
Let's Not Mention My Human Condition

Milo Foster, 16 years old, was a boy who was all-around average. Average looks, average abilities, and average background. One night he attempted to stop an armed robbery and ended up being fatally injured by a bullet wound to the abdomen. As the cold embrace of death met him he closed his eyes for what he thought was the final time only to open them once again, and find himself in a completely unfamiliar place. *I don't own the cover*

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Hell-ish Training

"Well, there's an experimental spatial magic I've been working on, want to help me test it out? It should help you grow stronger," Vanessa said.

"Experimental spatial magic...tell me about it," I insisted.

"Basically, it revolves around me forging a dimension, and manipulating different factors from the outside," Vanessa said.

"Alright, but how will this help me grow stronger?" I asked.

"I've gathered combat data and genetic samples on various adventurers and monsters, so you can test your skills. Don't worry, it'll be like training mode in a video game. If anything goes wrong, I'll pull you out," Vanessa persuaded.

"I'll use this crystal ball as a catalyst, telepathy won't work, but I can speak through this instead," Vanessa explained.

This sounds a bit sketchy, but I can't pass up an opportunity like this.

"Alright, let's do this."

"Great, just relax yourself," Vanessa extended her hands out to me.

Suddenly, I found myself in a completely white void.

"Looks like it was a success," Vanessa voice came from seemingly nowhere, yet everywhere at the same time.

"I'll run a basic combat simulation to gauge your abilities," Vanessa stated.

3 Kobalds appeared in front of me, and the white void became a field.

I was directly in the center, and it had about a 1.5km radius to a surrounding tree line.

I looked up only to be met by a huge crescent moon.

"T-the MoonLight Field!?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Just like the legends, but for you, it's just like how you remember it, now then, defeat your opponents, I'll being adjusting the concept of time in the dimension for maximum efficiency," Vanessa added.

The Kobalds lunged at me in an instant.

"Combat Mode Initiated"

I didn't recieve a huge buff, dealing with these guys is a piece of cake now.

I punched each one once and they fell dead. Their Exp. was absorbed by me.

I think this could really work.

"Ho~that seemed rather easy, how about we kick things up?" Vanessa said, sounding impressed.

Now there was a horde of minotaurs in front of me. Talk about kicking things up. Combat Mode got slightly stronger.

I quick-stepped behind one of the minotaurs, palm striking its back. It swung it's axe around, but I was already in the air.

I used it's horns as handles and brought my knee down on its head. It dropped dead, and I gained it's exp. The other Minotaurs followed suit.

"Very good, you've forced my hand," Vanessa spoke.

An army of monsters and even what looked like people spawned around me. Except they were all shrouded in darkness and had glowing red eyes. Now I could really feel the enhancement of combat mode.

(28 Hours Later)

Man, I'm mentally exhausted, but I feel stronger. I'm constantly regenerating too, so there's no real threat. Just a tough enemy here and there.

The field is riddled with pieces of enemies and fallen weapons. There's also craters everywhere.

I should check my stats. Before I could though, I felt the ground beginning to shake. The Moon was now blood red.

A beam of red light descended from the sky, causing an explosion on the ground where it hit.

"What now?!" I expressed my frustration.

"This one's different," Erythro said.

As the smoke cleared, I could see that there was a figure standing in the midst of the smoke.

There was a glowing red 'X' across it's chest. Wait, it's me!

Before the smoke even cleared, the doppleganger was already in front of me.

Next thing I knew, there was a fist in my face and I was sent flying. Then, a web attached to my foot and I was yanked back to my opponent.

He then began a barrage of punches on me until I was being pushed into the ground beneath me. The other me wore a sadistic smile and let out a distorted, echoing laugh as he did this.

My HP was constantly decreasing even though my regeneration and endurance has gotten much stronger and I remember leveling up a few times.

HP: 14,621/15,000

HP: 13,873/15,000

HP: 11,340/15,000

Damnit, I have to get away.

I created an explosion of air to get him off of me. It worked for brief moment.

I jumped backwards far enough to deduce that I was safe for a little while. I noticed I was breathing pretty heavily.

Not only does he look like me, but he has my abilities too. He's also far more violent. How am I supposed to beat him?

No, I need to calm down.

(Meditation Initiated)

He was back, this time he was bearing his claws. I parried a few stirkes, but when I thought he was open, tendrils came out of his back and impaled my arm.

I was then slammed back and forth into the ground until I managed to shake him. I twisted my waist and freed myself by wrapping around his left arm and breaking it. I did a back hand spring when he let go, creating distance between us.

His arm snapped back into placed and healed completely.

I was forced to retreat again.

What's with this guy? He's like a stronger version of myself.

I looked around for anything useful. On the ground, next to me was a sword and dagger, maybe I can use these.

I absorbed the weapons into my mass and spawned two new ones. They shined bright red and seems to be vibrating.

I rushed my dopple ganger, things were more even now.

I was beginning to land blows, when all of a sudden he pulled a sword and dagger out too.

By some string of luck, I managed to decapitate him, however, it wasn't over.

As his head flew through the air, tendrils launched out of his stump of a neck and reattached his head to his body. He was still making thay distorted laugh.

Damn, I grabbed him by the shirt and tossed him into the sky. He began flying using wind magic.

Flying around with minimal movement is easy, but sustaining flight while fighting is going to be hard.

"Let's siphon mana out of the environment," Erythro said.

"New Skill Obtained: Max-Charge

"Max-Charge (Lv.Max)- Absorb Mana from the environment to refill your supply."


Small mana particles began entering my body, and I felt less mentally exhausted. My Mana was surging now. I circulated it throughout my entire body.

I flew at my dopple ganger and slashed at him. He dodged and threw a kick at my side, it connected. This cycle repeated for nearly 12 exchanges.

The battle feels like it's lasted hours. Huh, he's gone? I can still feel his presence though.

He appeared behind me, but I could sense his mana and murderous intent. I kick him in the stomach and he flew into the tree line, causing major damage to this domain.

"Erythro what else can we do?" I asked looking for help.

"...Let's co-pilot," Erythro said.


"I'll envelop your body completely maximizing our combat potential," Erythro explained.

"Go for it!"

My clothes began to shift again, and Erythro began wrapping around my skin and face completely.

It felt like living armor. My view had become 360° all around despite not having eyes all the way around. I only had wide slits where my eyes should have been.

Soon, the doppleganger came flying out of the tree line at supersonic speeds.

My doppleganger didn't mimic this, I don't think it could based off its strange shifting form.

He tried to slash at my head, but a slit in my face opened up, revealing rows of serrated teeth. We bit down on the sword, shattering it to pieces.

The doppleganger paid it no mind. I appeared behind him, and brought both my fists down on the back of his neck. After I spiked him, I then used wind magic to accelerate my downward speed.

I reached the ground before him, placing my arms together and pointing them upward.

"Now!" I yelled.

A huge pair of crimson jaws opened from my arms and devoured the dopple ganger.

Erythro transformed back into my clothes from before and I fell onto my ass. I was bleeding a little bit all over. It's been a long time since I've genuinely bled.

That was insane. I laid on the ground for a few seconds thinking about what just happened. I need to check my stats, there's no way I didn't improve.

"Swordsmanship has Updated to Weapons Mastery"

Name: Milo Foster

Race: Human/Crimson Slime

Rank: C



HP: 3,153/15,000

MP: 1,349/3300

Strength: 85 (425)

Agility: 96 (480)

Endurance: 87 (435)

Intelligence: 66 (330)

Sense: 72 (360)

Mana: 90 (450)

Spirit: 121 (605)

Attribute Points: 46

Passive skills:

G.P.S. (Lv.Max)-Mapping and positioning of areas.

Regeneration (Lv.15)- The rate at which the body heals.

Calculator (Lv.Max)-

Understanding of numbers.

Electro-Magnetic Perception (Lv.4) The ability to feel and sense Electro-Magnetic Fields.

Mana-Sense (Lv.10)-The abilty to sense mana within people or the environment. Currently works within a 120 meter radius.

Fashion-Sense (Lv.3)-One's understanding of clothing and fashion.

Martial Arts (Lv.12)- Understanding of physical and combat prowess.

Stealth (Lv.3)-The ability to conceal one's presence.

Acting (Lv.1)- The art of social deception.

Weapon Mastery (Lv.10)- Understanding of weapon-based combat.

Mana-Recovery (Lv.7)-Increases the natural speed at which mana recovers.

Teacher (Lv.1)- Those who learn under you will experience accelerated results

Activation Skills:

Combat Mode (Lv.Max)- Boosts all stats in response to danger. Boosts depends on the danger posed.

Crimson Web (Lv.9)-Eject adhesive spindle fibers from your body. Detachable.

Metamorphis/Shapeshifting(Lv.10)- The body can shift anyway the user imagines. Harden, soften, sharpen, etc.

Transmutation (Lv.6)-Change the properties of a material manually.

Absorbtion (Lv.9)-Take in material and assimilate it with your being.

Appraisal (Lv.Max)- Observe someone's status. May even be possible to see skills with heightened proficiency. Works within 50 meter radius.

Meditation (Lv.7)-Focus youself with a calm mind and guided breathing.

Intimidation (Lv.7)-By will of thought, you can send waves or terror and dread through your enemies.

Clean (Lv.2)-make something/ someone free of dirt, marks, or mess, especially by washing, wiping, brushing, or using mana.

Healing (Lv.3)-Restores health and mends the wounds of targets via mana.

Potential Unlock (Lv. Max)- You can distribute the attribute points of those you've established a bond with accordingly.

Wind Magic (Lv.13)-Wind can be manipulated by the user via mana.

Mana Link (Lv.Max)- You can link your mana with those around you if they're in range of mana sense.

Telepathy (Lv.1)- Establish a psychic link for telepathic communication.

Max-Charge (Lv.Max)- Absorb Mana from the environment to refill your supply.

It worked! I have to be B-rank by now; I feel like I've been in here for days. I have a lot of attribute points, I wonder how I should spend them.

"Alright, it's been 1 hour, I'll bring you out now," Vanessa's disembodied voice said.

Reader's Bonus

Surpassing C-rank?