
Let's Not Mention My Human Condition

Milo Foster, 16 years old, was a boy who was all-around average. Average looks, average abilities, and average background. One night he attempted to stop an armed robbery and ended up being fatally injured by a bullet wound to the abdomen. As the cold embrace of death met him he closed his eyes for what he thought was the final time only to open them once again, and find himself in a completely unfamiliar place. *I don't own the cover*

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Trial of the Abused

(Milo's Perspective)

Victoria made an appeal to the council. "Your honor, what happened today was a terrible tragedy, but it doesn't need to become even more of one."

She seemed to have captured the council's attention.

"These people have lived their entire lives as slaves. Oppressed, trapped, some even abused. You can not subject people to such treatment then expect them not to foster some type of resentment."

A majority of the nobles scowled, but a small portion looked ashamed.

"Objection," Roland's said as he raised his hand.

"You may speak," the council president stated.

"Though the slaves may have been mistreated, is that really a justfiable reason behind the slaughter they committed? They chose to follow the words of some ephemeral shadow, they chose to kill over 53 nobles. They could've run and claimed their freedom but they didn't, they chose to kill and rampage instead." Roland protested.

The exchange of reasoning went back and forth for nearly 45 minutes. I felt as if Victoria was making the most sense, but the nobles' confirmation bias wouldn't let things be so easy.

When all was said and done, the jury took a vote. Most of them were in favor of capital punishment even after all that was said.

Roland had a sadistic smile plastered across his face, but Victoria did her best to ignore it. Knowing all that he's done, I really want to bring him to justice, but what justice is there?

"We've made our decision," the council announced.

I wonder what they have to say. I may have to step in if it's completely unreasonable.

"Those guilty of murder will return to their position as slaves, this time serving public duties. Those who only focused on escaping will be released into the capital and slums."

With that, the CEO slammed his mallet down and dismissed the session.

Many of the nobles scoffed, but said nothing.

The slaves were led away to a huge chaple-like structure, disappearing inside.

The nobles sat up unanimously and shot vindictive glances at Victoria. She stood at her podium, unmoving with her head hanging.

The council soon vanished after the jury had left. Roland started toward Victoria, but I teleported beside her before he made it over.

At the sight of me, he recoiled and changed direction immediately.


Her head turned to me instantly. "Oh, Milo, you're back already. You must have seen all of that."

"Yeah, you did good. Because of you, an even larger massacre was avoided."

"I suppose so..."

"Although, I do have some bad news. It's about the scouts you sent out."

"What happened?"

"They were all killed by Merlow, I left their belongings with Eva."

She gently rested her head in her arms on the podium in response.

"Everything seems to be falling apart lately, I'm not sure what to do anymore." Victoria confessed.

I'd have to agree with that, I have a really bad feeling about the future. "...Yeah, you're right."

I looked up at the sky. I was flooded with memories of Earth. Sure, it had it's issues, but it was still my home.

Part of me wants to get back some day, but another part of me is telling me to stay here.

Victoria reluctantly stood straight up. "I really should be heading back home now. Would you do the honors?"

I placed one hand in front of her and teleported her back inside of her manor.

Now then, I guess I'll check my current objectives.


•Climb The Ranks (Reach S-Rank)

•Take Down Lilith

•Take Down Roland

•Take Down Merlow

Continue Scrolling

Jeez, I have more enemies than I'd like to. So many people to take down, and I'm not even sure who to start with.

It's not like I can let fate take the wheel, just hoping I get the chance to end things.

But for now, I'll focus on climbing the ranks.

Making my way over to the guild, I felt different about everything. Like I said, the future seemed darker.

I was uncertain about how things would play out from now on. Due to this fact, I can't afford to mess around anymore.

People have lost their lives because of my naivety. I'm always holding back for fear of holding others, unfortunately I can't afford to do that anymore.

If I had gone all out against Merlow, things wouldn't have escalated this far.

I stepped through the doors of the guild with one thing on my mind, progression. I didn't care if my seriousness was creeping people out, this was all that mattered at the moment.

I approached Rachel and told her what I needed. "I'd like to take the advancement test."

Rachel smirked. "It's about time, Lucian's been waiting all day for you."

I wasn't really surprised, it's obvious he's been itching to fight me. "I see."

"Right this way," she said as she led me to the same room I had first tested in.

"Good luck."

The doors closed behind me as I walked toward the center of the room where Lucian sat waiting.

Just like last time, his eyes shot open, hitting me with his intimidating aura.

Unlike last time, it didn't faze me; I retaliated with a piercing murderous intent of my own.

Lucian sat up immediately. "It's about time, I have high expectations for you, Milo."


"I could tell there was something strange about you when we first met. You have demonic aura, but it's intertwined with that of a human. Milo, you're not entirely human, are you?" Lucian lamented as he pointed an actual sword at me.

I paused to think about how I should answer. "No, not really."

Lucian smirked. "I see, then don't be afraid to use your full power against me. The lord knows I will."

With that, I activated every enhancing ability I could think of: Body Enhancement, Draconic Aura, Meditation, EX-Combat Mode, and even Metamorphisis.

The instant activation of the skill, caused my aura to burst outward, creating cracks all over the room.

Lucian put one hand up as if telling me to wait. "The guild won't survive if we fight here, let alone this room. Let's take this somewhere more...secluded."

Lucian snapped his fingers, warping the space around us.

After a few seconds, I found that we were now standing on top of desert mountain.

Nothing but sand, hills, and mountains for as far as my eyes could see, and I can see pretty far.

Lucian began stretching. "We can fight to our hearts content here. Welp, you know the rules so let's get to it."

I controlled my breathing and focused on the moment, erasing most of the stress I'd been feeling for some while.

"Let's begin!" Lucian yelled.

In a flash of blue electricity, Lucian disappeared momentarily.

I felt something from my left, so I responded by put my left arm up. Shortly after doing so, the sound of a blade clashing with a harder material than the blade itself met my ears.

"Woah!" Lucian exclaimed.

I followed up instantly by firing off a blast of flames at Lucian from my right hand.

Lucian vanished again and appeared a few feet in front of me. "You really didn't hold back with that shot."

"Neither did you." I took the opportunity to close the gap and charge at Lucian.