
Let's Live Together, Dragon!

Stumbled upon a pebble and fall on my face on the dark alleyway after getting beat up by my classmate from the Sword Academy, there's a voice from behind me. an old man who was admitted that he lost his way and asking me a direction towards the west forest on the outer wall of the city. I then help him and show him the way, upon arriving at the destination, he then gave me a plain looking rock of the size of my own head, and then leaves into the forest. I, who was dumbfounded by the gift he gave me, then snapped back and was going to give back the gift then he gave me, but.. He disappeared without a trace nor even with a sound.

Fallen_Crow · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Ch. 1

"Hey, Looser! Walk faster!". Says a Boy who looks a couple years older than me, walking behind me while keep kicking my back.

Clatter.. Thud.

Losing my balance, i then fall on my knees on the dark and cold alleyway with nobody around.

"Ah! Look what you have done!". Another Boy screaming in front of me.

I tried to look up, and then his face was in front of me, frowning in anger and disgust.



"Another painful morning today as well. Sigh..". I let out a heavy sigh in front of the mirror. Looking at my swollen cheeks and reddened neck.

"Sigh.. I need.. To buy another wand..". I opened my wallet pouch.

"Uh.. I just have a few silver left for this month. I wonder if there's a good wand with a cheap price.. Sigh..". I close the pouch and then put it inside of my pants pocket.

"Ugh.. My neck and my cheeks is still swollen red. If i bought a herb balm, i don't have enough money for this month expenses after i used a few for new wands..".

"Those damn bullies! I wish they could just disappear or die!". i punch the wall out of rage.

Ding.. Dong.. Ding.. Dong..

"Ah! I need to hurry or i might be late for class!". I picked up my books and my broken wand, then rushing out of my dorm to the class room.

On the way, i saw a snow falling from the sky. Covering the road and the trees.

'How many winters do i need to spend at the academy?'. That was what I'm thinking when i saw the snow on the way to my class.

'Hah.. Hah.. Thank god the teacher haven't arrived yet'. With a heavy breathing, i walk towards my seat, i tripped.

"Ahahaha! What a loser! Getting tripped by nothing!". Said the one that was kicking my feet with his feet.



The whole class became noisy, they all are laughing at the sight of myself getting tripped on the floor. And then the class door opened.

"What are you doing over there! Hurry up and go to your seat! You are such an embarrassment of the Magic Tower!". Said the teacher, mocking at me with his harsh words.

While the whole class, including the teacher laughing and mocking at me, i stand up and pick up my books and walk toward my seat.

'Why.. Why is this always happened to me!'. Getting overwhelmed by my sorrow, anger, sadness and ashamed, i can't lift up my head in the whole time.

"Class with end here. I wish you all student, will have a good day at spending your time for this year winter holiday". Said the teacher before leaving the classroom.

'Finally, the last class is ended. I need to hurry to the weapon shop to buy my wand'. I pack up my books and walking out of the classroom.

Then i saw the three people who keep bullying me, including the one who was making me tripped this morning. One of them blocked the exit using his feet.

"Hey, Looser. Bring our book and come with us!". Then they throwing me their books to my face. I pick up the book and following them quietly.

I almost tripped a couple times while following them from behind, because i feel so tired and sick. I didn't have any breakfast this morning because i was sleep in.

On the dark alleyways, i can't keep up with their pace and losing the strength on my legs and fall down.

Clatter.. Thud.

"Ah! Look what you have done!". Another Boy screaming in front of me.

I tried to look up, and then his face was in front of me, frowning in anger and disgust.

"Don't you know how expensive the book are!? How will you compensated our dirty book, Huh!". One of them step on my hands.

"Argh..Urk.. It.. Hurts..". I screamed out of my pain.

"I don't fucking care with your hand! You are less important than our books!". One of them kick my stomach.

"AGH! URK..! COUGH..COUGH..". I hold my stomach with the hand that free. Holding out the pain and screamed on top of my lungs.

"Quiet!". And one of them shut my mouth by gagging my mouth with a dirty rags they found on the street.

They kick me, punch me, and step on my whole body on the part that can't be seen and covered up with my clothes. And they didn't hit my face.

"What a looser! Just die right here! If i we're you, i will be ashamed to get back to the academy!". Says the boy who seems like The leader of those thee, and leave. The other two following hin as well.

"Urk.. Urk.. Uff.. Uff..". I tried to gasp more air. My whole body is hurt so bad. I tried to pull the rags from my mouth with the strength left on my hand, and then pull my self to the side of the alley.

After a long rest and calming my self down, i regained back a bit of my strength, i look at my surrounding and looking for my stuff.

I picked up all of my belongings and then going to the armoury shop. Continuing my plan to buy a new staff and replacing the broken one.

"Excuse me, boy". Someone calling me and pat my shoulder from behind. When i turn my self and looking behind me, i saw an old man.

"Excuse me, Boy. Can you help me? I tried to go to my friend place, but i think I'm lost". He was smiling and showing me a piece of paper, there's a drawing of the location and the address.

"Ah. It's okay, Grandpa". I smile back at him. "Oh! This place is on the west. It's outside the city wall. Let me show you the way then". I took the paper with me.

"Ah, it's okay, young boy. I don't want to disturbing you. Just showing me the direction is enough!". Says the old man with a flustered expression. I smiled.

"It's okay, Grandpa. I have a lot of free time on me. Let go, then!". I hold the paper on my left hand and then grabbing the grandpa hand with my right hand, and show him the way.

The grandpa was stunned for a moment, and then he started to walk alongside me, showing him the way.

On the way there, we talk about many stuff. He said that he was once saw a dragon that was so majestic and strong, a fairy queen who is so gorgeous and powerful, and many things.

I listen to every story of his in excitement, i wonder, can i meet the strong existence that grandpa was telling me. But, even though i met them, i who can't do anything will just be a dream.



We are arrived at the outside of the west wall. I point my finger to the road in front of us.

"Grandpa, you just need to walk along side of this road. There's a small town over there's. Its only one hour on feet". I hand him the paper.

"Thank you so much for your help, Young boy". He took the paper from my hand. Put it in his pocket, and then rummaging through his bag.

While rummaging his bag, he stopped a moment and then looking at me.

"Boy, if you have something called power and knowledge, will you still be you?". Huh? He asked me a weird question.

"I.. Don't know about power.. Or knowledge". I hesitated.

"But.. My mom always remind me to stay be me, no matter what happened, despite many things that I've been through, struggle or happiness". I show him a wholeheartedly smile.

He observe me, and then giving me a big smile and laugh.

"Here, take it, Boy". He took out a big rock around my head and hand it over to me.

"Boy, remember the things that i am about to say". He said.

"Don't be arrogant and help a lot of people who in need. And don't throw that rock. Try to regulate your mana at it, and you will receive something that will change your life".

"Uh.. Thank.. You..?". I stand there, dumbfounded by the stuff that was handed to me.

'Uh.. A.. Rock?'. I Observe the rock, and i still can't find any clues about it.

When i look up in front of me, the old man was already gone. Without a sound with no trace at all.