
Lethal Weapon (DROPPED)

They called him Mactator, meaning ‘Slaughterer’… Born from his mother’s cold corpse, in a sea of bloody corpses and gunfire… He was raised by mercenaries, moulded into a perfect killing machine… He was trained to hunt, to kill, and sometimes, to annihilate… His body was filled with scars, the only proof of tales he is the sole living witness to… His mind wasn’t broken, for he never knew what it meant to be ‘right’, to be ‘normal’… He was a perfect ‘Lethal Weapon’…until his blade dulled… Then he, like any other rusty blade or cranky gun, was disposed of… And his tale came to end… Or it should have…

Azerial_0 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[Chapter:2][That which comes after life…]

"Where am I…"

He looks around, or at least, he thinks he did.

Hard to tell the difference between looking forward and to the side when all around you is nothing but darkness…lightless, pitch black darkness…

"Did I become a star? But why can't I see any other stars?"

Of course, he didn't truly believe that people become stars when they die, but that didn't mean he didn't want that to happen.

After all, he could be closer to his only two friends that way…

((Would you like to reincarnate?))

Alas, it seems his hopes were unfounded. As what appears in front of him were not bright, dazzling stars, but a blue screen that looked like a hologram from sci-fi films he had seen.


((I am the System responsible for reincarnating subjects that meet the criteria set by the Creator. Would you like to reincarnate?))

"Criteria? What criteria? And who is this 'Creator'?"

((Based on the past of subjects, their personalities, as well as aspirations, it is judged weather or not subjects can live an entertaining second life should they be allowed to do so. The 'Creator' is the one who created me, the 'System', to help them in judging all those who perish based on set criteria and reincarnate them. Would you like to reincarnate?))

"Reincarnation…", he muttered the word like he was tasting it, feeling it rolled quiet well on his tongue.

"That means I'll be reborn right?"

((Following protocols set by the 'Creator', subject is allowed to choose between rebirth and transmigration. Subject is also allowed to choose his world of rebirth. However, the subject's original world cannot be intruded upon. Would you like to reincarnate?))

"Eh, there are other worlds out there!? How fun! Sure, I'd like to go to other worlds! But wait, what the difference between, err, transmigration? And rebirth?"

((Transmigration refers to either taking on the body of another being in world chosen or arriving in said with your current body. Rebirth refers to being reborn as a newborn in said world. Would you like to reincarnate?))

"Eh…I think I'll stick with my current body, I like it quite a lot, but then again, it may not be suitable for other worlds…then, why don't you choose it for me~~! And as for the world, you can help me choose it too! Surprise me System~~!"

His words were met with a brief silence, before the 'System' answered back.

((Affirmative. Your appearance and world will be chosen by the 'System' based on your personality in order to 'surprise' you. Would you like to go over your choice of abilities, perks, etc… available?))

"Eh? Eh? Abilities? Perks? What are those?"

It was a new term to him, not in the sense that he didn't know what their literal meaning was, but in what they actually represented in his current situation.

((Each subject being reincarnated is allowed to choose a certain number of abilities, perks, etc… based on quality of said abilities, perks, etc… chosen. All subjects being reincarnated are also provided with a free chance to change their own appearance should they wish for it.))

"Mm…I'm not really good at thinking of stuff like this…I'm not creative at all! Ah, why don't you surprise me with this too? Yeah! That sounds good, surprise me, System!"


Before the 'System', which replied after another brief pause, could say anything further, he quickly interrupted it.

"Ah, wait a second! Sorry to interrupt, but can you, like, let me be able to speak to my friends? It's always been me alone who speaks and they just keep silent, so maybe something that can let them speak to me too? Please?"

There was a brief spell of silence, and he actually felt worried for a moment there. After all, being able to speak to his friends again was too important to him to pass up on!

But to his relief, the System responded quickly.

((Apology accepted. Affirmative, abilities to allow subject to speak to and attain responds from his three friends will be included in the set of abilities, perks, etc… that the 'System' will choose in accordance with subject's personality in order to 'surprise' you.))

"Eh, three? I thought I only had two friends though?"

He was surprised, since according to him, there were only two beings that he considered his friends. So where did the third one come from?

((Negative, through the analysis of the 'System', you have three friends.))

His eyes widened.

"So…there's a friend who's been there for me that I don't even know about!? And I haven't talked to him or her even once in my whole life!?"

He felt his heart grow heavy at the thought. He knew how depressing, how frustrating it is to be ignored. He himself had experienced it, never getting a single response despite talking to his own two friends almost all his life.

Yet, what's even worse, is that he didn't even acknowledge his third friend's existence!

Not only that, he actually spoke and spoke and kept speaking to his two friends even when they ignored him, only excluding this third friend he never knew he had!

Just imagining himself in place of his third friend, thinking of what the third friend might have felt made him want to cry.

"No, I have to apologise! Quickly, System, reincarnate me. And give me those abilities, I want to go and apologise quickly!"

((Affirmative, in accordance to your wishes, the 'System' has chosen your new appearance, the world you will be reincarnating into, as well as your set of abilities, perks, etc… . Standard reincarnation privileges have been issued.))

((Have a good life, Mactator.))

"Ah, I don't like that name, System! Please don't call me that~~! Call me-!"

Those were his last words, words he couldn't even finish, before he disappeared from the dark space, only for the System's voice to resound one last time as the words on the blue screen changed to match it.

((Very well then, have a good life, Vita.))

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where am I…"

He looks around…

"Wait, why am I getting a sense of déjà vu…"

He blinks as memories of, well, everything, return to him.

"Right, I died…got reincarnated…System…abilities…abilities…friends!"

He suddenly jumped to his feet, making the nearby birds fly in surprise.

"My third friend! I'm so, so sorry for not talking to you until now!"

He didn't even know who this mysterious third friend of his was, but he still felt sorry for ignoring them all this time.

"Can you hear me? I should have gotten those abilities to hear your response right…?"

Then, he felt it. From three different sources.

He felt 'their' answer.


He looked down, at the grass he was stepping on. He looked around, at the trees and shrubs that occupied his view.

"And Nature…"

He smiled as he walked towards the closest tree and gently caressed its bark.

"I'm sorry for not taking to you until now…but I'll be sure to make up for all that time, alright?"

He felt another response from it.


He didn't 'hear' the word, nor did he 'see' it. Yet, it felt like that was what his new friend 'Nature' wanted to convey to him.

Just then, he felt two other 'voices'.

(No fair)

(How about us?)

"Ahaha, how can I forget you two?"

He looked up at the sky, and at the sun peeking through the leaves.

"So you're up, Sun? And I guess even if you're away, I can still talk to you huh? Moon."

(Yes) (Yes)

He smiled as he got those replies.

Finally, after so, so many years of loneliness…

After such a long time he had spent talking to them, without ever getting a response…

(Don't cry) (Don't cry) (Don't cry)

The three 'voices' reached him almost simultaneously, making him smile.

"Don't worry, I'm just…happy. I'm not sad or anything."

"I can finally hear you too. I guess you've been trying to talk to me all this time huh? But it was me who cousin never listen…"

He looked back the the tree and gently rubbed its bark, making it quiver before it's branches waved around, several flowers falling onto him.

"And I even have a new friend I can talk to…so I'm happy, very, very happy."

(Happy is good) (We're here for you) (Always)

"Thank you.", he muttered softly.


Just then, he heard his stomach growl from hunger, making him blink.

"Ah, looks like I'm pretty hungry…"

He looked around, finding himself in the middle of a dense forest.

"Now I gotta find food…"

(Guide you) (Follow) (Come)

He blinked at the sudden answers, but then his eyes widened as the rays of the Sun fall onto him.


And then, before his eyes, a 'pathway' made of light and shadows appears.

The trees and plants all move ever so slightly, as though experiencing a gentle breeze.

The canopies of leaves above begin to move erratically, yet in a pattern, covering nearly all the sky escapes for a single, straight line, making the Sun's rays fall into the ground, forming a 'golden' path right before him.

And the shadows darken, as though telling him not to go into them, warning him of possible dangers he could encounter within his unknown forest.

"Thank you…"

(Welcome) (No problem) (Anytime)

Thus, he followed the path laid out before him, a golden path which was nearly completely straight, only curving to avoid large trees and boulders, before he finally arrived at his destination.


What appeared before him…looked like paradise.

The Sun's rays gentle falling from the sky…

Large trees giving shade, strange plants growing everywhere, and a myriad flowers spreading their fragrance…

A lake with crystal clear water, yet with waves tumbling within as though it were a part of the ocean…

A tall mountain, it's rocky surface covered in grass and moss…



This time, it wasn't his stomach that made the noise. Turning his head, his eyes widen at the sight of the huge beast approaching him.


Yes, with large black eyes, and neat fur, a size easily rivalling a smaller elephant from his previous world, the humongous beast approached him on its hind legs, it's front paws grasping onto a large leaf with an assortment of fruits held within.

(Eat) (Fruits good) (Drink water)

"Hahaha! Thank you guys! Truly!"

He burst out laughing as he smiled, getting happy responses from the trio from having their efforts praised.

Sun guided him, Moon made the water in the pond move as all the dirt and grime was left behind, only the clearest water coming for him to drink, and Nature…Nature, including all plants and animal life, made the Panda before him collect food for him.

Just a few hours ago, he was still complaining to his two friends for not responding to him even though he had been speaking to them for all his life…

And now, his three friends had worked together to provide him food, water, and based on the tiny cave he could see, even shelter and protection.

What more could he possibly ask for?