
Chapter 27

Chae-Yoon waited for his answer while intensely looking at him. With each passing second, the atmosphere of the place grew tense.

Seok-Woo sighed at this moment, gathering up his composure to answer her question. Not responding would upset her.

"Yes, I did have sex with her," Seok-Woo stoically admitted. He didn't bother making up lies.

At this point, there's no going back. After Seok-Woo's confession, he grabbed the bottle of wine and poured himself a glass, filling it halfway.

As he finished pouring, he glanced at Chae-Yoon, who was smiling at him. Then Seok-Woo asked her, "Can we change the topic? It's too much at this point." He felt as though she had opened him up like a book.

But Chae-Yoon insisted on continuing the conversation. "No, I want to continue this moment. I have more questions for you," she said, grabbing the bottle of wine from Seok-Woo and pouring herself a glass.

Seok-Woo frowned at her words, thinking she was overstepping her boundaries. "I think you're just interrogating me. Let's stop this," he said, as she prepared to ask another question.

"If you hadn't lied to me, I wouldn't have gone this far," Chae-Yoon's face grew redder as she became closer to being drunk. Her desire to hear Seok-Woo's answer kept her sanity intact in this situation.

"Didn't you scold me enough in public earlier?" Seok-Woo asked, wondering why she still wanted to continue. To which she replied back after a few seconds.

Chae-Yoon heard his words and thought to herself, "Well, he's right, but I want to ask more about him." She mused to herself, then decided to offer him a favor in exchange.

"Seok-Woo, I'll owe you again if you want to continue," Chae-Yoon proposed to him, to which Seok-Woo raised his brows in response, slightly intrigued by her offer.

"Then, if I accept, you now owe me two favors," Seok-Woo asked back, wondering if she remembered the first favor from when he returned from the military.

"Yes, it will be two," Chae-Yoon replied, still remembering what she had promised him when she didn't pick him up.

"How far could this favor go?" Seok-Woo asked seriously, propping his hands on the table to support his head as he looked at her intently.

Chae-Yoon then looked at Seok-Woo, pondering his words. She hadn't considered this before, unsure of what he might ask from her. But she felt that Seok-Woo was a reasonable person, so he wouldn't ask for anything inappropriate, right?

"As long as it doesn't cross the line between us, you can ask me for whatever you want," Chae-Yoon replied, clarifying the limits of the favor.

"But what if I want to cross the line? Would you consider it?" Seok-Woo tilted his head slightly, stoically asking her.

Chae-Yoon didn't expect him to ask this. Suddenly, a feeling of unease crept up in her as she looked into Seok-Woo's eyes, but she pushed it down before clarifying again.

"Then it depends on what you want," Chae-Yoon said to him. Seok-Woo nodded, then drank his glass of wine in one go, placing the glass back on the table before speaking again.

"Then shall we continue?" Seok-Woo asked with a smile on his face, Chae-Yoon also smiled at this sight. Then the two continued what they were doing before. 

Chae-Yoon proposed that she would take a shot for Seok-Woo to answer, but if he didn't want to answer, then he would take one for himself. This opportunity presented itself as a chance for Chae-Yoon to get to know Seok-Woo better.

Despite their short and somewhat meaningless interactions, their relationship hadn't changed much since then. However, tonight seemed to offer a unique opportunity for Chae-Yoon.

She did her best to ask questions and let Seok-Woo answer. At first, her inquiries were normal and family-friendly. However, as the night progressed and Chae-Yoon became more intoxicated, the questions took a more inappropriate turn.

Intoxicated, it became challenging for Chae-Yoon to function properly in this state. She found herself asking questions about intimate topics like Seok-Woo's experiences with Sung-Hee and how it felt, crossing the boundaries of propriety.

Seok-Woo responded to some questions while denying others, which led him to drink a few shots himself. Seeing the situation escalate, Chae-Yoon fetched more bottles from the cabinet as the wine emptied out.

Despite their intoxicated state, Chae-Yoon continued to ask questions with her remaining willpower to stay coherent. Eventually, however, she succumbed to the effects of alcohol, resting her head on the table and closing her eyes, on the brink of passing out.

Seok-Woo, his face flushed from the alcohol, managed to stay relatively sober due to his strong willpower. He sighed in relief as he stood up to check on Chae-Yoon, confirming that she was merely sleeping.

Seok-Woo then positioned himself at the side of Chae-Yoon and with one swift action, he carried her in a Princess Carry, walking toward her room to place her there to sleep.

Since there was no one else present, Seok-Woo would be the one to clean up the dining table. Unaware, he carried her without noticing that Chae-Yoon was discreetly opening a small slit in her eyes, watching him.

"This, again," Chae-Yoon thought to herself as she observed him. She felt something towards him, though she was unaware that her reasoning had slipped away, leaving her desires to take over.

As he carried her, Chae-Yoon looked intently at his face, moving her gaze to his lips. Her thoughts began to run wild, and her body started to heat up.

Seok-Woo noticed that Chae-Yoon's body was getting warmer as he carried her. He stopped and looked directly at her face, noticing her eyes slightly open and gazing at him.

Chae-Yoon opened her eyes, knowing that Seok-Woo was aware that she was looking at him closely.

But as she looked, her gaze shifted to his face, then to his lips. Without a word spoken, rationality was thrown out of the window as her impulses overtook her.

With a swift motion, she wrapped her hands around Seok-Woo's head and pushed herself up to kiss him.

Time seemed to stand still as their lips met in a tender kiss. Seok-Woo's eyes widened as he tried to process the sudden moment.

After a few seconds, Chae-Yoon broke the kiss, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at Seok-Woo. "How was that?" she asked, a faint trail of saliva lingering between them.

Seok-Woo hesitated before responding internally, "She's clearly intoxicated. I thought she'd be asleep by now." Despite his reservations, he admitted to himself that he did enjoy the kiss, though the timing was less than ideal.

As he continued to carry Chae-Yoon, she persistently prodded him with questions, her drunken words slurring slightly. "Hey, answer me," she insisted, her eyelids drooping with drowsiness.

Ignoring her inquiries, Seok-Woo carried her into her bedroom without so much as a glance in her direction, much to her evident displeasure as she pouted.

"Honey, why won't you answer me?" Chae-Yoon's voice held a hint of frustration as she was gently placed on the bed. Seok-Woo remained stoic in response, inwardly bracing himself for further demands for attention.

Just when Seok-Woo thought the ordeal was over, Chae-Yoon's arms shot out, pulling him towards her chest with surprising strength.

"Don't leave me," she pleaded in a playful tone, her hold tightening around him. Seok-Woo found himself momentarily engulfed in her embrace, savoring the warmth before gently disentangling himself with controlled force.

"Go to sleep now, I'll be back," Seok-Woo whispered into her ear, telling a white lie. He hoped that she would fall asleep soon, considering how drunk she currently was. If this continued, it would be bad for Seok-Woo as a man.

"Don't take too long," Chae-Yoon said as she leaned back, lying on the bed. Seok-Woo then covered her with the bedsheets and quietly proceeded to leave the room.

Before exiting, he took one last glance at her, hearing a soft snore as he closed the door silently.

Seok-Woo then proceeded downstairs to clean up the dining table. As he arrived, he looked at the number of bottles the two had consumed, putting his hand on his forehead in disbelief at the amount they had drunk in just a few hours. Shaking away these thoughts, he began to clear up the table diligently.

First, he cleared the table to put the dishes in the sink to wash later, then he went back to the table to plan to get rid of the bottles. However, he stopped as the entrance door of their house opened.

Seok-Woo looked at the entrance, waiting for someone to come out. It was his father, walking drowsily from work. He yawned as he entered the house.

Seeing Seok-Woo looking at him, his father rubbed his eyes and asked, "Staying up late again?" He casually inquired, knowing Seok-Woo often did this.

"I'm just cleaning up the dining room, then I'll hit the bed," Seok-Woo replied, continuing to clear the table. His father glanced at him and then down at the bottles of alcoholic drinks.

"Did you drink all of this by yourself?" Seok-Woo's father asked, frowning. Seok-Woo turned his head toward him, giving a prompt reply.

"Mother and I drank this, not all by myself," Seok-Woo replied, then walked to dispose of the bottles. His father's face softened after his answer. He sighed in relief that his son wasn't an alcoholic.

He didn't mind that they had consumed his liquor. Instead, he said to Seok-Woo, "Seok-Woo, could you at least bond with your mother like this?" His father asked him.

Seok-Woo stopped and looked back at him, prompting his father to continue, "While you were not at home these past weeks, she was worried about the relationship with her not developing. She told me that you're just treating her like another person living here, not a mother."

Seok-Woo then continued to walk to dispose of the bottle before replying to him. "Sorry if I came across that way, Father. I'm happy that you've found happiness again in your life. But... That doesn't apply to me," Seok-Woo said, looking straight at his father.

"I've grown up without fully experiencing a mother's embrace, so you could say I've become accustomed to this feeling inadvertently," Seok-Woo continued, crossing his arms.

"With her age not far from mine, it's hard to feel genuine fondness. Again, I'm sorry, but that's how I feel about her," Seok-Woo acknowledged the complexity of his relationship with Chae-Yoon, to which his father sighed.

"Then at least make her feel like she belongs in this family. Don't let her be miserable living in this household," Seok-Woo's father urged him to make an effort to include Chae-Yoon in the family.

"I'll... try," Seok-Woo replied with some hesitation, as his father sat on the couch, loosening his tie and looking at Seok-Woo with a thankful expression for trying to improve his relationship with Chae-Yoon.

As his father settled onto the couch, Seok-Woo asked, "Why sleep here when you have your bedroom not far from here?" He wanted to know why his father had decided to sleep on the couch.

"I'm too tired; talking to you drained the last of my energy. Don't disturb me now; I'll be sleeping," Seok-Woo's father said as he closed his eyes, preparing to sleep on the couch.

Seok-Woo watched his father fall asleep and then continued to wash all the dishes before returning to his own bed. Upon arriving in his bedroom, he began to remove all of his clothes, including his underwear and then sat on the edge of the bed.

He opened the system interface, intending to use his Rolls in the Gachapon machine. He first checked how many Rolls he currently had:

"Available Rolls: 65."

Seok-Woo was pleasantly surprised by this amount, although he did notice a slight decrease in the number of Rolls he had gained. He didn't worry too much about it, knowing that more Rolls would come to him eventually. Not everyone in the world was interested in him.

He then navigated to the Gachapon machine and used all of his Rolls in one go. He didn't pray or wish for anything specific; he felt that he already had enough.

After a few moments of anticipation, he carefully opened the prizes he had obtained. As he scanned through the rewards, he couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. While he did receive some useful modifiers, the rest of the rewards seemed rather lackluster.

Among the items he acquired were: a jar of mayonnaise, a jar of ketchup, a fully loaded clip for a 9mm gun, a stun baton, and even a lubricant, of all things. Seok-Woo didn't react much to these items and swiftly moved them into his inventory before checking the modifiers he had obtained.

Upon closer inspection, he was somewhat surprised by the commonality of the modifiers he had received, except for one. The list included:





"Combat Skills[+1]"

"Cooking Skills[+1]"

Seok-Woo glanced at the list, feeling somewhat satisfied, yet couldn't shake the feeling that these modifiers were given to him for a specific purpose, though he couldn't quite pinpoint what that might be.

Nevertheless, he proceeded to apply all of the modifiers at once. As soon as he did, a warm sensation enveloped his body and mind, imbuing him with knowledge and strengthening his physique.

Seok-Woo rose to his feet as the sensation faded away. With the physical prowess gained from his military service and the enhancements from the modifiers, Seok-Woo now stood as a formidable adversary to any opponent.

While his outward appearance remained unchanged, he sensed an overwhelming surge of power coursing through his body. However, he resolved to test his newfound abilities tomorrow early morning.

His applied modifiers now read as follows:

"Applied Modifiers:






Combat Skills[+2]

Driving Skills[+1]

Acting Skills[+1]

Cooking Skills[+2]

Kissing Skills[+1]

Licking Skills[+1]

Fingering Skills[+1]

PP Length[+1]"

Seok-Woo, satisfied with the change, started to lay down on the bed and then fell asleep, eager to test his newfound abilities.

Next chapter