
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

inverted · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 6

For a while, the four of them just looked at Seok-Woo's crotch. Like time has stood still.

With a raised eyebrow, Na-Yeon said, "That's incomparable to the people I've seen." She considered it in her mind, estimating its entire potential. "I wonder that if that entered me, would it break me?". She imagined Seok-woo's shaft sticking up in her pussy. and wondered what it would feel like inside of her. Her underwear inadvertently soaked up as she considered it.

"Well, Chae-Yoon's son has a huge package in him.". Observing the protruding shaft of Seok-Woo, Yu-Mi pondered in her mind. She also wanted to know how it would feel inside of her.

Gyeong-Eun glanced down after glancing at Seok-Woo's face. "Never thought that face of his, would also have a massive dick on his body.". She moved up and down to his head and then to his crotch, crossing her arms.

Her response struck Chae-Yoon as a little odd. "He didn't inherit his Father's gene in that region but how could the difference be so big.". She gave it some thought; she hadn't experienced the real thing since getting married. Her mind then wanders to her and Seok-Woo together doing the deed.

 "No, he's my son. I shouldn't think about that.". However, her desire betrayed her. She tried to ignore her true desire, and her breathing quickened.

Seok-Woo met their gaze with a deadpan expression, his demeanor unruffled despite the intensity of their scrutiny. Nonetheless, a desire for privacy lingered beneath the surface.

"Sorry, but could you give me some space?" he requested politely, his tone carrying a hint of firmness as he sought to reclaim a sense of personal privacy.

As the others snapped back to reality, it was Chae-Yoon who broke the silence. "Ah, sorry about that. We'll give you some space to get ready downstairs," she exclaimed, swiftly taking hold of Sung-Hee's arm and ushering her out of the room, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Sung-Hee was momentarily taken aback by Chae-Yoon's sudden actions, only managing to gather her thoughts after they had exited the room.

Left alone at last, Seok-Woo began to dress. However, the clothes felt uncomfortably tight against his muscular frame.

"Why does this feel so constricting?" he muttered to himself, swapping out his shirt for another in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort. Yet, no matter the garment, the result remained the same—the snug fit of his clothing accentuated the contours of his well-built physique, drawing attention to his muscular form.

"I need to get some new clothes, this feeling is just not working for me," Seok-Woo muttered to himself, determined to find something more comfortable. He opted for a shirt that offered a bit more breathing room than his current attire.

As he adjusted the fabric, his muscles seemed to ripple beneath the fabric, the outline of his physique clearly visible. Moving to the mirror, Seok-Woo scrutinized his reflection, inspecting every angle of his chiseled form.

"It's definitely going to turn some heads," he mused, contemplating wearing it out just this once to see the reaction it would garner. Speaking of reactions...

Seok-Woo settled onto his bed and activated the system in his mind, his focus shifting to the screen before him. Navigating to his current Interest Points and Rolls, he was surprised by what he found.

"Interest Points: 6.5/10."

"Available Rolls: 5."

Raising an eyebrow, Seok-Woo couldn't help but marvel at the discrepancy between the number of females present and the Interest Points he had accumulated. Curiosity piqued, he checked his notifications.

"Chae-Yoon is interested in your physique. Interest Point +1."

"Gyeong-Eun is interested in your physique. Interest Point +1."

"Na-Yeon is interested in your physique. Interest Point +1."

"Yu-Mi is interested in your physique. Interest Point +1."

"Sung-Hee is interested in your physique. Interest Point +1."

The list went on, each notification echoing the same sentiment. Seok-Woo scratched his head, baffled by how effectively he had garnered Interest Points simply by showcasing his body.

"Well, I guess it's a strategy," he concluded, filing away the newfound knowledge for future reference when he needed to earn some Rolls.

With a sigh, he rose from the bed and made his way downstairs, his stomach protesting its emptiness with a low grumble.

In the living room, the girls were gathered, the memory of Seok-Woo's thing still fresh in their minds.

Spotting Sung-Hee, Na-Yeon sidled up to her, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Did you catch a glimpse?" she inquired eagerly, her curiosity unabated.

At the mention of it, Sung-Hee felt a blush creeping into her cheeks, the memory of the encounter still vivid in her mind. Leaning in, she whispered her affirmation to Na-Yeon, her voice barely audible.

"Yes," she murmured softly, prompting Na-Yeon to press for more details.

"How big are we talking? Can you give me an estimate?" Na-Yeon pressed on, her curiosity piqued. The other girls leaned in, eager to hear Sung-Hee's assessment.

Taking a moment to recall the sight, Sung-Hee used her arm as a makeshift measurement, gesturing to indicate the length and girth she had observed.

As they processed Sung-Hee's estimates, a collective sentiment echoed in their minds. Each silently shared the same thought: "Now, I'm intrigued to see the real deal."

As Seok-Woo descended the stairs, a familiar notification flashed in his mind. With a shake of his head, he dismissed it and continued his descent.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, he found the girls engaged in animated conversation. Yu-Mi was the first to spot him. "Seok-Woo, your physique is impressive," she remarked, stepping closer to inspect his muscles.

Na-Yeon followed suit, her tone serious as she inquired, "Your body is remarkably well-developed. Did you use steroids during your service?" Her hand lightly traced the contours of his pecs.

"No, I didn't rely on any supplements to enhance my physique," Seok-Woo replied honestly, meeting Na-Yeon's gaze without flinching. Satisfied with his response, she withdrew her hand.

As the two continued to admire his physique, Chae-Yoon and Gyeong-Eun engaged in conversation nearby.

"Your son has undergone a remarkable transformation compared to what you showed us on the terrace. I'm curious about the motivation behind his dedication to building such a physique," Gyeong-Eun remarked to Chae-Yoon.

"I've been pondering the same question. When he enlisted, he was nowhere near as muscular as he is now. He was quite lean back then. Perhaps it's the environment of his service that spurred him on," Chae-Yoon speculated, contemplating the factors that might have influenced her son's transformation.

As the tantalizing scent of food reached Seok-Woo's nostrils, he gently extricated himself from the warm embraces of both Na-Yeon and Yu-Mi. The enticing aroma beckoned him from the dining table, promising a delightful culinary experience.

His eyes widened at the sight of the array of dishes laid out before him. "These are all my favorite meals. Chae-Yoon must have put in a lot of effort to prepare them," he remarked, a sense of appreciation evident in his tone as he glanced around at the girls gathered in the house.

"Let's eat, I'm famished," he declared, his gaze turning to include Sung-Hee. "You too, join us," he added, extending the invitation to her.

Each of the four girls eagerly accepted his invitation, their appetites piqued by the tantalizing scent of the food.

As they settled into their seats at the table, Seok-Woo wasted no time in diving into the feast before him, his rapid consumption leaving the girls momentarily speechless.

His increased appetite, a result of his current physique, drove him to consume large quantities of food to fuel his body's needs and continue his physical development.

Amidst the silence that followed, Na-Yeon absentmindedly toyed with her food, stealing glances at Seok-Woo from time to time, while Sung-Hee found herself struggling to eat properly, her proximity to Seok-Woo causing her thoughts to wander.

"Is he the same person I once knew?" she mused quietly to herself, her gaze lingering on his muscular form.

Chae-Yoon, Gyeong-Eun, and Yu-mi ate with composed grace, though their eyes occasionally drifted towards Seok-Woo, unable to fully conceal their curiosity.

Despite sensing the scrutiny directed his way, Seok-Woo remained focused on his meal, oblivious to anything beyond the satisfaction of his hunger. As he polished off the last of the dishes, a hearty belch escaped him, followed by a sheepish apology to his companions.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," he apologized, scratching his head with a faint grin, acknowledging his lapse in manners.

Sung-Hee's expression twisted into a frown of disgust at his belch, a clear sign that she had returned to her senses. Whatever thoughts she harbored about Seok-Woo during that moment had long since dissipated.

Sensing her disapproval, Seok-Woo turned towards her with a mischievous grin, his teasing tone cutting through the air. "Sung-Hee, didn't you forget something you wanted to do to me?" he quipped, raising an eyebrow playfully.

The other girls, intrigued by Sung-Hee's reaction, turned their attention toward her, awaiting her response with heightened curiosity.

Caught off guard by their scrutiny, Sung-Hee felt a blush creeping up her cheeks, realizing that her companions had likely thought of some special gesture from her upon Seok-Woo's return.

In a mix of embarrassment and annoyance, she directed her gaze back at Seok-Woo and delivered a firm punch to his arm, the force behind it expressing her desire to silence him. "Shut up, don't bring that up here," she scolded him, her cheeks flushing even deeper as she noticed the growing interest from the other girls.

Na-Yeon's curiosity got the better of her as she interjected, eager to join in on the conversation. "What? Are you two planning something fun? Why not let me in on the—" Her words were abruptly cut short as a sharp pain shot through her foot, eliciting a glare in the direction of Gyeong-Eun, who had intentionally stepped on her. Nursing her foot with a wince, Na-Yeon shot Gyeong-Eun a reproachful look and silently glared at her for the unexpected discomfort.

Chae-Yoon, sensing an opportunity to engage in conversation, turned her attention to Seok-Woo. "How was the food, Seok-Woo? Did you enjoy it?" she inquired, eager for his feedback on her culinary efforts and hoping to identify any areas for improvement.

Seok-Woo met her gaze warmly, appreciating her concern. "The meals you prepared were absolutely delicious. Thank you for cooking for me," he complimented sincerely.

However, Yu-Mi couldn't resist inserting herself into the conversation, feigning a touch of sadness. "Hmm... Chae-Yoon, why didn't you mention that I helped you? I feel neglected," she playfully chided, pretending to be offended by the oversight.

Realizing her mistake, Chae-Yoon quickly corrected herself, turning to Seok-Woo with an apologetic smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, Seok-Woo. I should have mentioned that Yu-Mi also assisted in the cooking. Thank her as well," she added graciously.

Before Seok-Woo could respond, Yu-Mi seized the opportunity to tease him further. "Seok-Woo, do you have room for dessert?" she asked mischievously, her friends sensing that she was about to say something inappropriate.

Innocently oblivious to her intentions, Seok-Woo responded, "Do we have desserts? I didn't see any here," but aware of the suggestive glint in Yu-Mi's eyes.

"As for dessert, Why don't you eat m-". But before Yu-Mi could finish speaking, Chae-Yoon swiftly intervened, placing a hand over her mouth to prevent her from finishing her sentence. Gyeong-Eun, taken aback by the situation, stared at Yu-Mi in disbelief. "You too?" she remarked incredulously in her thought.

Meanwhile, Na-Yeon found amusement in Yu-Mi's bold antics, observing the interaction with a smirk, ready to play along if Seok-Woo took the bait.

Sung-Hee, though she hadn't caught the entirety of Yu-Mi's intended sentence, sensed the underlying tone and couldn't help but feel bewildered by the easygoing nature of Seok-Woo's mother's friends.

"Don't pay any mind to her, Seok-Woo. She's just spouting nonsense," Chae-Yoon reassured him, keeping a firm grip on Yu-Mi's mouth to prevent any further inappropriate remarks.

Gyeong-Eun then changed the subject, shifting the focus to Seok-Woo's military service. "How was your time in the military? Did you find it enjoyable or challenging?" she inquired, curious about his experiences in a realm unfamiliar to most females.

Seok-Woo, sensing the curiosity in their eyes, decided to address the question. "At the start of my service, it was incredibly tough. My body wasn't prepared for the rigorous training regimen. However, as the months passed, it became more manageable. By the end, most tasks felt like second nature, though hand-to-hand combat still presented challenges," he explained, downplaying his combat abilities despite having been recommended for special forces training, a path he chose to decline in favor of a swifter return to civilian life.

As the conversation flowed around the table, everyone eager to learn more about Seok-Woo's military experiences, Sung-Hee remained silent, her gaze fixed on him. Thoughts swirled in her mind, pondering the extent to which the military had transformed him.

Amidst the barrage of questions, Seok-Woo seized a moment of respite to turn his attention to Sung-Hee. "Sung-Hee, are you available this afternoon?" he asked, catching her off guard with the sudden inquiry. She paused, considering her schedule, finding it unexpectedly clear. "I'm free for the whole day. Why do you ask?" she responded, curiosity piqued by his query.

"Would you mind accompanying me to downtown later?" Seok-Woo asked, his tone serious as he locked eyes with her, awaiting her response with a sense of anticipation.