
Let My Memories Fly To You Like The Wind

"Grandma, could you tell me the story of the ruler of the Grassland again?" A little girl asks as she smiles at her grandma kneeling in front of her as her grandma watches TV from a distance. "This is your 100th time listening to this story today." Her grandma smiles back at her and nodded her head as she told her granddaughter the story of the Cruel Ruler Of The Grassland. English is not my first language so please do excuse me for my bad grammar or if you won’t understand the story line.

Ana_Stasia_CL · History
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Let My Memories Fly To You Like The Wind

"Once upon a time, there was once a cruel ruler of the grassland named Oga Enhj. Where he slaughtered many strong warriors of the Central plains of China and took their many lands. Turned the cultivations into slaves and tortured them personally. He will give harsh punishments to those who betray him. One day, while hunting he saved a fine maiden and brought her home. After a month had gone by he asked her hand in marriage. But she was unwilling, because she had already fallen for a young warrior in the grassland. Oga Enji knowing the reason why she refused to marry him, he had slaughtered the man and his family on the spot. After the death of the maiden's lover she married into Oga Enji's chamber and gave birth to a daughter and shortly died after."

"This was the story you used to tell me grandma. Now I'm telling you this because I want you to remember that I will always remember the times we spent together close to my heart." The now adult Liyi Wei says as tears fall from her rosy cheeks from the winter cold.

Liyi Wei turns around and leaves her grandmother's gravestone.

As she walks to her car she entered inside and drove home.

When she got there the land owner and a few men threw many of her belongings to the ground including her grandmother's things that were very precious to her.

"Stop! What are you doing?!" Liyi Wei yelled at the men throwing the only picture of her grandmother.

Liyi Wei rushes to take the photo out of his hand and was pushed by the land lady. "I had already told you to leave this place didn't I! I have a new owner coming in a few days and your still sitting here?! Get your stuff and hurry back to your grandmother's grave!" The land lady screamed at her and turned back to the guys to keep them focus.

Liyi Wei held onto the land lady's leg and begged her to let her stay a bit longer. But the land lady only got annoyed by her and kicked her to the side of the road.


The honk of a car goes off and the lights flashes into her eyes and ran over her.