
Dragon Summoner: Nasser Virginia.

According to legend, thousands of years ago, a Demon King was sealed away by a Hero. The war between the Demon Race and the Human Race had been raging for a long time, and the Demon King had risen up from the Frozen North of the planet, intent on destroying the world. Humanity, which had been enjoying peace, suddenly found itself helpless and on the brink of extinction.

But then, a brave man was summoned from another world to stand against the Demon King and his army. Heeding the King's wish to save the world from destruction, the Hero used his newfound powers to battle the Demon King. On his journey to the North to locate and defeat the Demon King, he encountered many new people and made friends who joined him on his quest. With courage and determination, as the saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way," and the Hero's will to save the world was strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

Eventually, The Hero and his friends drove the forces and the demon king to the farthest end of the northern lands, their journey filled with hardship and intense battles. In the midst of the chaos, The Hero lost two of his beloved friends: 'The Sword Master' and 'Ackerman, known as 'The Great Sage.' Ackerman had sacrificed his life to reveal the secret hideout of the demon king, allowing the Kingdom's Army to slaughter the demon army completely.

With the demon army defeated, The Hero and his remaining close friend, 'The Saint', were able to find the demon king on his throne. The fate of the world was in their hands, and they knew they had to fight with all their might. For three days and three nights, The Hero and The Saint fought bravely and intensely against the demon king. They faced obstacles and challenges that seemed insurmountable, but their courage and determination never wavered. Finally, with a powerful holy strike combined with their last attack, the demon king was defeated. Quotes from The Hero and The Saint such as "We will never give up!" and "We must protect the world!" echoed throughout the land, inspiring hope and courage in the hearts of all who heard them.

The Hero and The Saint were filled with dread as they watched the Demon King's body slowly dying before their very eyes. It was a distressful reality to discover that the Demon King was Immortal, and even if his body was completely destroyed, his spirit would not die. The Demon King looked down at his own body beginning to crumble before his very eyes, and then spoke for the first time. He warned them that he would never be defeated and would never perish, and that he would return one day after a thousand years to destroy the world and their descendants. His hatred towards them was evident as he gave this last message before The Hero and The Saint sealed him back to the Demon Realm. This was a thousand years ago, according to the legends, and The Hero and The Saint were deeply concerned about the words that the Demon King spoke. They knew that they must prepare for his return and protect their descendants from his wrath. They also knew that they must find a way to defeat him once and for all, so that he could never come back to wreak havoc on the world.

So, The Hero and The Saint decided to settle together near the sealed entrance that led to the demon world. The Northern lands were mostly frozen land where the demon king came from, and it was uninhabitable. For this reason, The Hero and The Saint went beyond the limit to recreate the northern lands, plowing the earth, drawing water, and sowing wheat, making crops that grew and guarding the sealed entrance of the demon world where the demon king was in. They watched and guarded the entrance faithfully, never wavering in their duty, until they finally grew old together and passed away hand in hand in their deathbed. Before the thousands of years later, The Hero and The Saint got married and ended up having a child together. The child became the hero's offspring, and the child's descendants continue to guard the entrance of the demon realm, remaining faithful to their Father's last wish. It was a legacy that would be passed down through generations, a testament to the power of their love and devotion. As the famous saying goes, "Love is stronger than death." The Hero and The Saint's story is a reminder of that, and a reminder of the power of love to transcend even death itself.

In due time, The Hero's Descendants founded farming villages, built cities, and constructed defensive strongholds and walls, eventually founding a new country and nation that soon became the strongest country on the planet. This great nation was said to be the origin of the powerful Country of the Heroes, and it was said that it was the bloodline of The Hero and The Saint that made it so.

Unfortunately, over time, the descendants of The Hero and The Saint forgot their Father's Last Wish, as foretold by the Demon King. He warned that he would soon return to their world from the Demon Realm, and sure enough, the seal on the entrance of the Demon World was broken and the Northern lands and nearby countries were filled with demonic creatures that poured out, and the sky was soon filled with Garuda Birds and flying Wyverns. It seemed that the story legend of the Demon King's return was about to come true.

The Country of The Hero and The Saint was the first to take action and respond with force against the demonic army and the demon king. Despite their Father's last wish being slowly forgotten and their bloodline fading, the foundation and teachings of The Northern Kingdom remained focused on fighting and defeating the demon king. The Country of The Hero's power and strength was unshakable, but their powerful army was never able to deliver a decisive blow against the demon king's endless hordes. However, they were able to resist the demon king's advance and build strong walls and a strong military. Knowledge of humanity developed over time, with each generation sacrificing their own sweat, blood, tears, and will power. As the Country of The Hero and The Saint continued to fight, their courage and determination inspired others to join them in their fight against the demon king. As the proverb says, "Where there is unity, there is strength."

For over a thousand years, the battle between humanity and the demon king's army raged on. Reinforcements from countries around the Northern Kingdom joined the fight, and the human race worked together to build lines of defense in an attempt to stop the demon king's horde. As the battle continued, the number of casualties increased rapidly and the military of mankind was in a constant struggle against the demon king's forces. The battlefield was filled with fire and death, and the situation seemed to calm down as both sides began to tire. Despite this, the battle still raged on, and the demon army refused to slow their advance. The strength of the demon king's army, the courage of the human forces, and the strategic knowledge of both sides played a major role in the war. The Hero and The Saint were legendary figures whose teachings and stories inspired and guided humanity during this long and difficult battle.

However, it has been several decades since the human race and the demon race began to fight each other again, and both sides have surprisingly been in a stalemate. Neither side has been able to gain a decisive victory against the other. This is due to a number of factors, such as the development of humanities knowledge, the emergence of more stronger weapons, and the increased strength of both sides. As the renowned philosopher John Locke once said, "The power of the people is greater than the power of any government." This is true in the case of the human race and the demon race, as both sides have become more powerful and capable of defending their own interests. Furthermore, humanity have also become more aware of the consequences of war, and have become more cautious in their approach to conflict resolution. As a result, the two sides have been unable to gain a decisive advantage over one another, leaving them in a perpetual state of stalemate.

In such a fantasy planet, in a world like this, Nasser Virginia was born into a powerful country in the northern lands, not too far from the area being controlled and taken by a demon Commander. This country was known as 'The Country of The Hero and The Saint', and it was the mission of its citizens to fulfill their father's last wish to defeat the demon king. As part of this mission, the kingdom had a tradition of assessing the abilities of their children at the age of 15, in order to determine their potential as future soldiers. When Nasser turned 15, he was assessed and given the ability to be a 'Summoner'. This was a great honor, and it was believed that Nasser had the potential to become a powerful warrior and help the kingdom in its quest to defeat the demon king. With this newfound power, Nasser set out to fulfill his destiny and become the hero that his country desperately needed.

Even though it was a regular job, that didn't really bother Nasser and cause him to become depressed. It is normal nowadays, compared to those that have legendary special abilities, like "Heroes," "Sword Saints," and "Great Sages." Nevertheless, the 'Summoner' job was rare. Nasser's parents were very fond of him because of this reason and encouraged their beloved son to enter a school within The Kingdom, where he eventually did go to and made great grades. As a reward, he was granted a 'Summoner's Spell Mark,' which gave him the ability to summon a creature. It is said that a summoner can't summon everything, but it depends on their inherited aptitude. As Nasser's parents wanted the best for their son, they were immensely proud of his accomplishment and were eager to see what he could do with his newfound power. As the wise proverb goes, "With great power comes great responsibility," and Nasser was determined to use his power wisely and make his parents proud.

You may ask, What is aptitude? It is simply a magical pathway to summoning a summon creature, and although it is still unknown to humanity how it works, still, thanks to the effort and recorded teachings of those who have come before them, it is fairly well understood. Aptitude was systematized and discovered by researchers, and was used by Summoners to determine their own summon creatures. So far, mainly Dragons, Golems, Heroes, Spirits, Undead, Monsters, Magic Automata Machines, Animal Systems and Insect Systems, and the list goes on, have been discovered. There are many different types of aptitude that the researchers have learned so far, and the abilities are quite diverse depending on the person. It has been discovered by researchers that aptitude is not only limited to summoning creatures, but can also be used to manipulate the environment and control the elements. Furthermore, there is also an unconfirmed aptitude, so the research still goes on. As the great philosopher Aristotle once said, "The more you know, the more you know you don't know." This quote is particularly relevant when it comes to aptitude, as there is still much to be discovered and explored.

And if you carve the 'Curse Seal' on your chest according to the aptitude the person has, they will soon become a Summoner of that unique line. The Aptitude of the Golem is a "Golem" and the curse Mark should be inscribed just above the heart area on the chest. It is said that one curse spell mark is enough for each person, and that it is impossible to add an extra spell mark to the one already inscribed. Furthermore, if the mark is damaged or the skin is removed, the person's abilities will be lost forever. This mark is both the Summoners life and their only weakness, as the heart is a vulnerable area. Nasser Virginia is a special case, as his aptitude was identified as "All Aptitudes". This means that he can choose only one summon creature of any kind, regardless of their aptitude. It is a rare and powerful ability that has been passed down through generations, and is a testament to the power of the Curse Seal.

For this reason, Nasser chose one of the many summon creatures, the Dragon, which is renowned throughout the northern Kingdom as the most powerful Summoner ability. This legendary creature is said to possess immense power, and is capable of wreaking havoc on its enemies. As such, Nasser decided to become a Dragon Summoner, believing that it would give him an edge in battle. He was filled with a sense of awe and admiration for the power of the Dragon. As Nasser said, "I knew that if I could summon the power of a Dragon, I could become a great warrior and protector of my people." With this ambition in mind, he dedicated himself to mastering the art of summoning and eventually became one of the most powerful Dragon Summoners in the region.

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