opening the curtains. "Good morning sweetheart," he greets. "Good morning dad."

"Get out of bed and go freshen up. Breakfast is ready. I've made your favourite," he smiles.

"Cheese bacon sandwich?"

"Cheese bacon sandwich." He nods his head and smiles. At the sound of that, I quickly get out of bed and go bathe. I turn on the shower and get in. As I am bathing, memories of last night come flooding in. Oh my gosh. Emily. Brian. No. I quickly rinse myself and get out of the bathroom. I sprint over to my bed and grab my phone from my nightstand. I unlock my phone and see a notification. I check my notification bar and see Corbyn's name. Oh my gosh. Last night.

Corbyn : You'll probably get this tomorrow when you wake up so, good morning princess <3 oh and, you're cute when you snore ;)

Someone kill me please. I discard the text and call up Emily. It rings and rings and she finally picks up. "Good morning."

"What happened last night?"

"Wow. Thought you'd ask how we'd get to school but alright. We'll be going with Aiden if you are wondering though."

"Emily. Stop joking. What happened last night?"

"Later during lunch period," and she cuts the call.

That motherf-

Alex suddenly knocks on the door. "If you don't get your ass downstairs right now, kiss your sandwich goodbye."

"I'll be down in a minute. Let me finish dressing up." I grab a pair of blue jeans, a white crop top and my white converse. I open the door and run downstairs and sit down and start eating. "Whoa, easy there tiger. What's the rush?" Dad asks. "Emily said she's picking me up so I want to finish quickly," I answer. "Well, don't eat too fast. You might choke." I nod and slow down. My phone chimes up and it's Emily calling me. I pick up the call. "I'm outside. Your ass better be ready or we're leaving," she threatens me. "Who woke you up on the wrong side of bed?" She chuckles. "Just hurry up," and she cuts the call. I take in the last bite of my sandwich and place the plate on the sink. I grab my bag and walk out the door. "Bye dad!" I yell out.

I open the door and I see Aiden and the rest waiting for me in his car. Emily waves vigorously, I run up to the front passenger's seat where Eddie is sitting and I open the door. "Yo, what's the deal?" Eddie asks. "Let me sit in front." I request. I give him a look of pure innocence and cuteness to make him say yes. I could hear Aiden laughing behind. Eddie tries to resist it at first but finally gives in. "Fine. But just this once," he warns. He gets out and opens the door to the backseat whilst I climb on to the passenger's seat. "Good morning," Aiden wishes. "Good morning," I wish him back. Emily speaks up from behind, "The betrayal!" I laugh. "Calm down Drama Queen. It's only for today," I assure her. She sticks her tongue out at me and smirks. I turn back to the front and Adien drives us to school.

He parks the car far away from the school gate and we all get out. Aiden and Eddie leave us to join their team on the other side of the court. I grab Emily's hand and she quickly turns to me. By the way I looked at her, she knew exactly what I was thinking. "Oh now you want to know?!" She groans rudely. I laugh. "You can't blame for putting my desire to sit in the front seat before your story which, if I must say, I'm looking forward to. Besides, we'll still be together the entire day so you get to have my hundred percent attention," I convince. She rolls her eyes. "Go die," she responds. I laugh and shift my eyes back to the road. I gaze my eyes towards the school door and I see a group of people gathering around. Emily, who sees it too, looks at me, bemused just as much as I am. Emily and I walk up to see what was happening and to our surprise, it was a boy asking a girl to a dance. There were balloons everywhere along with confetti and Love Story by Taylor Swift was playing in the background. When we get there, we see him get down on his knees with a bouquet of red roses and he asks her to be his date. Typically, she tears up and yells out "Yes!" and they kiss. The crowd roars while Emily gags. I swat her arm and we walk away as they continue clapping at the grand gesture.

"People really are out here making me want to kill myself early in the morning," Emily comments. I chuckle and I ask her, "What was that anyway?"

"Every year, on the fifteenth of March, the Hudsons, Jerome's parents, invite all juniors and seniors to a masquerade ball. Boyd and Debra, the two you saw earlier, finally get to attend the party now that they're juniors; hence the excitement."

"You just became a junior yourself. Why aren't you as excited as they are?"

'Lore, you've known me since basically forever. We both know these things won't excite me."

"True. But Tyler will be there too right?"

"Why does that matter?"

"You get to dress up and look good for him," I give an assuring smile. She displays a face of disgust. "Emily does not dress up for anyone,' she huffs. Well, that didn't work. 'What about Brian? Would you dress up for him?" I ask, hoping she says yes. She shifts her gaze somewhere else and stays silent. Got you. "I do wonder how Brian will react when he sees you in a dress, especially because he's never seen you in anything other than sweatpants.'

"No one is allowed to come to the ball if they're not a student."

"Not yet. I can talk to Jerome." Emily stays silent again. She shakes her head, seeming as if she's contemplating whether or not it is a good idea. "Fine. But on one condition. I'm not going to wear a damn gown," she emphasizes. I smile and she rolls her eyes. "Speaking of my brother, what happened last night?" I ask. Exactly a second later, the bell rings. It was time for classes. I look over to Emily and she seems relieved. Oh something definitely happened. "Later. I have English now. Bye boo!" She hugs me and runs off to class. I sigh and check my routine.

I sprint to class. On turning, I bump into someone. The person and I both fall down. Why does this always happen to me?! I shake my head and squint my eyes trying to numb the pain when a hand appears in front of me. "Let me help you up," he offers. I grab his hand and he pulls me up to my feet. "Are you alright Lorelai?" I look at him, bewildered. "How do you know my name?" I ask hesitantly. He lets out a soft laugh. "After the impression you've left on all of us in the field yesterday, it's hard not to. Since we didn't get a proper introduction, hi. I'm Elian. Oh, he's part of the soccer team. "Hi! I'm sorry. Yesterday was really nerve racking so I didn't exactly get to pay attention to people."

"It's fine, no worries. I think you should get to class. It's getting late. Dammit! I forgot I have classes. "I really should. Anyway, I'll see you during practice. Bye!" And I run away. I slam open the door, only to find my teacher staring at me with a shocked countenance. He then takes out a piece of paper and writes something as I walk over to my desk. On my way, he hands me the slip of paper and yells, "Detention!" Bugger! The class starts laughing. Then I notice Braden giggling. I smile. "How funny," I snark as I sit down. "You've got to admit, it really is," he answers. I laugh. Suddenly the teacher yells at Braden. "Mr. McCain, do you want detention as well?" He threatens. "No sir," he responds. "Then stop talking," and he continues his lecture. Braden and I laugh and we shift our focus to his teachings. Forty-five minutes later, class ends. "Everytime I sit with you, I always end up getting yelled at by the teachers," he states with a grin on his face. "Ever thought of changing seats then?" I ask with a smile on my face as well. He shrugs and says, "No, I happen to like sitting with you."

"Then don't complain," I laugh and roll my eyes as he laughs as well. "I will see you in the next class, have fun with detention," and he walks away. As I am gathering my books, I hear someone yell by the door. "Princess!" I look up and see Corbyn waving at me. I wave back as I walk towards him with my books on my hand. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "If I remember correctly, you have Geography now, and I'm on my way to the Physics room which is right next to your class so I thought, why not walk together. I know, I'm so sweet," he answers. I laugh at his narcissism. He grabs my arm and pulls me along the way. "If you don't hurry up, we'll be late." His grip around my forearm is tight. I could neither move nor pull away. Few steps later, we reach our classes. "Alright sweetheart. Here's your stop. I'll see you during lunch." He winks at me and walks away.

I enter the room and see Maddison near the window. I walk up to her and sit behind her. "Hi," I greet. "Oh, hello," she greets back. "I didn't know you have geography." Finally someone who does not know my routine. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't know my routine either." We both laugh. "Are you planning on going to the masquerade?" She asks.

"Only if Emily goes. What about you?"

"If Nathan agrees to be my date then most definitely."

"You two are really in love, aren't you?" she smiles and looks down. "I've never loved anyone as much as I've loved him. If I'm being completely honest, I don't know what I would do without him. He's the reason I wake up every morning." I look into this girl's eyes as she smiles and blushes and I could see how madly in love she is. Her eyes tell a story of pain and hurt but with it all came happiness and prosperity, as if among all the heartbreak, love conquered it all. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling again." She takes her eyes off me. "No no, you weren't rambling at all."

"How about you? Have you ever been in love before?"

"No, I haven't. To be honest, I have never even been in a relationship before."

"Well, given the way Corbyn looks and talks to you, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you're taken." I smile, but deep down, for some reason, my heart did not like the idea of that. The teacher then walks in and class starts.

Few minutes later, the bell rings and Maddison and I walk out of the class. "I'll see you later. Good luck with your other classes," she wishes and walks away.

The rest of the day goes on as usual : me fighting for my life trying to get pass every single one of my classes without passing out. Math class is always the worse because it has been my nemesis since I was in sixth grade. One would think that they would finesse all the subjects after going to boarding school, but apparently that did not happen to me, regardless of how stern Aunt Linda was.

After all my morning classes, it was finally lunch break. On my way to the cafeteria, I spot Emily along with Maddison and Alice standing near the doorway. I walk up to them and accidently bump into Jerome. "Oh, hello love," he greets. Oh my gosh that voice! "Jerome, hi."

"Are you on your way to meet your friends?"

"I am."

"I'm sure you've heard about the masquerade that my family will be hosting."

"You mean the one that's still a month away? Yes, I have." He chuckles and licks his lip.

"I hope you will be there too. I would love to have a dance with you."

"About that, my parents are really strict with me and they never let me go anywhere without a guardian. So. I wanted to ask, can I please bring a plus one?"

He seems hesitant. "Sure, as long as it means you get to come then it is perfectly fine."

"Thank you so much for understanding!" He smiles. "It's alright. Anyway, I'm sure your friends are waiting for you. I'll see you around. Oh, and I hope you're planning on coming by the council room later." Great. Forgot that too. "I'm actually really busy today, but I definitely will when I'm free." There is no way I'm telling the school president I have detention. "Alright, but make sure you do come." I nod and I walk away.

"What did the spoiled brat want?" Emily asks. "Oh, nothing. We were just talking about how he's letting my brother come to the party." I answer cheekily. Emily starts blushing immensely. "Maddy, Alice, go on ahead. We'll meet you later," and she grabs my hand and pulls me outside to the garden.

"I'm guessing by your reaction, they don't know?" I ask.

"I don't want to tell them yet." I nod. "That's alright. You can always tell them when you're ready. Now, tell me what happened last night." I sit down and pat an area next to me, signing her to come sit next to me. She looks up to the sky and smiles. "Okay, now I really need to know," I emphasize. She turns to me and folds her legs, slowly picking the grass as she is about to narrate the incident.

"We were quiet during the entire drive, but when he finally parked outside my house, he shuts my door as I tried to open it, not letting me leave. I looked at him and he gave me a soft look. "Emmy, I'm sorry I said all those things." I laughed. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "Brian, please. I can't keep doing this." My voice came off as a croak as I try to hold on to my tears. "See, this is why I kept my distance. I can't bear the sight of hurting you but everytime you're near, the only thing I do is hurt you." He grazed his hand over my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "You didn't have to say all that," I said, pulling away from his touch. Brian noticed my reaction and pulled away. "I know baby, I know. I just had to say something so that my mom will let me drop you. I don't trust my brothers enough to get you home safely." I laughed and replied, "How ironic. They've never hurt me the way you have." His expression changed the moment I said those words. "You're right. I guess the best thing we should do is stay away from each other." His eyes shifted to the road. "But, if we're being completely honest, neither of us can do that." I placed my hand on his thigh. He quickly shifted his gaze to me and leaned in. as did I. "We can't do this." He reminded me, but a mere sentence was not enough to stop something we both were in dire need of. He slammed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately, taking every bit of me as I am of him. His hands moved up to my hair and tugged it as he pushed his tongue deeper. Not long enough, the kiss was broken. He pulled himself away and wiped his mouth. "That can never happen again. I am not going to risk everything to lose everyone; my sister, you. Neither of us can keep doing this. That's why, you and I are going our own separate ways. It would be best this way because no one will get hurt." I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "You say you care about me but here you are playing with my feelings again. I reject you and you try to break down my walls, and when I do, this is what you say say. You could have just stayed home and let someone else drop me. You just had to be the one. And you have the nerve to apologize and kiss me, only to tell me that I will never be the one for you. Gosh Brian, you really are sick." He just kept quiet and I got out the car, slammed the door and ran home."

I look at her and I could see, underneath her smile lays a heart, shattered into a million pieces. That's a tad bit too much information but seeing her sad like this, it would be best to keep it to myself. I stand up and I extend my arm towards her. "Come. You have far greater things to be enjoying instead of moping around over someone who does not see your worth," I encourage as she takes my hand and stands up. "You are going to that party and you are going to show him that you are a capable, independent, strong and amazing girl who can get anything she wants. That being said, do you still want him to come?" She nods. I mouth "okay," and pull her inside. Emily and I walk up to the rest of the group and we hear their conversation. "Alright, alright. We'll go to Lou's café and then we go eat in my uncle's food truck," goes Tyler. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask. "We're planning on going out today after school as a whole group. You're coming too, right Lory?" Eddie asks. I shake my head. "Can't. I have detention till six in the evening.

"Five years of boarding and you come back being a rebel and already getting detention on the second day of school. Damn, I'm impressed," Aiden teases. "Shut up. I was just late for class. That's all. Anyway, you guys have fun without me." The bell rings a moment after my response and everyone is already on their way to class. Corbyn grabs my arm and says, "If I could come with you to detention, I would." I smile and say, "Do something bad and I'm sure you'll be on your way with me." He grins. "Good luck," and he walks away. I turn around to see Emily and the rest gone so I head out to my next class too. Ahh yes, the torment resumes.