

Megan is already on her fourth year college degree and she have a lot of field works that needs to be accomplish. Although it is tiring and exhausting already still she manages to strive even harder to get that diploma she awaits the most.

It was one hot afternoon when her teacher announces that they will have to form a group which consist of 7 members to go on field research with regards to finding for a rare plants that can survive 1 week without water.

Megan is a botanist student and they used to study about plants. Now they had assigned to search that plant her teacher wanted them to do so, her group decided to have a night camp at the mountain nearby just incase they need to take an overnight research to find for that rare plant besides they are quite sure to be safe eith regards to camping at the mountain since it is just near where Megan leaves and near the city.

The next morning Megan and her groupmates headed to the mountain to start their task. When they reached the mountain they agreed to separate their ways to look for rare plants. Might as well Megan took the south area of the forest to look for rare plants she had never seen before.

The sorrounding was quite amusive is because of the birds sound that echoed through the forest. The river was also heard nearby as if the waters are dancing on the stones.

While Megan is busy searching and was being amazed by the sight of the plants , her groupmates on behalf was already altogether and was just laughing while in search of rare plants as well. They are busy making jokes eith each other when one of their friends screams.