
Let's Not Mention My Human Condition

Milo Foster, 16 years old, was a boy who was all-around average. Average looks, average abilities, and average background. One night he attempted to stop an armed robbery and ended up being fatally injured by a bullet wound to the abdomen. As the cold embrace of death met him he closed his eyes for what he thought was the final time only to open them once again, and find himself in a completely unfamiliar place. *I don't own the cover*

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Emotional Ties

The world around me started to disappear into the white void again.

My wounds were healing pretty quickly, and Erythro was re-absorbing the blood.

All of sudden, I felt that sensation again, the sensation of crossing dimensions.

I was now in front of Vanessa again, sitting on the couch.

Emilia was happily listening to music on the magic tool that was obviously a phone.

"Did you say that it's only been an hour?" I asked.

Vanessa shot me a sly smile. "Yup, only one hour, but just by changing a few variables, it can feel like days."

I held my head in my hands. "That's insane."

"Anyway, how did it go, you feel any stronger?" Vanessa asked.

I opened my palm and felt my mana surging. "Yeah, I feel a whole lot stronger. That last enemy you threw at me really pushed me to my limit."

Vanessa thought to herself. "I bet. The werewolves speed is pretty hard to match."

"Werewolves? No, I mean the dop-" I said before Emilia pulled off her headphones.

"I'm done, I think all of the songs were great," Emilia said with a generous smile.

Emilia looked over to me and it seemed that her enthusiasm left her in doing so.

"M-m-master what happened to you?! You got stronger again."

"Eh-uh, I trained a little bit," I replied scratching my head.

"Well, I have something that should help you grow stronger too," Vanessa said to Emilia.

Emilia handed the headphones back to Vanessa. "Oh, thank you ma'am."

Vanessa pulled a bracelet out of her pocket.

"Please, call me Sis. This is a genetic awakening ring, or the epi-ring. I can tell by your mana that you're more than meets the eye."

Vanessa slipped it on Emilia's wrist, and for a second I could see her eyes and hair glow a bright pink.

Emilia's eyes widened. "I-I felt something. I feel stronger."

"That much is natural. Continue to train and you may even surpass Milo." Vanessa said.

I should check her stats. Appraisal.

Name: Emilia

Race: Human/Fairy (25% Awakened)

Rank: N/A



HP: 3000/3000

MP: 1800/1800

Strength: 25

Agility: 24


Intelligence: 40

Sense: 35

Mana: 52

Spirit: 56

Attribute Points: 0

Passive Skill:

Stealth (Lv.6)-The ability to conceal one's presence.

Acting (Lv.5)-The art of social deception.

Ailment resistance (Lv.4)- Increased resistance to ailments.

Pain tolerance (Lv.5)-Heightened resistance to pain.

Cold Resistance (Lv.4)-Heightens resistance to colder temperatures.

Mana-Recovery (Lv.2)-Increases the natural speed at which mana recovers.

Mana-Sense (Lv.4)-The abilty to sense mana within people or the environment. Currently works within a 10 meter radius.

Martial Arts (Lv.2)- Understanding of physical and combat prowess.

Disciple (Lv.3)- Learns faster under a teacher.

Activation Skills:

Wind Magic (Lv.6)- Wind can be manipulated by the user via mana.

Seduce (Lv.6)- Enchant your gaze and voice using mana. The weak willed cannot resist temptation.

Purify (Lv.4)-Removes or lessens negative status effects.

Meditation (Lv.4)-Focus youself with a calm mind and guided breathing.

Empathy (Lv.Max)-Feel all that others feel. Unique State Skill.

I think I can see all of her skills now. That genetic awakening thing really improved her stats substantially. Fairies must be stronger than I thought. But all of these other skills...she really has been through a lot.

What's a unique state skill?

"It's a skill exclusive to a race or person," Erythro said.

"That skill, empathy, does that mean she can feel you too?" I asked Erythro.

Erythro spoke again. "Potentially, though it may seem that you might just be confused about your feeling as well."

It's in activation skills so she can choose when to use it. I'm thinking too much about this.

Anyway, I feel bad for Juro, we've gotten so much stronger without him.

Oh well, I'll just have to train him extra hard.

I stood up ready to leave. I need to get to S-rank asap.

Vanessa called out to me. "Feel free to come back anytime."

"I will, for now, I need to move up the ranks," I said.

As Emilia and I walked out the front door, Emilia turned back to Vanessa.

Emilia bowed slightly. "Thank you Sis."

"You're very welcome, Sis. You two be safe now," Vanessa said as she waved me away.

The door closed and we were left standing on the porch.

I have new goals in mind, but I should take Emilia home. We started walking down the streets of the city.

"I want to become an adventurer," Emilia said eagerly.

Where did this come from? Well, she's probably strong enough for D-rank, but still.

"Questing can dangerous, the guild makes mistakes, and people get hurt," I told Emilia.

"...Then maybe...you can take me with you," Emilia looked at me with sparkling eyes.

Was this seduction?

"It is, but our spirit's too high," Erythro admitted.

Damn, I feel hurt, but she must be serious about this.

I ruffled her hair. "Fine, but first you have to pass their aptitude test."

If it's anything compared to mine, she might not pass. If that happens, at least she'll be safe.

Emilia and I walked down the street, just then, I spotted Sarah and her father at a closed stand.

"Hey Sarah," I said.

Sarah looked tired. "Milo, hey, I hope you've been well. Who's this?"

"This is my student, Emilia."

Emilia waved hello.

Looking closely at her father, he looked sickly. Appraisal.

Name: Paul

Race: Beastman (Cat)

Rank: N/A



HP: 534/6,000 (Declining)

MP: 546/1,000

Strength: 32 (6)

Agility: 30 (7)

Endurance: 21 (6)

Intelligence: 28 (5)

Sense: 32 (7)

Mana: 50 (6)

Spirit: 55 (4)

Attribute Points: 0

"He's been cursed, he has little to no time left. It's eating away everything." Erythro said.

"Wait, what? A curse? Is there anything we can do?" I asked Erythro.

"Under normal circumstances, no, but you have Emilia with you. Her purify can save Paul's life. Combine it with your healing and he'll be fine," Erythro explained.

"Your father, he's been cursed," I said to Sarah.

Her eyes widened.

"Yeah, it happened along time ago. He crossed paths with a noble, and they laid a curse on him," Sarah confessed.

A noble did this?

"I think we can save him or at least help him," I said.

Sarah sighed and looked down. "Go ahead, I'm desperate at this point. We've tried everything, and we don't make enough to afford a priest."

I stepped in front of Paul and Emilia followed. He was sitting down at a bench, head down. He looked like he would pass out at any moment.

"...If it isn't my grandson," Paul groaned.

"Emilia have you noticed anything strange about yourself?" I asked her.

"Uh, you mean the white light, right?" Emilia said nervously.

She must've thought I was talking about her attempt at seduction earlier.

"Yeah, it makes you feel better and stuff," I insinuated.

"I know what you mean, but I don't what it's called." Emilia admitted.

I decided to inform her. "It's called purify, it removes negative health conditions. I need you to use it on Paul here."

Emilia nodded. We placed our hands out to Paul and activated our spells.

It seems to be working, he was getting better albeit slowly.

"Master, I'm running low on mana! I can't keep going," Emilia screamed.

A few passerbys stopped to watch for a while before leaving.

Damn, what do I do?

"Link mana with her, and supply her with your own. You have not only a larger amount but a higher potency as well," Erythro suggested.

I reached my mana out to Emilia's rapidly fading mana, and it starting burning brighter as soon as I did.

After what seemed like hours, Erythro informed me that Paul was now stable and the curse was gone.

MP: 342/3,300

"Healing has been Upgraded to Lv.5"

A curse this powerful is just too much.

Paul was passed out, and Sarah had a worried expression her face. He no longer looked sickly.

"He'll be fine now, the curse is gone. You both should get some rest."

Sarah cupped her hand around her mouth, and hugged her father.

"Thank you so much. You've saved us again," Sarah cried.

Honestly, I feel like Emilia carried everything. She looks exhausted now. I decided to use max-charge, then lend her some mana.

I spoke to Sarah. "We could help, so we did."

"That's more than most people could say. Seriously, thank you," Sarah placated.

"Grandkids, when?" Sarah's father said weakly.

This guy's still on that?

Reader's Bonus

Name: Emilia

Race: Human/Fairy (27% Awakened)

Rank: N/A



HP: 3000/3000

MP: 1800/1800

Strength: 25

Agility: 24


Intelligence: 40

Sense: 35

Mana: 52

Spirit: 56

Attribute Points: 0

Passive Skill:

Stealth (Lv.6)-The ability to conceal one's presence.

Acting (Lv.5)-The art of social deception.

Ailment resistance (Lv.4)- Increased resistance to ailments.

Pain Tolerance (Lv.5)-Heightened resistance to pain.

Cold Resistance (Lv.4)-Heightens resistance to colder temperatures.

Mana-Recovery (Lv.4)-Increases the natural speed at which mana recovers.

Mana-Sense (Lv.4)-The abilty to sense mana within people or the environment. Currently works within a 10 meter radius.

Martial Arts (Lv.2)- Understanding of physical and combat prowess.

Disciple (Lv.3)- Learns faster under a teacher.

Activation Skills:

Wind Magic (Lv.5)- Wind can be manipulated by the user via mana.

Seduce (Lv.6)- Enchant your gaze and voice using mana. The weak willed cannot resist temptation.

Purify (Lv.4)-Removes or lessens negative status effects.

Meditation (Lv.4)-Focus youself with a calm mind and guided breathing.

Empathy (Lv.Max)-Feel all that others feel.

Mana Link (Lv.Max)- You can link your mana with those around you if they're in range of mana sense.