
Chapter 46: ???

The talk with Shino left Owen's heart heavy. He didn't even bother sneaking out; instead, he pushed his mana to the limit to activate shadow shift, making him appear 100 feet away from the train. As he walked back to where his inn room was, he forgot he had a meeting with Kurusu. All of this happened in front of the shocked Shino, who soon sighed and put on a smile as the girls assigned to help take care of her returned and assisted her in going to take a bath.

'What am I going to do' That all Owen could think as he layed face first into his bed thinking g about shino request in worry as he was unsure if he could even bring the kid with him when he leaves this world and if not would he be willing to stay in this world for a extended amount of time to watch it. These things were running through Owen mind constantly but he eventually drifted off to sleep as a idle thought entered his mind.

'Why am I so sleepy lately'

*Next morning*

The next day, Owen awoke and decided to fulfill one of his anime dreams by going to a hot spring. As he was about to step out, he received a notification from the system, informing him that the silver chest he had obtained had finished opening a long time ago. Owen felt slightly foolish for not checking earlier, so before heading to the local hot spring, he chose to open the silver chest first.


[Opening chest please standby]




[You have been rewarded [leonidas shield(Growth)] ]


"Huh, interesting. Let's check it out," Owen thought. With that thought, he wasted no time extracting the shield from his inventory in the comfort of an alley he had found. To say he was happy with what he got would be an understatement; the bronze color of the shield was not only nice to look at but felt pretty sturdy. It was something Owen quite liked as he lacked defensive options, but he could not figure out how his shield would experience 'Growth.'

Luckily, the system soon answered this in the form of an informational panel, which Owen found pretty short as it only contained one line.


[Feed it materials]


'So if I feed it vibranium, I will get a shield like Captain America's,' Owen thought jokingly as he left the alleyway and began his way to the hot springs, where he had quite an enjoyable time for a surprisingly cheap price.

*1 hour later*

"That was great," That's all Owen thought as he walked around relaxedly, something that was soon broken by groups of rushing villagers who all seemed excited as they ran with baskets and handfuls of flowers in hand.

'What's going on?' Owen wondered as he soon stopped a woman who seemed to be walking with her children and asked what was happening. The woman happily explained that Biba would soon be leaving, and they wanted to give him a nice send-off.

'Well, better rush over there or I'll have to take Ronin again,' Owen thought to himself as he dashed full speed towards where the Koutetsujou was located. It didn't take too long, as Owen's physical ability was pretty high. As if waiting for him, he found Kurusu waiting a ways off the train.

"Glad to see you. I cleared the far back car, so Mumei and the others are now sleeping with everyone else, so you should be unbothered. But heads up, we will be following Biba and his people," Kurusu said. Owen expected the last part, as this had happened in the anime, but he wasn't worried. He soon entered the far back car and began waiting for the train to leave.


Felt like posting again after hearing a song so yay

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