
Who Are You

Hi my names Alexandra and I'm a pretty normal person for the most part. My dad left when I was a baby and my mom stuck around to raise me and brother until my brother went missing 10 years ago. I'm now turning 18 in February. I'm so excited to turn eighteen because in my world when you turn eighteen the first thing your soul mate says to you is imprinted on your wrist. I know it might sound a little cliche but if you think about it it's kind of romantic. Anyway I'm more of a tomboy kinda girl who loves playing sports and going to party's and clubs to get myself into a bit of trouble. I'm the kind of person who want excitement in my life instead of a boring everyday life. My friends and I love to go out and drink and have fun pretty much and so we decided to go to this huge party at one of my classmates house who by the way is rich as hell. The party was on Friday the day before my birthday and it was supposed to start at midnight. I thought this party would just be a normal fun party little did I know though that my entire life was gonna change forever.