
Let Fate Decide

Originally ‘Why Us?’. She vows to overcome her fear no matter what it takes. While trying to accomplish her mission, she encounters more troubles but as her personality of not giving up, she still had the results she needed. Aislin Hart, known my her friends as Ash gets raped by a stranger for a reason unknown to her. She suddenly develops a strange fear of the opposite gender and swears to find out who did that to her though she has zero clue. Whiles trying to overcome this fear, her parents transfer her to another school where her life changes forever. Who are these R3 (Ryan, Reuben and Ryder) and what do they want from her? What connection does her new friend Jennie share with Ryder? And why is Ryan strongly against that connection. Mr. Class President, Keenan and Ryan share a past but are now enemies. What led to that? Ash is interested in finding out but will that be an easy task? What happens when Ash starts getting close to Keenan and Ryan. Sparks fly and each starts developing feelings, who will Ash choose in the end? What shocking revelations is she yet to find and how will they affect her? Don’t miss out on all the cries, laughter and suspense in LET FATE DECIDE.

Patience_Adehoke · Teen
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94 Chs


Ana was already standing in front of the door with her arms folded when i drove into the compound. .I put on a wide smile and ran into her arms forcefully unfolding them. i dragged her into the house by the wrist and asked her to sit and that i and something to talk to her about. She looked at me quietly before deciding to speak.

"This wasn't how you left the house, what happened to you?"' she inquired

"I just experienced something i didnt know i was capable of, and it was really amazing"', my eyes lit with joy.

"What are you talking about, Ash?", i didn't know how to describe the look in her eyes when she stared at me.

"Ana how come you never told me it was so amazing, i felt like i was about to explode, the feeling was so intense and the ..."

"Ash baby, what have you done?", she cut me off

"Relax Ana, i didn't do anything that deep"

"You didn't anything that deep? Ash what has come over you?What did you do?"

"Ana you are overreacting, calm down. we just spoke and made amends, thats all"

"That's all? And see how you are blushing hard"

"Am I?", I didn't even realize it

"Did he touch you, tell me the truth before i take my phone", there comes her threat again.

"Fine, I kissed him, I was the one that started everything, its isn't his fault"

"You are defending him, I just want to know what happened back there. I want to hear everything from the beginning"

"Fine, when I got there he was leaving just as I suspected, see, I'm a seer", I winked at her and when I received no sign of interest in it, I continued. "I told him i had forgiven him and when he tried to talk back at me, I shut him up...with this", i pouted my lips at her.

"You did what? did I hear you saying you have forgiven him? After all that..."

"Ana that is in the past, and he didn't have a choice, needed to save his mum's life and i would have done the same thing if it had happened to mum", i tried to convince her

"So are you trying to justify his actions by using your mum as an example? I'm sure he had other options but still decided to sleep with you"

"even if you did have other options, it still happened and its already in the past so please let it go, im asking you as the victim and not as your little princess, please Ana", i gave her one of my puppy looks and she sighed.

"Fine but that doesn't mean I've accepted him", she said shuffling her feet to the kitchen , her favorite place to be. 

I walked lazily to my room to take a quick shower to release myself from the heat when it hit me i was supposed to call Keenan so he would know i got home safely in order for him not to get worried.

He answered the call after the second beep

"I guess you are home now ", he was first to speak after picking up the call

"yeah, I'm about to take my shower but decided to call you first so you wouldn't get worried"

"do you need my help with that?

"with what? don't be silly....how is it going with your investigation?", i changed the topic out of curiosity.

"I'd give you updates when everything is done, ....catch you up later"

"id be waiting then, bye"

"I love you Ash"

"love you too Mr President", i chuckled and hanged up not waiting to listen to whatever complain he was about to launch.

I called Jennie after taking my bath since its been a while I heard from her but she didn't pick my call and i wanted to speak to her so badly that I couldn't wait for her to call back so i thought the only place she could be was with Ryan at the hospital because Ryder was with Keenan and he would definitely feel lonely so I headed there after gulping some juice down my throat. i opened the door to be met with a cute sleeping body on the bed. Ryan actually looked cute while sleeping that I forgot I was even there to look for Jennie. I turned to leave after scanning the room and not feeling her presence when Ryan's voice stopped me.

"Hey wife, did you miss me?

"And why would I even think of that?"

"You cant seem to stop thinking about me, Isn't that right?", he smirked

"Where is Jennie ?",I asked ignoring him

"she went out to get something...I'm sure she will be here very soon", he said and covered his body with his sheets. I sat quietly in the small chair scrolling through my phone for nothing in particular.

"Hey fine bitch", Jennie called out immediately the door flew open.

"Hey you", I stood up and hugged her. I really missed her so much.

"Where have you been all this while?", she asked dropping the cup she was holding on the table. "Wait a minute….and what happened to your eyes?", she continued.

"My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?", I was confused because I didn't know what she was seeing that I couldn't see.

"It looks a bit swollen", she answered.

"Oh really? I didn't realize…..I think it's because I didn't have enough rest", I told her not knowing that would be bring another question to the table.

"Or just say you have been having fun without her", Ryan's voice echoed in the room. We had even forgotten he was still there.

"I have a lot to tell you Jennie….come with me", I ignored Ryan and dragged Jennie by the wrist outside to a quiet place.

"What did Ryan mean by you were having fun without me?", that was the first question she asked once we came to a stop.