
Let Go (Omegaverse)

Bercerita tentang bagaimana para tokoh Let Go meraih kebahagiaan mereka. Baik itu lewat pencarian yang panjang, menemukan dengan mudahnya, mempertahankan yang sudah ada, maupun dengan melepaskan yang selama ini berada di genggamannya. . . Berlatar belakang "Omegaverse", dimana selain laki-laki dan perempuan ada gender kedua yaitu Alpha, Beta dan Omega. Karena berlatar omegaverse, jadi dalam cerita ini, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, dua-duanya bisa hamil. So, bagi yang merasa tidak nyaman dengan tema 'homoseksual' dan juga 'male preganancy', diharapkan untuk tidak membaca cerita ini. # LGBTQ+ # Male Pregnancy # Omegaverse # 17+

Leuchtend · LGBT+
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48 Chs


I know that I don't have much reader that willing to read my story. But still, I have an issue that I want to tell.

I won't be posting any update for a while. I really love to read and write. I start to write since past few months and this is the first time I share the story that I've writen in a big platform, which is Webnovel.

I also know that my story is kind of look like shit, since I'm not that good on writing. But honestly it really helps me to escape from real life issues and pain that I face in the last few years. But now, writing has become something that causes me pain too and it feels like, no matter what I write here are all just make me feel more sad. For me, writing always gave me some senses of securities and comforts. I could dive in another world which I could control for a few hours or days and it makes me forget those issues and pains. But in last few days, I feel like everything is slowly getting worse and I don't even know why these kind of things happen to me. Writing is always a good way to escape but it's hurting me now, physically and mentally. I hope I can figure it out during the breaks. I'll see you all soon, hopefully.❤