
Chapter 41: Slaying the black smoke

Safely ensconced within Ronin, Owen refrained from immediately taking control. Instead, he issued orders for the titan to monitor and track the black smoke, which had veered off the tracks and appeared to be retreating to recuperate. Half of its Kabane mass had been lost, a setback Owen was determined to exploit. He refused to confront it at full strength, recognizing the danger it posed even in its weakened state.

Luckily it was slow as the black smoke moved throughout the station moving around or through buildings as it went not noticing the titan trailing it as the titan was incredible stealthy and agile as it ducked and shifted into cover using its movement ability with precise easy.

"Ronin, prep the leadwall and attack when it reaches an open area," Owen commanded sternly. The titan complied, equipping its shotgun as an ammo indicator popped up. Continuing to track the black smoke, they arrived at what appeared to be a market area, densely populated with Kabane. The black smoke began integrating the Kabane in the vicinity into its mass, solidifying its numbers.

"RONIN, NOW!" Owen's command rang out urgently, prompting Ronin to swiftly phase dash forward. In an instant, it materialized directly behind the black smoke, unleashing a barrage of gunfire into its back. The black smoke exploded into pieces, but the shining blue core remained intact, surrounded by Kabane fragments, attempting to reform.

Without hesitation, Ronin wasted no time reloading its shotgun. Instead, it drew its broadsword and delivered a decisive chop at the core of the black smoke, determined to end the threat once and for all.

Despite Owen's intentions, the black smoke managed to move its core just in time, causing Ronin's broadsword to barely graze it. The core rolled away, not too far, and reformed into a humanoid quadruped, similar in size to Ronin. However, Owen remained unfazed, a smile creeping onto his face as an alert came in from Ronin.

"Arc Wave ready for use," Ronin's voice announced, filling Owen with a sense of satisfaction. Without hesitation, he granted permission for Ronin to unleash its attack. Ronin raised its broadsword high above its head, electricity crackling along its length. With precision, it brought the blade down, sending a powerful wave of electricity crashing into the slow-moving black smoke.

At this point half of the black smokes body was fried as owen ordered the ronin to reload its shotgun and put away its sword something it complied with as it slowly got closer to the black smoke who was still as it was trying to organize itself after the damage it had taken sadluy it was not fast enough as it soon found a 8 barrel shotgun pressed against its body.


[Quest completed]

[Kill the black smoke- kill the black smoke(Reward: 2000 points and the Evolution for stealth skill to [One with the Shadows])]




"Nice rewards," Owen thought, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he exited the titan and stood on the ground before the writhing mass of Kabane, now devoid of cohesion with the demise of their leader. Codisnation had dissipated, replaced by the chaos of individual Kabane.

Unperturbed, Owen fixed his gaze on the shattered remnants of the once formidable colony leader, now reduced to a gruesome mass of bloody paste. With a resolute demeanor, he retrieved his spear and advanced towards the remains of the core. He was determined to claim his reward in the form of the blue and black metal constituting its heart, renowned for its exceptional durability.

Sadly as he climbed over the writhing mass of flesh and kabane he was disappointed to find that most of heart was destroyed but their was at least enough to replace his spear tip something he was glad about as he threw the heart remnants into his inventory as he instead focused on something much better than the heart fragments and that is the skill he still needs to accept.


Level: 2[system note-Each world cleared will level host up]

HP: 110%

MP: 110%

Inventory: [Data Knife],[Sturdy reinforced spear],[Area scanner]

Skills:[Stealth],[Polearm Mastery],[Tracking]

[Companions: [Titan(Ronin)] ]

[Points: 12,483] [system note- Can be used to pay for things before entering a new world, use certain abilites and heal or repair companions. Can be earned by killing enemies, completing mission and converting items from other worlds into points ]

[R.A.P.S(2000 points)]


'Seems my points have grown lets accept the skill upgrade and see what happens' with that Owen wasted no time hoping back in ronin making sure to order it to protect him as he felt accepting the skill will do something he would not expect and he was soon proven right as the pain that set in after accepting the upgrade was unbearable as it felt as if his heart was exploding and expanding all at the same time a description that he would still deem inadequate as he broke out into sweating mess as he writhed in the cockpit of the ronin titan for a unknown amount of time.

'That sucked balls, but... it was so worth it!' Owen's thought echoed through his mind 25 minutes later, the pain abruptly subsiding, leaving him tired and exhausted. He took a moment to analyze the new addition to his abilities.

It sounds like Owen has some fascinating abilities related to shadows and darkness! Let's break down his newfound skills:

Absolute Stealth: Owen possesses the ability to become nearly invisible while within shadows, granting him unparalleled stealth capabilities.

Shadow Shifting: Owen can teleport to any shadow or darkened area at the cost of 1% of his magic power (MP) per foot. This skill allows for swift movement and strategic positioning in various situations.

Shadow Binding: This ability enables Owen to bind opponents through their shadows, reminiscent of techniques seen in the Nara clan from Naruto. However, it comes at a high cost of 5% MP per second, with the expense increasing based on the strength of the target. However, Owen has discovered a unique aspect of this ability: he can enlist assistance from others to reduce the cost and enhance the effectiveness of the bindings. Additionally, he can summon Ronin to aid him at any time, further bolstering his capabilities.

These abilities provide Owen with a diverse set of skills that emphasize stealth, mobility, and control over shadows. The combination of absolute stealth, shadow shifting, and shadow binding makes Owen a formidable force to reckon with, particularly in situations requiring subtlety and precision.


Another mid chapter but oh well. I also must ask should mc catch up to eh group or should I finish up this world now? Mc completed all of his quest he got his points but I must ask what world should he go to now if he does chose to end the journey here


Level: 2[system note-Each world cleared will level host up]

HP: 110%

MP: 110%

Inventory: [Data Knife],[Sturdy reinforced spear],[Area scanner]

Skills:[One With The Shadows],[Polearm Mastery],[Tracking]

[Companions: [Titan(Ronin)] ]

[Points: 12,483] [system note- Can be used to pay for things before entering a new world, use certain abilites and heal or repair companions. Can be earned by killing enemies, completing mission and converting items from other worlds into points ]

[R.A.P.S(2000 points)]


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