
Let's pretend it's always

For a few seconds it looked as thou the match was already over. I rose up onto the tips of my toes, trying to get a better view sea what was happening, i swayed backwards slightly to keep myself upright, i must of bumped into someone, because the next thing i knew i was shoved violently from behind. My body slammed into the cage with force, i grab at the links to keep myself up. Hunters eye's shot over, locking with mine. "Cupcake?" fell wordlessly from his shocked lips. I swallowed hard, feeling like a little girl about to be scolded for being caught somewhere i wasn't supposed to be. He was about to say something, but Brodie took advantage of Hunter's sudden distraction, and rammed his shoulder into Hunter's stomach. His surprise turned to shock as he sucked in a laboured breath. Anger flashed in his eyes, i had an intense feeling of deja vu. "Don't fucking move!" He growled, his eyes on mine before giving his attention back to Brodie, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck roughly yanking his head down, meeting it halfway with his knee. *** Siran Edwards appears to be your adverage good girl, straight A's no boyfriend, quiet and reversed. That is until her befriend Callie James drags her to a frat party, where she has a chance encounter with the resident bad boy Hunter Woods. In a flurry of two bodies trying to cause each other harm all of Siran's demons begin clawing their way back to the surface. Hunter woods reputation struts a mile ahead of him, he's the man every boy wants to be and the guy every girl wants to be with, and they can... For one night anyway. Together this pair creates a very unlikely and fucked up couple. Their demons and secrets of both of their past collide with incredible sparks. When the truth comes out, are they still going to be around to see it?

Kirsten_Davey · Teen
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30 Chs

Chapter four: A girl's gotta eat

"How was class?" Callie inquires, "'cause you look a little tense."

"It's nothing," I mumble, she looks at me questionably, I shake my head a little, "I'm just tired, late-night, remember?" I give Callie a small, grateful smile when she drops the subject she nods pulling me through the swinging cafeteria doors, confidently strutting towards a table in the centre of the large space, where her boyfriend is sitting with a few of his friends.

At seeing him Callie lets out a high pitch squeal, running the rest of the way to Andrew, jumping into his lap practically straddling him.

"Hey, baby!" Callie giggles, whilst planting little kisses along his cheek.

Andrew obviously pleased with this exchange turns his head planting a kiss on her Pouting lips, mumbling his greeting against her mouth, I can't tell whether I am jealous or disgusted.

"Get a room," one of his friends at the end of the table groans, earning a few snickers from others sitting around them.

"Just 'cause your not getting any, Barry. " Andrew smirks flipping his friends off playfully before acknowledging my presence with a friendly nod of his head, "Siran," he throws a smile in my general direction.

"Andy," I politely smile back, before slipping into a chair between Andy and one of his friends Liam, Andy's a sweet boy and Liam's okay so I don't mind sitting with them.

"I'm Hungry!" Callie straightens up moaning, slipping off Andy she reaches her arm forward grabbing my hand and linking our fingers.

"Let's go get something to eat." She smiles.

I nod enthusiastically in agreement, standing up, leading us towards the line of students ordering and paying for their food.

When it's my turn to order, I opt for a large bowl of crispy fries loaded with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce, then only just remember to grab a shiny red apple and a bottle of water before heading to the counter to pay.

I find Callie leaning against the condiments counter fiddling with her nails, waiting for me.

She glances down at my tray and grins, then turns her attention down to her own which is holding a thick cheeseburger, and an enormous slice of meat lovers pizza with a bottle of diet coke on the side.

"A girl's gotta eat!" we chorus together, laughing.

Back at the table, more people seemed to have gathered, sitting around laughing as they recapped their weekend's mishaps to one another, all the while making plans to do it all again next.

I kept my head down throughout the conversations, studying silently for the biology test I had at the end of the day.

I search frantically around me for a pen, but I couldn't find one, so I reluctantly reached for the chewed foundation pen I shoved into my hair this morning in place of a hair tie.

After pulling out the only thing restraining my bun, my long dark curls came tumbling down around my shoulders, the illumination of the florescent lighting caused a shimmering waterfall effect, hanging heavily down past my waist, looking as untamed as a riot.

"Well damn!" A low voice exclaims, followed by a low wolf whistle.

I knew that voice, I peek through a gap in my protective curtain my hair had made around me, and saw, as I expected, Hunter was lounging beside me leaning forward sightly, staring intently at my partially hidden face.

"looking good, cupcake!" He winked, before dragging his eyes away from me. "Bro!" He greeted heartily smacking Andy's back.

"Hey, bro!" Andy replies as they do that high five, fist bump thing guys do.

Hunter lifts his legs atop of the table lazily resting his mud-caked steel caps inches away from my notes and food.

I pull my notes closer to me, readying to excuse myself, when the same three blondes from the night before, now accompanied by a few extras push there a way through the crowded cafeteria to be at Hunter's side, effectively blocking my route, the obvious leader begins pawing at his shirt with her perfectly fake tanned, manicured fingers.

They're all giggling, sounding like a bunch of out of breath hyenas while simultaneously batting their fake lashes so hard they look like they're about to fly off.

It's quite amusing watching their desperate display of trying to gain Hunter's attention.

The one still pawing at him, whom I'll call barbie #1 leans down to whisper something in his ear before shifting to sit on his lap.

"C'mon Hunt, you know you want to," Barbie says a little louder this time while trailing her slim index finger up his thigh.

"Sorry, babe. I'm busy." 'Hunt' smirks, swinging his legs off the table, causing her to lose her place on his lap, dismissed. "Fine," she purrs, leaning down and licking the shell of his ear. "Call move when you get bored." She winks before slinking off.

chapter 4! im excite and maybe a little in love with hunter what are your thoughts i would love to hear them <3

Kirsten_Daveycreators' thoughts