
Let's Make A Deal

Abandoned as a baby in front of an orphanage, having never known the happiness of having parents and a real family, Emma has only one dream, to have her own family. Decided, she therefore chooses the most obvious option in her eyes and resorts to artificial insemination. But while everyone seems to be smiling at her, Emma learns nine weeks later that following a mistake, she is carrying the child of D'Azzario Dantes, billionaire and eldest son of a powerful Italian dynasty. On the verge of panic, Emma decides to meet the man all the same, pretending to have gotten lost in front of his Palazzo. But when she faces him, Emma feels her heart freeze in front of this powerful and ruthless man who gives her a welcome that she will remember for a long time. Emma then decides to keep silent and runs away from this man who seems to hate all women on this earth.

Ola24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


When she arrived in front of the magnificent building, with its sleek facade, Emma armed herself with her last strength to enter the other world of man. At first glance, she had the impression of being in the lobby of a luxury hotel. It was sumptuous, elegant, her steps became silent on the magnificent gold embroidered carpet.

She approached the reception, a woman jumped up to go around her counter.

"Miss Brok is that it?"

Emma looked at her stunned.

"Yes, that's right, but how do you...

"Monsieur Dantes told me of your arrival."

She understood right away that he had made a detailed description of her, not to mention her belly. That's why she had recognized him so quickly.

She mumbled through gritted teeth and followed him to the scenic elevators. And that's when Emma wondered what she could be doing here. When the doors slid open, she had her answer...

The father of her child was there, planted in front of her, dressed in a smart black work suit, shirt, down to tie.

Hello Miss Brok, it's nice to see you again.

She swallowed hard and stumbled out. She found herself in front of him, and had to raise her head to look him in the eye.

"Hello, Mr. Dantes.

His voice must have betrayed her, for he raised one of his thick black eyebrows, a slight smirk.

Let's go to my office.

His hand slid authoritatively behind her back, to guide her. Grace inhaled silently and followed him into his office. He was tall, sophisticated, the colors were wonderfully combined. The furniture was black while the walls were pearlescent. Solid wood bookcase, long window where you could see the marvelous sun, leather seats through a long desk with perfect finishes... Emma had the impression of being in a presidential office, which was not only increase his anxiety.

It's very beautiful, you have great taste.

"Thank you," he said briefly.

He invited her to sit on one of the armchairs and walked around his desk.

So ? Have you thought about it, Miss Brok?

Yes, and I want to get to know you first.

He frowned.

"Getting to know me?" He repeated, sitting down in his chair while rubbing his growing beard.

"Yes, you heard perfectly, I want..."

"What do you want to know about me?"

Emma was at the end of her thinking skills. He was so big and so serious it looked like he was closing a deal.

Would you be so kind as to show yourself more involved, Mr. Dantes, I have the impression that we are in the process of negotiating.

He straightened up and looked sorry.

"Forgive me, I'm not used to talking to a woman of startling intelligence...

She blushed at his comment.

Really ?

"Yes, usually it's contrived...except when I meet my friends' wives, they're remarkably intelligent...like you."

He regained his serious air and crossed his hands on his desk, staring her straight in the eye.

I'm to know you Emma, only if you promise me not to make me hope for nothing.

He paused, piercing her with his stainless steel gaze.

"Otherwise I might get really angry, you know? he insisted, in a deep voice filled with terrifying promises.

When I say I want to marry you I am very serious as serious as when I attack an adversary in the heart until I get what I want...

Emma could only clear her tight throat.

A horrible nausea gripped his throat.

Knocks on the door were heard, and without taking his eyes off her, he stood up.

Yes ! he barked as he passed right by her.

The air suddenly became too thick, she had trouble breathing.

"Did you want to see me, Monsieur Dantes?"

"Yeah, damn Penny, where did that file I asked for yesterday morning go?"

Emma swayed in the chair, her fingers over her mouth.

"No...not that..." she whispered.

I threw it in the trash! I thought you told me to throw it away! Oh Lord Mr. Dantes!

Azzario glared at her and walked towards her.

You are serious ? In no case did I say such a thing! Where is he ?

His replacement secretary forced herself to rise on her heels.

The communication must have misled me, I was sure I heard you say to throw it away, it's in the trash.

Eyebrows tensed, to express his anger Azzario inhaled loudly before relaxing completely listening to a retching just behind him.

He turned around, to discover horrified, the young woman leaning forward, her head in the wastebasket.

Her concern grew even more when she made excruciating noises as she clenched her fingers on the trash can.

"Dios mio!" He whispered as he rushed towards her.

Fuori! He ordered his secretary who hurried out.

He knelt down in front of her, not really knowing what to do.

When at last she looked up, her face was ashen in color, her blue eyes were completely lost. She forced herself to swallow and lowered her terrified gaze into the trash can.

"I... assume your important file was in that trashcan. She stammered, raising her head.

Silently, Azzario delicately passed the handkerchief he had taken out ahead of time over his trembling lips.

"Yes, indeed," he said, brushing his hair from his sweaty brow.

"Are you still nauseous?" Is this normal at this stage? he asked in a worried voice.

She winced as she straightened up.

Azzario picked up the trash can and put it away from her.

"Sometimes women have it until the end, but in my case it's become more and more spaced out, I...your secretary's perfume is very...marked." She explained, putting her fingers on her lips tinted with a natural raspberry pink.

He got up to open the window to get rid of the lingering smell of perfume.

"I'm sorry about your file, can I retype it if you want?"

"Don't worry about that Emma.

Red with shame, she wiped her lips with the handkerchief. In fact, she couldn't do worse in front of this man. She had just thrown up in her trash can and ruined an important file.

"Drink this...

Their fingers brushed as she took the glass of water he held out to her.

Thank you very much.

She downed the glass in one gulp, and licked her lips, unable to ignore that he had just offered his help without running away. He had risen to the occasion and at no time had he flinched.

"I bought this for you. He said, opening a cardboard box that concealed delicious chocolate muffins.

"I don't know if you're hungry now. he muttered.

Oh yes ! I...I'm hungry! She assured him, taking a muffin.

He closed the box and watched her eat.


Emma took a fairly large piece and had great difficulty chewing it.

Resolved in front of the sad image that she gave him, Emma shook her head.

"Look at me," she began with her mouth full. I just threw up on your file and now I'm choking on a muffin, what sane man would want a poor plague girl like me.

Me for example...

Emma pretended to chase something in front of her with her hand.

"You're twisted, it's different, or you've recently been hit on the head."

Azzario refrained from smiling at this spectacle as strange as it was delicious to watch.

She began to blink her eyelids to swallow her big piece of muffin, she was concentrated, as if to avoid a possible suffocation.

When she crossed her ordeal, swallowing her fluttering eyes, he felt a pinch in his heart to see her with shining eyes.

It was minus one! She said, smiling shyly.

Unable to resist any longer, Azzario grabbed her jaw, tilted his head back and leaned forward with his whole body to crush his lips against those of the young woman.

He found a taste of honey mixed with chocolate. She resisted for a moment, then froze. Azzario kept her fingers on the curves of his jaw and felt inside him, a source of warmth seeping through his veins, when she shyly pressed her lips against his to finally open them for him...

When their kiss had deepened, such was the surprise to see her jerk back her cheeks flushed as she struggled to overcome his hold on her cheeks.

Azzario reluctantly pulled back and sat up instantly keeping the taste of her lips on his.

We shouldn't have done that I...

She broke off, jumping up.

On the contrary, it allows us to get to know each other, your lips are delicious mia dolce Emma...

Azzario expected the sequel...

She flushed red with anger and slapped her hand to his cheek. He held her back by the wrist, with an audible gnashing of teeth.

"You are so arrogant!" she cried, her lips still wet from their intimate exchange.

"Is that the right term when complimenting a young woman?"

He raised an amused eyebrow at her flushed face.

He released her wrist and touched her belly for the first time. She gasped, but let him. Azzario didn't know which part of his body was most sensitive to his own gesture.

He stabbed himself with his dagger, which he enjoyed rubbing in an open wound.

"Since...how long have you been pregnant?"

He felt the young woman stiffen.

a little over three months. She whispered letting him keep his hand on it.

"Is the fetus moving?"


When he sadly looked up at hers, his blue eyes were wide open in complete incomprehension.

"I mean the baby," corrected Azzario in a voice that almost betrayed him.

Soon, I'm looking forward to it.

Azzario withdrew his hand and stretched it along his hip to release the electric shock that painfully squeezed his heart.

He pulled himself together and walked slowly towards the window, hands in his pockets as her sweet scent began to intoxicate him again. He felt a pang of anger rise within him. Because she could try to avoid it, Azzario was determined. And though he struggled to understand himself, and he didn't understand why he wanted it so badly, he was ready to go any way as long as he brought it. to his specific goal of marrying her.

"Why not come to the Palazzo for a few days?" So we could get to know each other? Azzario suggested leaving the window to come back to her.

He must have stopped his thoughts, because she blinked silently...

"It's...it's an acceptable proposition." She finally said.

He refrained from taking the young woman back, because it was not the word that would have used him to translate his proposal.

Two or three days, does that seem...acceptable to you?

She silently nodded her head in response. Azzario watched her without moving, she had started to mumble a few incomprehensible words and headed for her office to retrieve her bag.

I just want to raise a point, Mr. Dantes.

Azzario turned and prompted her to speak with an impatient look.

Please don't kiss me again without my permission.

He didn't know if it was his saying or his way of saying it that he made her smile.

Azzario approached her with a nonchalant step.

I do not need permission to do what I want and want to do Miss Brok, I am the one who commands, not the one who lets himself be guided. He said in a soft voice.

She didn't blink and locked her gaze with his.

"I guess your conquests don't last long enough, do they?" she asked dryly.

Which had not escaped him.

Indeed, but I would like to clarify a point in my turn ... I'm not a playboy Miss Brok, I do not accumulate mistresses.

Really ? This surprises me!

Azzario frowns.

Who did she take him for?

So be surprised, because I'm not what you think! He snarled without letting go of his gaze.

No need to get upset, I'm desperately trying to understand you.

Azzario leaned down until his gaze met hers, he brushed her little nose with his and felt her warm breath become jerky.

"We'll have plenty of time at the Palazzo to understand each other, Emma."

He clenched his jaw for a second then continued.

It's the first time I've been patient and it irritates me.

She looked up.

You are not patient?

He straightened up with a dark laugh.

My patience is notorious for going unheard....I lose it very quickly.

She raised an amused eyebrow.

"Maybe it's not useful to come to the Palazzo after all, I'm getting to know you Mr. Dantes."

Instead of being amused by his little ironic tone, Azzario flew into a rage, which he tried to suppress.

You are far from having seen everything Emma...

Emma lost her smile at his icy tone.

His lips were still swollen from their kiss. She hadn't expected it, and unable to resist, Emma had offered her lips without feeling the slightest remorse for having done so.

He was a man, a real one.

And if she had chosen in her soul and conscience to come to the Palazzo, it was for the sole purpose of getting closer to him and showing him that she was not like those two women who had trapped him. Emma had stopped having any illusions, it was too late to turn back. The situation was too deep to back down and run away. Sooner or later, she will have to tell him...

And she hoped to take advantage of this short stay to find the strength to tell him.

I have to go now I'll let you work.

She cleared her throat as she headed for the door.

"You're coming to the Palazzo, aren't you?"

She turned and backed against the door when he put his hands on either side of her head.

Yes I'm coming.

He remained impassive, his lips tight.

"Very well," he said finally, straightening up. I'll be expecting you there this evening around eight o'clock.

Emma contented herself with a vague nod of her head and left her office to catch her breath.