
Let Me Make You a Star

Lee Hyun, the man once known as the 'Midas of music'. He got thrown out of his agency and his wife betrayed him. He lost everything and there was no hope left for him, but life gave him another chance to redeem himself. He found himself in 2010. The time when the entertainment industry has just started to get popular all over the world. With his knowledge of the future and his composing skills, Lee Hyun decided to make a mark in the entertainment industry. This time, he would become the 'God of Entertainment'. *On hiatus, due to exams. * * * *This novel is based in Korea. So, the names of the characters would be in Korean. If you like K-pop, then you would like this novel. If you can, please share it. Join the server: https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv Contact me on discord: Killerbee#4748 Note: This novel is also posted on scribble hub and Royal road. Release schedule: 2-3 chapters per day

Killerbee · Realistic
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132 Chs

Chapter 67. Music nights (1)

Chapter 67. Music nights (1)

"I never thought Minyuk would make his public network debut as a guitarist rather than a singer."

Kim Dongsu said as he sipped on his morning coffee. Lee Hyun, who was sitting in front of him, looked sleepy, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it somehow ended up like that, but it's not bad."

"Yeah, I think we will be able to get people's attention after this broadcast. That's what we originally wanted anyway, but won't it plaster his image as a guitarist rather than a singer."

Lee Hyun shook his head at Kim Dongsu's concern.

He didn't feel that it would affect Minyuk's image as they were originally going with the image of a musician in mind.

"Our main goal would be to promote Minyuk and get his name among the masses. Moreover, we don't need to worry as we are going with a musician image rather than an Idol's."

"Well, we can promote him easily this way, so I guess we are on the right track."

The main goal of reality TV shows was to promote celebrities. It was not about the money, but the promotions.

But that doesn't mean that getting into an entertainment show or a music broadcast was an easy job. A small agency needs to work really hard to even get into a small cable network broadcast.

In that way, Mango Entertainment was really lucky.

"Have you managed to convince a producer for Minyuk's debut stage yet?"

After talking a bit more about Music nights, Lee Hyun quickly changed the topic.

While he was working on the album with Minyuk, Kim Dongsu was running around, trying to find a producer that was willing to cast Minyuk on their music broadcast for his debut.

Lee Hyun thought that there must be some results, but Kim Dongsu shook his head with a weary expression on his face.

"I talked with some producers who I previously worked with, but all of them were acting like strangers, saying that they can't cast an unknown singer on their show. Those two faced bastards!!"

Kim Dongsu showed anger as he finished his sentence.

It was really true that only position and power works in the industry. Without these two, no one will help you.

"Guess, we can only try cable networks?"

"Even that is difficult. Producers these days don't care for talent. They just want to increase their ratings, so even a cable network producer won't think much of an unknown singer."

"I hope things changes after Minyuk appearance on Music nights..."

Lee Hyun said as he sighed.

He very well knows how difficult it was to convince a producer, but they don't have a choice here too.

"If the program did well, then Minyuk would gain a bit of popularity and if we announce that Lee Hyerin was making a feature in one of the songs, then I think the producers won't be like this."

"But there's a chance that they will ask for Lee Hyerin's appearance along with Minyuk."

Lee Hyun expressed another worry and Kim Dongsu frowned with a grave expression on his face.

"We can just hope that everything went well."

There were a lot of uncertainties in their plans and they can do nothing but hope that everything goes their way.

'Music nights will be more important than I thought.'

Lee Hyun couldn't help but worry about it.

It was a great opportunity for Minyuk to show his presence to the world, but they weren't sure about the impact of the show.

Like that, both Lee Hyun and Kim Dongsu talked more about Music nights and Minyuk. Then, the topic suddenly shifted to the four girls.

"Are the girls getting along with each other?"

Kim Dongsu asked as he tilted his head. He was busy these days, so he didn't know much about the members of the girl group.

"Well, there are problems."

Lee Hyun said with a frown.

"What problems? Is anyone making trouble?"

"Yeah, it's Alice. I heard from Harin that she is being particularly cold to the other girls and doesn't want to get along with them. It's like she is refusing to acknowledge them as her team members."

"That's not a good thing, but I expected that much. She was infamous for being rude and hard to get along with."

When Kim Dongsu was collecting information about her in Hongdae, he had heard several stories of Alice fighting with other people and causing a scene.

That's why, he had warned Lee Hyun, but he had not listened to him.

"I still think that she just needs some more time. I will have a talk with her and try to see what her problem is?."

Lee Hyun said with a sighing expression on his face.

He was really busy with Minyuk's album, so he was practically neglecting the girl group. It can't be helped as they don't have many employees in the company.

"Why don't we try to force her to get along? That would be a quick method."

Kim Dongsu suddenly proposed that, but Lee Hyun shook his head.

Forcing her? Alice was not someone who likes to get forced to do things. If they really did that, then the relationship between her and the other girls would worsen more.

"It may be a quick method, but it won't work in the long run. After they get successful, Alice can just change agencies, so forcing them to get along isn't a good option."

"Will they even get successful...?"

"Let's not think about that. I'm sure that they would get successful. Their visuals and skills are top notch, but they just need to polish them and learn to be a team."

Kim Dongsu frowned hearing that. He gulped down his coffee in one sip and looked at Lee Hyun while opening his mouth.

"You are saying like it's easy. If they can't get along with each other, then that means that they also can't perform with each other."

"Let's just hope that they learn to get along with each other and after Minyuk's album, I think we can focus on other things. He would be busy with shows and events if his album was successful. So, we need to just focus on making it a success currently."

"So, Minyuk's album would be the key here."

Kim Dongsu said and Lee Hyun nodded his head with a calm expression.

They would be able to increase their activities if Minyuk's album was a hit. It was directly related to the growth of Mango Entertainment, so there was a lot of pressure.

"By the way, what would be the name of the album? Have you thought of one?"

Kim Dongsu suddenly asked and Lee Hyun nodded his head.

"Yeah, the name of the album would be..."

Don't forget to vote!! This chapter was more like a chapter in which I'm explaining the things that are happening while showing the progress of the events.

Killerbeecreators' thoughts