
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

inverted · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 37

Seok-Woo looked at the Modifiers he got. Much more than he thought.



"PP Girth[+1]"



"Tying Skills[+1]"

"Combat Skills[+1]"

"Kissing Skills[+1]"

"Acting Skills[+1]"

"Massaging Skills[+1]"

Seok-Woo surveyed the array of Modifiers before him, a sense of satisfaction settling within him. "Quite a variety," he mused to himself, content with his findings.

With a decisive gesture, he applied them without hesitation, once again experiencing the familiar warmth spreading through his body and mind.

In mere moments, the sensation faded away, leaving behind the imprint of his Applied Modifiers.

"Applied Modifiers:







Combat Skills[+3]

Driving Skills[+1]

Acting Skills[+2]

Cooking Skills[+2]

Kissing Skills[+2]

Licking Skills[+1]

Fingering Skills[+1]

Tying Skills[+1]

Massaging Skills[+1]

PP Length[+1]

PP Girth[+1]"

"A peculiar mix of Modifiers," Seok-Woo pondered, his gaze fixed on the list before him. Despite its unconventional nature, he found himself oddly satisfied with the selection.

With a decisive nod, he closed the system and began to remove his underwear. As he did so, he couldn't help but notice a subtle change—a slight increase in girth that caught his attention.

Though he couldn't determine the extent of the change, he knew only Sung-Hee and Sunhwi would notice the difference.

However, he pushed aside further thoughts on the matter, choosing instead to examine himself in the mirror for any other potential changes.

Finding nothing amiss except for the alteration he'd observed, Seok-Woo returned to his bed and drifted off to sleep, eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new day.

Meanwhile, Sung-Hee lay on her own bed, clutching her phone in her hands. Seok-Woo's contact number flashed on the screen, prompting a moment of indecision.

"Should I reach out to him first, or should I wait?" she mused, tossing the phone aside with a sigh.

"Why does he keep occupying my thoughts?" Sung-Hee wondered aloud, feeling a mixture of uncertainty and frustration.

As she wrestled with her feelings, doubts crept in. Was she beginning to develop feelings for him? The uncertainty left her feeling unsettled, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

"What if he meets someone else at university?" the thought nagged at her, stirring a sense of jealousy she couldn't quite ignore.

Despite the discomfort, Sung-Hee resolved to take action. "If he doesn't reach out by the weekend, I'll make the first move," she decided, determined to spend more time with him.

With that resolution in mind, Sung-Hee drifted off to sleep, her anticipation for what the future might hold growing with each passing moment.

Heading to Jin-Yi, she sought a moment of privacy. With a sigh, she slipped off her bra and panties, indulging in a solitary moment of self-pleasure. As she reached for a dildo, her mind wandered to Seok-Woo, his image persistently intruding upon her thoughts.

With each tantalizing movement, Jin-Yi moaned softly, the sounds of her pleasure echoing in the empty room. Though her actions were driven by frustration, they only seemed to intensify her longing for him.

As she brought herself closer to climax, her mind conjured vivid memories of Seok-Woo's touch, fueling her desire. Finally reaching her peak, she gasped for breath, but the satisfaction was fleeting.

"This isn't enough," she murmured to herself, a lingering emptiness gnawing at her.

Turning her gaze to her phone, she hesitated before scrolling to Seok-Woo's contact number. Despite her reservations about making the first move, her desire overwhelmed her reluctance.

"It's been a while since we last spoke," she mused, her resolve wavering as she battled conflicting emotions.

With a resigned sigh, Jin-Yi shook her head, pushing aside her doubts. Tidying herself up, she discreetly stashed away the dildo before settling into bed, the weight of her unspoken desires lingering in the air as she drifted off to sleep.

Before the sun rose, Seok-Woo woke up first. Wearing a tracksuit, he jogged down the stairs, while people were still sleeping upstairs.

He stepped outside and ran in the direction of the park where he used to work out. Upon arrival, he began his workout routine, improvising with bodyweight exercises in the absence of weights.

This time, he pushed himself harder, sweating profusely and attempting challenging poses, despite struggling with flexibility. Nonetheless, he felt satisfied with his efforts.

After several minutes of exercise, Seok-Woo was still going strong, effortlessly performing push-ups with only his fingers for support. Upon completing his workout, he sat on the ground to catch his breath before heading home.

Standing up, he stretched one last time and then jogged back home. But before returning, he stopped by the convenience store to grab some refreshments.

As he entered, he spotted Eun-Ah behind the counter. She turned her eyes towards him, surprised to see him there. 

"Seok-Woo, good morning," Eun-Ah greeted him, to which Seok-Woo responded in kind.

"Nice to see you again, Eun-Ah. Are you on shift today?" Seok-Woo asked.

"Yes, but it'll end soon. Luckily, my class starts later in the morning, so I have some time to rest before heading to university," Eun-Ah replied, prompting Seok-Woo to nod before selecting a drink.

He grabbed one without much thought and returned to the counter where Eun-Ah was. As she scanned the items, they continued their conversation.

As they conversed, someone approached them from outside.

"What a way to start the day," Sung-Hee complained as she walk, her hair still damp and messy. She headed towards the nearest convenience store in her area.

Upon entering, she was taken aback by the sight before her. Seok-Woo was engaged in an amicable conversation with Eun-Ah.

Their conversation halted as Sung-Hee entered, both Seok-Woo and Eun-Ah turned to their heads towards her.

"Sung-Hee, what a surprise," Seok-Woo greeted her, caught off guard by her presence. He hadn't expected to see her here.

Sung-Hee listened to his words but remained silent, her gaze drifting between Seok-Woo and Eun-Ah.

After a moment, Sung-Hee composed herself and responded stoically, "It has been a while, Seok-Woo. Nice to see you again." Her expression remained unchanged as she spoke.

Seok-Woo couldn't help but roll his eyes at her predictable demeanor, well acquainted with her attitude.

Sung-Hee then headed towards the aisle where the instant noodles were kept, stealing a glance back at the two before continuing on her way.

As she reached for a handful of instant noodles, Sung-Hee paused, questioning her own feelings. After all, Seok-Woo wasn't her boyfriend, at least not yet.

With the noodles in hand, she returned to the counter and placed them down for Eun-Ah to scan.

Seok-Woo observed the packs of noodles curiously and couldn't help but inquire, "Do you need that many? Is it for yourself or for the store?"

Sung-Hee glanced at him and replied, "It's for the store. Auntie Jin-Yi asked me to pick some up since she forgot to buy them the other day."

Seok-Woo nodded at her, prompting Sung-Hee to ask him back, "Do you know each other?" She looked at the two, to which he answered her.

"Yes, we just met each other yesterday," Seok-Woo replied, to which Sung-Hee looked at him before nodding in response.

As the two talked, Eun-Ah had now finished scanning all the items and put them all in a plastic bag. She then looked at Sung-Hee and told her the cost of her purchases.

Sung-Hee then paid for the items, after which she looked at Seok-Woo and left the convenience store.

Seok-Woo watched her exit, then turned his head to Eun-Ah and said, "I'll be on my way now. See you at campus." Eun-Ah responded with similar words as he said to her.

The two waved goodbye, and Seok-Woo left the convenience store with the drink in his hand.

Outside, Sung-Hee was standing, seemingly waiting for him. As soon as she saw him, she looked at him approaching her.

When Seok-Woo was in front of her, he bluntly asked her, "What do you want?" as he crossed his arms. Sung-Hee looked at him and then asked.

"I want you to help me open up the store," Sung-Hee replied, not minding Seok-Woo's actions. To which he replied jokingly, "Then what? Drag me around like a servant?"

Sung-Hee smiled at his words and said to him, "It will be short, you wouldn't be doing much. I'll pay you back as compensation."

As soon as it was decided, Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee walked towards the Kid's Cafe. As they walked, she asked him, "How was the first day of class for you?" Curious about what went on during the day. To which he replied, "Nothing much. The same usual start of the class in every school year." Seok-Woo said, which was true, though he didn't mention the events that unfolded that day.

Sung-Hee nodded at him, and the two chatted with each other. Both of them smiled lightly as they talked.

As the two arrived shortly at the Kid's Cafe, Sung-Hee unlocked the door and entered, with Seok-Woo following her. After that, they walked towards the kitchen area. Sung-Hee then unpacked the plastic bag in her hand and put everything on the table.

After putting the instant noodles in the cabinet, she turned back to Seok-Woo and addressed him. "Follow me, I'll show you where you'll be working," Sung-Hee said to him. She then walked away, with Seok-Woo following behind.

Sung-Hee explained to him where he would be helping her, and it was more than he had expected.

"I should have thought about this before agreeing," Seok-Woo said to himself, slightly regretting his decision, but it was too late for that.

Seok-Woo did as he was asked, while Sung-Hee stood on the sidelines and commanded him.

Seok-Woo gave her a side-eye but continued. He would be the one to choose his compensation.

After a few minutes, Seok-Woo finally finished and sat on the stool to rest for a bit.

The store was ready to open, which pleased Sung-Hee. She went back to the kitchen area and filled a glass of water for him to drink.

As Sung-Hee was about to exit the kitchen area, she saw Seok-Woo standing in front of her.

"What are you do-" Sung-Hee didn't finish her words as Seok-Woo suddenly grabbed her face and kissed her.

Sung-Hee was not ready for this moment, but after a few seconds, she slowly closed her eyes and savored the moment.

Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee kissed passionately, their tongues intertwined as they moved intensely.

It didn't take long for them to stop as Sung-Hee pushed him back. Her face was red from the encounter as she gazed into Seok-Woo's eyes and moved back.

But Seok-Woo didn't let her get away. He then grabbed her wrist and gently pinned her to the wall, with a kabedon, and the two stared at each other.

"Why are you like this?" Sung-Hee asked as she turned her face away from him. To which he replied.

"I'm just getting my compensation," Seok-Woo said to her, to which Sung-Hee didn't refute or tell him off about his actions.

"You're getting a bit forceful compared to the last time I met you," Sung-Hee asked with genuine concern, to which Seok-Woo was aware of.

"Do you not like it?" Seok-Woo asked, wanting to hear her opinion about his attitude.

"Not... really," Sung-Hee answered and continued. "At least let me prepare myself if you're going to act like this again," she said as she looked into his eyes.

Afterward, they remained in that position for a few moments, until Sung-Hee took the initiative to wrap her arms around his head. With a gentle tug, she pulled him closer to her.

As they kissed again, their hands began to explore each other's bodies. Seok-Woo's hands found their way to Sung-Hee's behind, where he gently gripped and began to rub it.

Despite the barrier of clothing, he could feel the smoothness of her skin beneath.

After a moment, they briefly parted, a thin string of saliva lingering between them, before quickly returning to the passionate exchange once more.