
Let Me Live Alone, As A Powerful Mage

"I love you, don't you understand? I always loved you, so why don't you want to be with me!?" "Eros, I am so sorry, I.......Don't feel the same way you do, I am sorry" I walked away and never look back to his day.

D1014005 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Butterfly Out The Window

I walk up to the window and looking out there I see Eros throwing rocks at my window. How did he find where I live, is he a stalker? I opened my window a poked my head. I looked him straight in the eyes. He stared back at me, I beckoned him to be quiet. I slowly open my door, I peered out the door to see if anyone was in the hallway. I quickly made my way outside. I made my way to the window where Eros stood. Garbing him by the arm I took him to the back garden. Well, where the garden would have been.

"What are you doing here? Are you a stalker?"

"No, no I happened to wall passed your house when you got home"

"How should I believe you"

"You can trust me I promise"

He gave a promising smile. Then the thought came across my mind. Is he in love with me? We just met there is no way, I won't let this happen. He was talking to me but lost in my thought I was not paying attention. He brushed my hair behind my ear, I backed up.

"W-What are you doing!?"

"What, are you embarrassed" He let a laugh.

"I am not embarrassed I am just... surprised.

Ugh, what was that, why!? Why was I blushing, there is no possible way that I like him. Snap out of it, I won't have this.

"Umm...I have to go, it is getting later"

I began to make my way to the front door before he stopped me.

"Wait...I hope to see you again soon my lovely Sparrow"

He held my hand in both of these hands. I ripped my hand away and waved goodbye to him. I went straight to my room and plopped on my bed. I let out a big sigh. I barely made it out. Why is my heart beating so fast? I slapped myself in the face, I am ruining my perfect plan to live alone. He may be useful, he is a mage. Maybe I can get my hand on some spell books.

"That is it, I will become a mage, and live alone"

I will feel bad for using him, I must do what I need to do. Dozing off, I woke to Dove shaking me awake. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, I looked at my little sister and smiled.