
chapter 4.

Even though I was breathing heavily, I didn't turn around and continued sprinting while tears were rolling down my face.

I had to keep going because the cops were pursuing me and there was a ghost killing anybody I came in contact with. I suddenly came to a stop as a notion crossed my mind.

I asked myself, "Why didn't this ghost murder me when she had two chances?"

Another notion rung in my thoughts, "Maybe I was simply lucky, I need to keep running," and I kept running.

My eyes were flashed by the headlights of a Mercedes as it came into view. "Mary, get in!", the driver commanded. He had on a leather jacket and black sunglasses.

I remained calm and roared, "Who are you and how did you even know my name?"

Before eventually opening the door and throwing me into the front seat and lifting me up, I overheard him muttering something to himself. I shouted and fought to get away, but he was too powerful.

I shouted in rage, "Who are you and why are you kidnapping me!".

He said, at first frowning, "Calm down young lady, I'm not going to kidnap you okay, I'm simply protecting you," before turning to face me and grinning. He increased the speed of the vehicle while he drove off.

"You call forcing me into your car as protection?" I thundered, "screw you!"

I started banging on the door and kicking it. I cried, "Help me! I'm being abducted!" Before he stopped the car, I overheard him swearing.

He scowled, "This was a horrible idea."

I questioned, "What are you talking about?"

Without saying anything, he exited the vehicle, made his way to the boot, and then opened the door next to me while grabbing something.

"Come on over!" He hoisted me from the seat by grabbing my hair. I shook and shut my eyes. My hands were tied behind my back with a rope ,then tied my face with a scalf he pulled from his pocket. He said in a Stern voice, "Now listen to me".

"You won't scream again because I'll tape your lips shut. Although I tried to be friendly with you, you forced me to do this "as he pushed me into the trunk of the car, he continued,

"Never shout or talk out loud. Is that clear? ", He bellowed. I just nodded as he slammed the boot, got back in the driver's seat, and kept going.

Dike said joyfully as he and his friend Daniel finished their favorite game of chess, "Terminate the bishop and that's it... I won."

Daniel, who had known Dike since they were young and had many interests, said with a sweet smile, "You're extremely amazing at this game, I must admit".

"You see, life is just like playing a game of chess," Just as he was about to complete his sentence, Sam, one of his bodyguards whispered something into his ear.

He begged Dan to excuse them for a moment, but Dan responded that he had somewhere else to be as well, they exchanged quick glances and decided to meet later that evening.

"So you mean she's dead?", Dike asked with a bewildered expression on his face."Sure, sir. She called us last night and claimed Mary was with her, but when we went there this morning, we discovered Mary's lifeless body, so that's another reason I'm perplexed " Sam replied. He was a dark and average heighted Man and was Dike's favorite bodyguard.

Dike remained silent for a while before starting to talk.

He grinned wickedly and said, "Mary, you can't run forever.", before whispering something into Sam's ear who exited the scene afterwards.

My mind was filled with different thoughts as I sat in the trunk of the automobile. I had no idea that I had other assailants besides the police and the ghost. He ultimately succeeded in kidnapping me, and I could die at any moment.

I immediately started crying as I thought about how my life had come to be. My parents must be quite concerned about me right now, especially my younger sister Lizzy, and I pondered how they would feel. I thought of calling them but I remembered I left my phone at the elderly woman's hut.

My train of thinking was broken as the automobile stopped. As he took the scalf from my eyes, I felt immediately relieved because I had been in the dark for more than eight hours.

I asked as he cut the rope around my hands, "Where are we?" I got angry when he didn't react.

I roared, "I asked where are we?"

"Somewhere very far from anyone trying to kill you." he said, "and nobody will hear you scream or shout here, it's just the two of us, we're gonna be here together for a very long time and so you better get used to me", he added with a smirk . I looked at his face; his hair appeared curly and untidy at the same time. He had gorgeous brown eyes, which I fell in love with right away.

"You're such a fool Mary, you shouldn't be falling in love with a guy who kidnapped you", I thought to myself.

I suddenly became enraged and started screaming.

"You scumbag!" You kidnapped me!"

"Mary, stop this; I didn't kidnap you"

"What do you call this, you bloody liar?

, "Protection," oh yes", I became enraged.

He said softly, "Yes, I'm protecting you, Mary; you'll understand it later".

"My parents will discover you and put you in jail! I screamed, "I hate you!".

He looked worried and added, "Sorry Mary, but your parents are dead, they were murdered this morning."

I stopped. I cried out loud, "No!!!!" before once more losing consciousness.