
Let's Not Fall In Love In This Sixth Life

"I have died five times in the past because of you. But now that I'm completely conscious, I will not let it happen again. In this sixth life, I will definitely live!" In his five past lives, Chunhee always died miserable deaths. He tasted pain, betrayal, and mockery all because of one personーYujin. It seems that no matter what life he lives, Yujin would always be there to hurt him, destroy him, then lead him to his ultimate downfallーdeath. In their current sixth life, Chunhee and Yujin are engaged due to their parents' mutual agreement. In the future, Chunhee and Yujin would become a real couple and eventually get married. But on the day of their wedding, Chunhee would discover a devastating truth – Yujin didn’t love him at all and he cheated on him with Chunhee’s friend! To end his pain, the sixth Chunhee jumped from the building’s rooftop and there, he died. Having seen the kind of future that awaits him, Chunhee, now 'conscious', resolutely cut the red string of fate himself. Now that he knows what will happen in the future, he can completely change the course of events and prevent his fall. No matter what, he will not die. This time, he would certainly change his tragic fate. In order to make that happen, he just needs to make sure of one thing―he must never fall for Yujin. Thus, Chunhee decides he will avoid Yujin in this life. But why does something feel off the more Chunhee tries to change the original plot? Chunhee: "Park Yujin, I would prefer if we don't see each other anymore." Yujin: "Why?" Chunhee: "Because... I might die out of love." Yujin: "I wonder about that." Chunhee: [suddenly kissed] "..." Yujin: "Did that kill you?" Chunhee: "...No." Yujin: "Then we shall continue." ... Chunhee screaming inside: This is not how it should be ah!! Will Chunhee be able to escape Yujin and his death before the Plot God notices him? What will happen once Yujin discovers the truth himself?

YanyanChii · LGBT+
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145 Chs

Last Victim, Last Event

Chunhee's fingers ended up grabbing Yujin's shoulder and gently pushing him away to breathe. Panting, he looked at Yujin's desire-filled eyes and uttered, "... What... what about our dinner..." 

And to which Yujin stared at him softly, his lips reaching for Chunhee's again in a deep, sweet kiss as he responded in a low, deep voice, "... Should we have it in your room instead?"

A small giggle came out of Chunhee's lips. "But  I want to watch the snow with you." 

Yujin kissed his cheek and softly rubbed his neck with his warm fingers. He sighed with a small smile, "Okay. Let's head out and watch the snow together." 

Gazes interlocking, the young couple smiled and kissed one more time, letting each other how warm their hearts were before they finally released from each other's hold.