
Let's swap chests today~

A bittersweet romance story about two rather unsuccessful people finding out that they need each other become successful in life, which slowly makes them fall for each other but some complications arise...

Z_AuthorFrank · Realistic
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4 Chs

By her side

Ai was unconscious in her bed while the boy was sitting by her side, holding her hand, almost sleeping. It didn't take much time for Ai to regain her consciousness and she was surprised when she did.

Ai- What is this? A romance movie? Oi... Wake up... Let go of my hand...

The boy was still half asleep and thus was caught off-guard by her intense shaking.

The boy- Huh?! What time is it?!

Ai- How would I know?!

The boy- Oh wait... Ai... You're awake?

Ai- Yeah!! Let go of my hand now...

The boy- Oh... Sorry... I seem to have grabbed that while I was asleep...

Ai- How can you be so casual about that?! That almost gave me a---

The boy- Oh? Did you get excited because a younger boy held your hand?

Ai- You.... I'll kill you...

The boy- Oh Ai... Don't do that...

Ai- Why are you calling me by my name just like that?! I'm older than you... Give some respect when you call me by my name...

The boy- So... Should I call you Ai-sama?

Ai- Have you been watching animes?

The boy- Then should I call you Ai Nuna?

Ai- Have you been watching K-Dramas?!

The boy- I don't know how they address older women in Chinese...


The boy- Yeah... I never thought Chinese women like being reminded that they are older... Well... You can just look at a mirror if you want to be reminded of how old you are... Your face is basically full of wrinkles...

Ai- No way!! I'm only 27...

The boy- Wow... I'm 23... We're exactly 5 years apart...

Ai- Actually... It's 4...

The boy- Oh well... Even if I can't call you by your name... You can call me by my name... Because I'm not as petty as you are...

Ai- You're getting on my nerves... I'll just fire you...

The boy- Oh no... You can't... You aren't the boss here...

Ai- You think you're my partner? You're just my servant...

The boy- That was harsh... Is that why you never asked my name?

Ai- Wait---

Ai thinks to herself "Wait... I've known him for hours already and we've been through so much. But... I didn't even ask him his name... He seems to have a point. I did that because I simply wasn't interested in knowing his name... Maybe because I was afraid that I would start seeing him as a human whom I could get close to, if I knew his name....... Wait..."

Ai- You didn't ask me my name either... You just came to know it because of my mother...

The boy- You're still not going to ask me my name?

Ai- I mean... I can... But you didn't ask me my name... So why should I?

The boy- Oh well... My name is Noah Lopez... It's a pleasure to work with you...

Ai- Ugh... My name is Ai Zhao... Just call me Ai... And you're not working with me... You're working for me... Get your facts straight... Idiot...

Noah- Yes!!*smiles innocently*