
Let her Go

Chapter 1


Since that day, she knew how miserable was her life. She tried to reach for a conclusion but all went in vain.

She was always careful and sensitive about things around her. She loved to be loved.

Untill the age 8, she Thought her life was okay.She had everything in her life just to sustain peace.

But that day changed everything. She realised how unlucky she is. Her life brought a curse for her mother. There wasn't a single day she didn't cry.All she hoped was for a normal happy life. But happiness was far beyond her reach. The next chapter started during her University days.

Chapter 2


It was cold month of January. She was Finally getting closer to Her dream. She got the chance to study her desired subject at a reputed University.

She saw him in the corridor wearing a navy blue jacket, fluffy haired tall boy.The way he captured her mind, it was unexpected still wholesome. Even after so many years, she clearly remember that day, that moment. That Euphoric moment was just the beginning of another cursed phase of her life. She called his name as she had known that from batch group chat. He didn't notice. She called him for the 3rd time and finally he noticed her and recognised due to her bangs XD.

She was happy and surprisingly enchanted by his smile. Later in her life That smile made her tear up every night all alone feeling like a jerk or something bad.

Chapter 3

The Smooth beginning

She loved damn much just to talk to him. Just to look at him.Just to listen to her voice. It was like a spell.

She couldn't ignore anything related to him. Anything realted to him become her concern. At first everything was okay. She liked him deeply. He also liked her somewhat.

ONE night she confeesed to him.They talked whole night.That night she was alone at home. She still remember the sensation felt due to his words. She thought she is gonna be happy,okay.

But he was joking with her. He Just wanted to make.fun of her and her feelings.He created such a bad situation for ger that everyone considered her as a playgirl.

time passed by and those were the worst tike.of her life. Hateful comments, gestures and nasty comments. She became tired of everything and decided to stay low and stopped communicating with everyone of University except one person, only one person who knows her real.story, about her emotional damage. He was like a ray of hope in intense darkness during her University days. But she also hurted him because of his confession. She knew she was a curse to anybody attached wit lh her, so she deliberately ignored all his gestures of love, support and care.

She somehow passed the university and ended up in another gravehole.

But she didn't know.how to survive this time..