
Chapter 44

Seok-Woo looked at her, his attention drawn more to Gyeong-Eun's smile than her words. Instead of replying immediately, he remained silent for a few seconds.

"If you smiled like this more often in class, students wouldn't be so tense," he commented on her smile. However, as soon as she heard his remark, her expression reverted to its usual state.

"I'll consider what you said," Gyeong-Eun replied to him, though she had no intention of changing or seriously considering his suggestion.

With that, she turned and walked into the building. Seok-Woo watched her until she disappeared from sight, then started the car and drove home, reflecting on the events of the day.

Meanwhile, Gyeong-Eun entered her home and headed straight to the bedroom to change. After finding her clothes, she grabbed a towel and made her way to the shower room.

Entering the shower, she undressed, leaving herself bare. As the water cascaded over her, her mind wandered back to the intense moment she had shared with Seok-Woo earlier.

"It's been a while since I've had such an intense moment," she thought to herself, reminiscing about the encounter. "And it's with Chae-Yoon's son of all people."

Thinking about Seok-Woo, she couldn't help but acknowledge his impact. "He's definitely something... I can't help but want to know him more," she mused with a smirk.

Shaking her head, she finished her shower and dried herself off before returning to her room. Instead of putting on clothes, she decided to go without, disregarding the ones she had taken time to find.

Leaving the bedroom, she made her way to where she had written the contract between her and Seok-Woo. As she typed out the contents, she deliberately included some loopholes, testing Seok-Woo's attentiveness as failure to catch them could be his downfall.

As she wrote, she considered adding limits to what each party would do if they won. After some thought, she decided on a three-time refusal clause, after which the person must comply with the terms.

"Then the duration of this is until the end of the school year," she finalized the contents before printing it out.

With the paper in hand, she carefully reviewed it for any typos or mistakes. Satisfied, she placed it on the table with a sigh, contemplating whether proceeding with the contract was wise.

"Despite being in the upper hand in this, why do I feel a sense of unease..." Gyeong-Ein thought to herself, but after a few deep breaths, she became resolved to continue as the pros outweighed heavily the cons.

Yet somewhere in her head, there was still a nagging voice trying to dissuade her, sensing that something big would happen to her if she continued. However, she ignored it, as she had already made her decision.

She only waited for Seok-Woo to sign it, for it to start in earnest. But that is for another day.

After she was satisfied with this, she then went to bed. Meanwhile, back to Seok-Woo.

He came back home, walking inside the house, and saw that there was no one there. "They must already be sleeping upstairs," he thought to himself as he surveyed the place. He walked upstairs and went to his bedroom, yawning as he undressed.

After that, he pulled out his phone to check for any calls or texts. As he checked it, he saw there were a few texts, but no calls. The messages were from Sung-Hee and Sunhwi.

He checked Sung-Hee's text, which was a request for confirmation to hang out with her on Sunday. He simply replied with a brief "yes" and sent it to her, then checked out Sunhwi's text.

"Do you want to hang out on Sunday?" This is what Seok-Woo read in Sunhwi's text. He didn't expect her to text him asking this, but unfortunately, he had already scheduled himself for Sunday. "I have already plans for Sunday, so maybe next time," Seok-Woo replied in text to her, and sent it.

At Sunhwi's room, she was laying on the bed, scrolling through her phone when she received Seok-Woo's text.

Disappointed that he was unavailable on Sunday, she texted him back, asking if he was available on Saturday. Not long after, she received a reply from Seok-Woo, informing her that he already had plans for Saturday as well.

Sighing in disappointment, she threw her phone to the side of the bed, hoping that Seok-Woo would be available at some point.

"I was planning something special for him," she thought to herself as she looked at the costume she had bought.

The relationship between Seok-Woo and Sunhwi was somewhat of a fling, but one of them wanted it to be more than that. While both of them never acknowledged the current status of their relationship, Seok-Woo thought it was only like Sung-Hee, friends with benefits.

Sunhwi just laid back on the bed as she closed her eyes, thinking about the scenarios with her and Seok-Woo together. The longer she thought, the redder her face became, but a satisfied smile crossed her lips as she drifted off to sleep, still thinking about him.

As for Sung-Hee, she received a reply from Seok-Woo. Checking it, she just gave an emoticon as a response, smiling that she secured Seok-Woo.

But as she smiled, she looked at the various lingerie she had bought online. Embarrassed about it, she thought to herself, "Why do I need to go this far for him?" but justified her actions as being for Seok-Woo.

Remembering the times she accidently had watched his porn videos stashed on his PC, she blushed and recalled his preference for creampies.

"He likes creampies the most... All of things why that...?" Sung-Hee said to herself, putting her hand on her head. She then moved her hand where she felt that Seok-Woo had filled her up, wanting to remember that feeling, even though it was obviously risky for them both.

Looking at the birth control pills she had also bought, she sighed. "This is too much, I'll just ask him to wear a condom."

As she finished pondering what would happen, she went to sleep, longing to see Seok-Woo once more.

Fast forwarding for a few days, it is currently Friday. During these past days, Seok-Woo's days were uneventful as his schedule differed greatly from Sunhwi's and her friends, preventing them from meeting for lunch or seeing each other at the university.

He spent the time alone, but he didn't mind it too much as it provided him with some time for himself. Now, sitting on a bench, he once again pondered whether to eat at the cafeteria or outside.

As he contemplated, a voice called out to him, "Seok-Woo..." Surprised, he turned to the source of the sound and found it was Hae-Jung who called him. Wondering why she called him, he greeted her first. "Hello, Professor. Why did you call me?" he asked, to which she replied.

"Is it your break time now?" Hae-Jung asked, and Seok-Woo nodded in response.

Seeing this, she continued, "Then I'll buy you a meal as promised." Seok-Woo raised his brows upon hearing her words but remembered that he was the one who suggested she buy him a meal for saving her. So, he replied, "Sure, let's go, Professor," as he stood up.

He didn't expect to have company today, but he welcomed it, especially when the person accompanying him was beautiful.

Both Hae-Jung and Seok-Woo walked instead of taking a ride, as she mentioned that the place they would eat was close to the university.

As they walked, Hae-Jung asked about how the first week of class was for him.

"Well, it's going well. Not much to say after that," Seok-Woo replied, to which she nodded.

Hae-Jung continued to ask him whether he was getting along with his classmates, if there were any problems, or anything of concern on his mind.

But Seok-Woo assured her that there was nothing worth mentioning, as any issues were mundane or minor inconveniences rather than real problems.

After a few minutes of walking, the two arrived at the place where they would be eating. Seok-Woo looked around and noticed that there were few people inside as they entered.

Observing Seok-Woo's glance, Hae-Jung remarked, "There are few people here because it's not well known to students. This is where some professors come when they want a quiet environment to eat." She found a seat for the two of them as she spoke.

Seok-Woo appreciated her for showing him this new spot.

As he surveyed the surroundings, a waitress approached them with a menu in hand.

"Welcome back, Ms. Hae-Jung," greeted a familiar voice, catching Seok-Woo's attention. He turned to see the waitress, Hyeyeon, standing before them.

"Hyeyeon, still navigating through your internship?" Hae-Jung inquired as she accepted the menu.

Hyeyeon chuckled nervously, scratching her head. "Yes, still adjusting. Clumsiness tends to get the best of me."

After that, She glanced at Seok-Woo, who was looking at her. Their eyes met briefly before Hyeyeon looked away.

Hae-Jung noticed Hyeyeon's silence and glanced at her, following her gaze to Seok-Woo before looking away. She then introduced him to Hyeyeon.

"This is Seok-Woo, one of the students at the university where I teach," Hae-Jung said to her, then turned to Seok-Woo and introduced her to him.

"And Seok-Woo, this is Hyeyeon, a Haenyeo intern from Jeju," Hae-Jung introduced, to which Seok-Woo nodded and extended his hand to her.

"Nice to meet you, Hyeyeon," Seok-Woo said as he shook her hand.

Hyeyeon returned the gesture. "Likewise, Seok-Woo..."

After the brief handshake, Hae-Jung and Seok-Woo check the menu, with Hae-Jung taking the lead in ordering.

While Hyeyeon waited, she couldn't help but ask Hae-Jung, "Ms. Hae-Jung, just the two of you? I thought you might be with a group."

Upon hearing the question, Hae-Jung paused momentarily, looking at the menu. "I don't know if they will come to eat here or not, as I didn't ask them beforehand," she replied to Hyeyeon.

Accepting this answer, Hyeyeon nodded and briefly glanced at Seok-Woo, who was still looking around the place.

After Hae-Jung finished deciding what to order, she handed the menu to Seok-Woo, who then began choosing his meal.

Aware that this was a treat from Hae-Jung, he didn't order as much as he did for Gyeong-Eun earlier.

Closing the menu, Seok-Woo and Hae-Jung proceeded to inform Hyeyeon of their choices, prompting her to jot down the orders.

It didn't take her long to note them down. Afterward, she picked up the menu from the table, intending to convey the list to the kitchen.

However, as she took a few steps, she stopped abruptly upon hearing the door open, indicating the arrival of more customers.

Seok-Woo and Hae-Jung looked at the door, both of them surprised by the people coming in.

"Yerin, Seol Hee, eating here for lunch?" Hae-Jung asked them, glancing in their direction. In fact, she hadn't expected anyone to come here, assuming they would eat elsewhere.

That's the reason she brought Seok-Woo here, having spotted him coincidentally on campus earlier.

So, she was surprised by their arrival. Yerin and Seol Hee exchanged looks with Hae-Jung before shifting their gaze to Seok-Woo.

Seeing the two of them staring at him, he thought to himself, "Now, what do I say here?"

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