
Let Go of That Pokemon!

Chen Yue entered the world of Infinite Pokemon, and his first mission was to go undercover in Team Rocket. With his handsome face, he happily embarked on his daily life of rising in rank and raising Pokemon within the villainous organization. After some time, the current Champion of the Kanto League, Lance, remembered that he had once sent a young investigator to infiltrate Team Rocket. Then, he saw a familiar name on the list of Team Rocket executives reported by another undercover agent. Lance: ??? I sent you to be an undercover agent, how did you end up becoming an executive there?

Glariosa · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Celadon Game Corner

Passerby A from Team Rocket saw that this group of new members had become familiar with their starter Pokemon and said, "Alright, put your Pokemon into the Poke Ball, and it's time to head to the base."

As he led the way ahead, he continued, "Remember your mission. When you get there, you must work hard for the organization. The organization will not mistreat you!"


The man who received Zubat replied enthusiastically.

The group of people left the Team Rocket reserve member training base, walking along the concrete road.

The eight people split into two groups and took different cars to their respective destinations.

Chen Yue's group consisted of the chubby guy, the slender young man, and the short-haired girl who had received Squirtle.

The chubby guy marveled at the fact that the girl's Pokemon was Squirtle, saying, "You're lucky!"

The slender young man looked at the two newcomers and said with a smile, "Let's introduce ourselves. We're teammates from now on. I'm Bai Yunfei, and he's Liu Hu. We've both been through three instances as veteran players."

The short-haired girl politely replied, "I'm Gu Jia."

Chen Yue: "Chen Yue."

Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes and continued to ask, "Nice names. Can you tell us what your mission is?"

In some instances, players' missions can be completely opposite to each other, which means players can become adversaries.

Once a mission fails, a significant number of points will be deducted. Once the points go negative, the player's status as an Infinite Player will be revoked, and they will be sent back to the moment of death.

Therefore, understanding the Main Quests of other players is crucial for them, especially for these two newcomers.

Bai Yunfei silently thought in his mind.

First, he had to ensure that these two individuals posed no threat to his Main Quest.

So he said, "I mean no harm. I just want to offer you some advice based on your mission."

Chen Yue could see through his cautious intentions clearly, as he was a modern youth who had read hundreds of web novels.

However, to extract more information about this instance from these two veteran players, he pretended to be clueless and asked, "Aren't our missions different?"

Bai Yunfei replied, "Of course, everyone's mission is different."

Chen Yue pretended to be puzzled, "What if the missions of two players conflict with each other?"

Liu Hu looked at him as if he were a fool, "What else can be done? Only one of them can wait to fail. When a mission fails, points will be deducted, and once the points go into negative, they will be kicked out of the Infinite World."

"Oh." Having obtained the information he wanted, Chen Yue closed his mouth and didn't speak anymore.

Bai Yunfei belatedly realized that he had been tricked and felt somewhat annoyed internally, but he maintained a smiling face and said, "The missions for newcomers are all very simple."

The tour bus entered a highly modern metropolis with a subtle atmosphere of suspicion among the four passengers.

It finally stopped in the parking lot of a luxurious building.

The four followed Passerby A off the bus.

When Chen Yue raised his eyes, he saw the sign at the entrance of the building that read "Welcome to Celadon Game Corner!"

Oh, he knew where this was.

Kanto Region, Celadon City.

One of Team Rocket's bases was directly below this game city building.

Passerby A gave a slight smile to the service girl in the Celadon Game Corner, and she opened a hidden door in front of a group of people.

Liu Hu didn't know what to say and whispered to the other three, "The evil organization in the Kanto Region seems to be quite powerful."

Chen Yue glanced at the game city employees around them who seemed oblivious to this scene and said, "Clearly, all the employees in the entire game city are Team Rocket members."

Bai Yunfei was curiously looking around and said as if he suddenly realized something, "I used to wonder when watching the anime, were the ordinary members of Team Rocket brainwashed? Why are they so loyal to an evil organization?"

No one could answer him.

But soon, this question was answered.

Chen Yue looked at the huge advertising board and the outstanding employee commendation board in front of him and finally understood the meaning behind Passerby A's earlier statement on the bus, "The organization will not mistreat you."

Team Rocket truly lived up to its reputation as a large-scale evil organization that straddled the line between good and evil.

Ordinary members receive a monthly salary of up to 10,000 Poke Dollars, and with the high commissions for capturing rare Pokemon, they can easily make 30,000 in a month.

In addition, they provide modern insurance and benefits to everyone.

Even if you get into trouble and end up in jail, our boss, Giovanni, will use his connections to get you out.

Liu Hu cursed in frustration at the exaggerated treatment, "Damn, these employees must be so lucky!"

Bai Yunfei was also envious, "In my previous life, I couldn't make this much even after working overtime until 10 o'clock every day, and I eventually died suddenly."


At Team Rocket, new recruits undergo a three-day training program before officially joining.

The training covers topics such as "How to Train Pokemon," "Type Advantages and Disadvantages of Pokemon Moves," "Which Pokemon are Considered Rare," "108 Quick Ways to Snatch Pokemon," and so on.

Chen Yue, who had worked as a summer intern at an electronics factory, found this training style very familiar...

The four of them waited in an underground base conference room for half a day without anyone coming. Liu Hu glanced at the clock on the wall every few minutes.

Impatiently, he said, "This is so annoying, damn it! This is even more ridiculous than my previous boss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened, and a beautiful woman with fiery red hair and dressed in a white uniform walked in.

Her voice was charming but devoid of any emotion as she responded, "Oh? Is that so? Then your boss must have a lot in common with me."

Liu Hu was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word and stood there silently.

The red-haired woman gave him a brief glance and quickly scanned the other three before her gaze settled on Chen Yue's face.

At this moment, a hint of a smile finally appeared on her lips, "Hmm, it seems we have a good-looking one among this batch of new recruits."

Good-looking? Does that mean she finds me attractive?

Chen Yue knew he was good-looking, as he had been chased by countless girls while growing up.

But he was an honest and straightforward person, and he had never accepted any of their advances.

Wasn't playing games and Pokemon more enjoyable? Why bother with romance?

Chen Yue: "Women only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.jpg"

Chen Yue's gaze passed over the red-haired woman and looked at the wall behind her, which was composed of mirrors.

In the mirror, the young man had a high nose bridge and a handsome appearance, the kind that would make young girls swoon at first sight.

Chen Yue raised an eyebrow, and his mirrored image also raised an eyebrow.

The red-haired woman noticed Chen Yue's little gesture of looking in the mirror and instantly wore a regretful expression on her face. "Too bad, he's not very clever."

Chen Yue: ...he felt insulted.

He wasn't stupid, really.

But he couldn't say that, just like a person with a mental illness saying they're not sick, no one would believe them.

Bai Yunfei muttered enviously to the side, "Damn, this NPC is quite bold."

Liu Hu said sarcastically, "So he's a little good-looking, what's the big deal?"

Gu Jia, another woman present, couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing this remark.

The red-haired woman narrowed her eyes slightly, taking in the reactions of the four people before speaking again, her tone becoming more serious:

"Let me introduce myself formally. I am Ariana, and for the next three days, I will be your instructor."