
Chapter Five

Rin rolled over in his bed. "What to do.." He asked himself. He hummed and pulled up the covers. "Maybe a nap.." Rin soon fell alseep.

A scream was cut short as a knife went into there neck. "Don't touch Rin.." The person grinned as his white hair was stained with blood.

They grinned and continued to stab while counting. "Die!" There light blue eyes were lit in glee as they continued to stab the victim.

Once the they were done he stood up and walked out of the dark alley way before making sure no one saw him and they walked off.

Jack sighed and cleaned the blood off the knife and smiled. "He's mine...And he'll always be just mine." Jack sat down with his cat and watched tv.

The cat meowed and climbed onto his lap. "Yes. I know I was gone for a long time. But I had to take car of a problem." Jack petted the cat softly.

The news turned on reporting the murder. "It is only a day later and yet another murder happened. The police department has been investigating the incident. Please stay inside and closed your windows. This is Pam from the news six station. Back to you Tom." She spoke.

Jack grinned at the tv. "You don't even know Pam. So many other people died touching what's mine.."

Jack continued to pet the cat while squeezing it until it stopped moving. "Oh..Not another one.." He threw the dead cat into the garbage.

Jack walked back into the house and sighed as he sat down. "Worthless!" He crossed out the girl he killed and put the paper of her into his desk.

Jack looked at the next paper and his eyes narrowed. "Benjamin and Sarah..." A small giggle turned into crazy laughter. "Your next.."