
Let there be Titans

There will be Human Titans trying to save and some to attack planet earth. Some Titans must save them. There will be versus and many Titans stories.

Dhanaraj123 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Extinction of Titans

7 July 2021,

Tv news reporter"Titans are coming back and trying to kill the peoples. Peoples are fighting that to kill the Human Titans now. Make an Extinction for them"."Really can our Titan fight with him", asked George." Yes, Sir, It can kill all the Titans. We can make an Extinction for them sir", told one of George's employees." Let's make it", said George.

Let There Be Titans: Extinction of Titans

10 July 2021

Titans Controlling Office,

"There is no way to stop this and we don't know why they are reacting like this. First, where is Muscle Titan?" asked Elizabeth to Keyd. Keyd had no answer and saw the cameras that the Titans are destroying. Really, they all are dying because of humans and something is helping them. They saw big marks knife marks and punches on their body. Keyd realizes that something is helping the soldiers to kill the Titans."What is helping them", asked Keud to himself. When the official time was over, they all went back home. When Keyd was going home, something falls on the road where he was going to his home. His home is only about 7 meters distance. He saw a big face and it was Muscle Titan. He has hurt abit. Keyd brings Muscle Titan to the office and puts him in a cage that has a barrier shield and looks like a jungle. When Keyd asks what happen, the Muscle Titan draws a picture of a robot that is attacking him. Keyd knew that human creation is attacking the Titans. That's why they are killing the people. After that, Keyd wakes him better and started to find out what is helping the people.

Hong Kong,

Soldiers were searching and they were going here and there. They use drones to search for something. Something was behind a ship. They saw a Human Titan. That Titan name was Sheild Titan. The Titan's body is full of an iron shield. The Shield Titan was going around but when the soldiers saw it, they shoot it Suddenly a big spinner attack it. The Titan tries to run but the big spinners and soldiers killed it. Suddenly, a big Titanic Robot gets up from the water and killed it with its heart taking the knife. Then, George came and told that this is the Titan which is going to kill all the Titans. This Robot's name is MegaTitan.

Titan Controlling Ofiice,morning 7.00a.m.

Keyd called all his friends who are working in his office and told them about the Titan who was killed by a Robot Titan."This Robot is made by George." All were shocked and Keyd continues what he was saying." George did this robot to kill all the Titans with the soldiers. That's why the Titans are attacking people. Now we have to stop them and kill the MegaTitan" said Keyd. All accept the deal and went to realise Muscle Titan to fight. Muscle Titan rum towards the MegaTitan's healing and repairing place. There was MegaTitan and they 2 started to fight. But Muscle Titan can't fight back. One punch from the MegaTitan, the Muscle Titan flew far away.

Keyd and his freinds were caught by George. Then George said why is he doing this?"I am doing this because the Titans killed my family. My baby and my wife. That's why I am going to kill them" said George. " They accidently killed your family"said Keyd. " No, they didn't. We don't need the Titans anymore. That's, I am killing them", said George. Suddenly, the MegaTitan saw George and use his sawving blades and cut him. Keyd run away and saw that MegaTitan is now killing the peoples. MegaTitan saw Muscle Titan coming back. They 2 fight back and Muscle Titan was getting weak while MegaTitan was getting so powerful. Keyd saw that MegaTitan's heart system. Keyd and went and he was searching the password. But there's no time, the MegaTitan wants to kill Muscle Titan. Then, Keyd saw the password and unlock it. He makes MegaTitan weak and Muscle Titan killed him with is ultimate punches. All the Titans come back and saw that Muscle Titan. They bow and respect him. They all think that he is the King of Titans. Keyd saw that his Titan gadget was ringing and he picked up. He saw something on Titanic Island.


The MegaTitan's system on back and he gets up and flew away from there.

Keyd saw what is in Titanic Isalnd and it is Axe Titan..