
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>I'm just your average teenager. In a magical world. I go to school at NC. In this world our magic has a tier system. There are low tiers, mid tiers, elite tiers, high tiers and god tiers. I don't Have a tier so I get bullied for it.<br/>One day at NC, I saw Mason (an elite tier power level 7.9) in after school detention. Jacob was a fighter and would not give up. He was also really stubborn. His blue gold hair, his seafoam green eyes. He was one of the people who protected me. <br/>I may be the prettiest girl and the tallest person in school. I set the world record for being 7ft 8in. But just because I'm pretty and tall doesn't mean I am worshiped, because of my personality I'm picked on by Clyde ( the king or high tier. His power is electricity 8.5 level.)Conner( a mid tier. Power healing, level of 6.3)and dustin(an elite tier power controls pain of others,level of 7.1 )Conner just hangs out with them because he doesn't want to get picked on, and how I feel bad for him. Clyde was their little group leader. I don't like Clyde. Plus I'm one of the people who stand up to him. One day I was walking through the hallway in school up on the 3rd floor. I just got finished with defense class. And of course I did not participate because it's for all the people with magic. Including shapeshifters. I had to go because it was a requirement to graduate. So I head towards the stairs to get to my next class. Mason joins me on my journey to the stairs.<br/>"So how did geometry go for you?" I asked MAson. <br/>"Oh you know a little bit of this and a little bit of that." he replied with a snarky tone.<br/>I look down at him thinking to myself. What would he do if I flicked him between his eyebrows? My intrusive thoughts won and I did it.<br/>"Ayo what the fuck Jessie." He said, kinda surprised.<br/>"Don't give me any attitude Sir." I replied with the same attitude.<br/>"Lets just say Dustin was being rude to the teacher and landed me in after school detention." he said while looking at the floor.<br/>At least I didn't have to go through combat class without him. We finally reached the 1st floor. It was kind of painful just walking in silence. We headed outside to the football field just to see everyone staring in disgust toward me and Justin. Justin got a bad reputation for hanging out with me. Justin and I parted ways so he could join the rest of the class while I headed towards the bleachers. Just as I sat down Clyed came waltzing my way probably hoping he could pick on me before the coach called him over. As I wished he wouldn't make it, my prayers became true. The coach called him over before he got to me. He scowled at the coach then turned to me. Clyed gave me a nasty grin before he walked away. Welp i guess i'm going to die during lunch. I was dreading the thought of what he had in store for me today. Before the bell could ring I left hoping to put some distance between me and Clyed. I headed inside to put my stuff in my locker, and what do you know. I see Dustin across the hall waiting for Clyed to show up for his sick little game to happen. Just as I was about to put my books in my locker Clyed slammed my hand in my locker and I dropped my books and then he kicked them away from me. Then when I attempted to grab my books he slammed me into the lockers.<br/>"This is why I don't like you. You're a bossy little shit and when you don't get something you want you throw a tantrum like a 5 year old." I said with hatred.<br/>"What are you going to do baby? Cry?" Clyde replied in a baby voice.<br/>"What are you planning to do today Clyde. Torture me with you voice?" I asked.<br/>"I'm going to do the same thing I did in elementary."<br/>Clyde kicked my shin and kneaded my jaw as I fell. The corners of my vision blurred but I could see Clyde on the floor getting punched by Mason. He punched Clyde in the face trying to protect me, his flamed fists crushed against Clyde's face. Then Mason Told someone to get me to the nurse but got up on my own.<br/>helps me off the floor. His hands on fire he grabbed Clyde's shirt turning it into ashes. I see teachers grabbing Mason and pulling him off of Clyde.<br/>"WHAT THE HELL MASON!"<br/>"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN OR ILL BEAT YOUR ASS!" <br/>Mr.Benson yells. "Get a hold of yourself. What would your dad think of this?"<br/>This triggered a memory. Mason's dad was like a second dad to me. He was there when my dad couldn't. And even when my dad was there he would still be there. Like at track meets. When they were both there yelling in the crowd with my mom. I would Look at them in embarrassment. But Mason's dad died a couple months ago.<br/>This time I had Mr.Benson by the neck against the wall, three feet above the ground.<br/>"You will never speak of his dad again." As I finished talking I dropped him.<br/>He fell to the ground holding his neck lightly. As he got up I felt a nauseous wave come over me. I bent over while putting my hand on the lockers. I threw up on the floor.<br/>"Go get her to the nurse." Mr.Benson demanded.<br/>One of the students said "yes sir." As we walked away I turned back to see Mason looking at Clyde with a dirty glare. <br/>When we arrived at the nurses the student left while I laid in bed. Miss Jeens came by the bed I laid in to check for severe injuries. She was there for a couple of minutes before she went back to her office. Fifteen minutes later she comes back with a drink that looks green.<br/>"Drink this then you can leave."<br/>I took it and drank it. The texture was like blended cilantro. It tasted like carrots. As I was walking out of the bell rung. Great. I missed the rest of school. I lived a couple blocks away. I decided to walk. Thankfully there was a gas station right next to the school. I was at the gas station buying a couple things.<br/>"Hello Miss Suky, what can I do for you?" The cashier asked.<br/>"Oh I'm just getting a couple things for Jack,Mason, and myself." I answered.<br/> I go to the fridges and get 4 Pepsis, and 2 peace teas. Then I found dog treats. I grabbed 7 bags of dog treats. I went to the sweets and got a bunch of candy, a couple cans of pringles, and jerky. I went to the cashier to pay.<br/>"Wow Jess this is a lot of stuff." He said.<br/>"Shut it, Angus, I've had a long day."<br/>I was there for a couple of minutes as he scanned my stuff. <br/>"Hey, can you drop this stuff off at my house? I have a feeling something is going to happen." I asked him.<br/>"Sure thing uh your total is 63.55." He noticed the worry I had in my voice.<br/>I reached into my pocket and grabbed my wallet and pulled out 200 dollars."Here's for the trouble."<br/>"Oh my god thank you." He took the money and put it in the cash register. <br/>"Thank you angus." I said.<br/>"Your welcome Jess." He replied.<br/>I walked out of the store and turned the corner. Clyde Came storming toward me and shoved me up against a brick wall.<br/>"Look who we ran into. Little miss freak."<br/>Dustin said."What should we do with her clyde?"<br/>Clyde had a dark smile then he said to me. <br/>"I'm not going to hit her. I don't want the dick to start hitting me again. It hurt like hell. Plus he turned my shirt into ashes"<br/>When he said that his smile went away.<br/>"My favorite shirt." He said in a low, harmful voice.<br/>I looked at him. Reading him trying to figure out his next move.<br/>I said. "You aren't going to punch me?"<br/>He said." No I'm not, Dustin is." <br/>Dustin said, sounding excited. "Really." <br/>"I don't know about this guys," Conner interrupted. <br/>"Shut up Conner. You're either in or you're out" Clyde said rudely.<br/>Then Dustin balled his hand into a fist then started punching like I was a punching bag. Each blow felt like a boulder landing on me. With each punch the pain spreads through my body. I screamed out in pain. I noticed Conner was gone 3 minutes into the beating. By then I already got a bloody nose and a black eye that came along with a lot of bruises.<br/>"Stop." I weakly said.<br/>"Oh what did the wimp say." Dustin said all cocky like.<br/>"I didn't hear anything." Clyde replied.<br/>"I said STOP." When the words came out of my mouth something pushed them away like an unknown force. I saw someone behind a tree. He was just staring. When I fell to the ground I heard running footsteps. I look up to see Mason with Conner and Angus as I fade out of consciousness. I saw Angus and Conner go after Dustin and Clyde as Mason picked me up and I was out. <br/>I woke up in my bed. My dog was Lying beside me. I started to pet him Wondering why Conner did what he did. Jack woke up and started to wag his tail. Sometimes I forget how big he is. He covered half of my body and the rest of the bed.<br/>"Hey jack." I reached out to pet him again but with my other hand. To my surprise there was a brace all along my forearm. Jack whined at the site of my arm and tried to licked it off my arm. Once he got off of me I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw a really bad black eye. Jackal barked as I went into the shower. I took off the brace to see a bruise so big it was at the palm of my hand to my elbow. I stood in the shower for a while just letting the drops of water on my arm. What the heck happened. How did they get shoved? No one was in front of me. I heard Jack bark again and it brought me back from my mind.<br/>When I got out He was there waiting like always. I got dressed and ate breakfast and fed Jack. I gave Jack a couple of treats. Stuffed 3 bags of candy in my bag, a can of pringles and 2 of the pepsis I bought. I was drinking coffee when someone knocked at the door. Jack was barking at the door. I set down my cup and I walked to the door and opened it. It was Mason to my surprise.<br/>Mason said. "Are you ok?" Looking worried.<br/>"I'm in pain but I can last," I said while Jack was trying to go outside.<br/>I finished my cup of coffee, hugged my dog and we went off as a normal day. Mason and I walked the long way to school.<br/>When we got to the mall we saw a limo with our names. The guy holding the sign was a tall black man with sunglasses. He wore a well tucked suit. He was giving all the wrong vibes.<br/>"I don't think we should get in."<br/>"Oh come on, it can't be that bad. I mean we have to walk a couple miles anyway so why not." Mason replied.<br/>"But still I get a bad vibe from it."<br/>"The worst thing that could happen is we get kidnapped. So if it happens you can punch me as hard as you want." He replied.<br/>"I'm just saying." It was weird but we still got in. Everything about this screamed run away. But as stupid as Jacob is, I can't just leave him.<br/>Then The driver said, "hi hope you buckle up cause you both are going to get tired during the ride."<br/>I asked. "We're only going to NC right?"<br/>The driver said. "Nope. You're going to someplace special just for you and Mason."<br/>In a scary way I knew we were getting kidnapped. I tried to open the door. But they were locked. The next thing I tried was to break the windows. I was on my back trying to break it with my feet.<br/>"MASON DO SOMETHING!!" I yelled at him.<br/> The driver freaked out and pushed a button. Some sorta gas came into the back of the car. I was starting to get dizzy. I look over my shoulder at Mason. He's already knocked out. My limbs started to feel heavy. As I laid in the seat my world was going black. The driver looked back while saying something. I couldn't tell if he was on the phone or was talking to me. He sounded muffled. All I heard was this is a problem.<br/><br/></p>