
Let's get married?

He gently tugged her hair behind her ear and whispered into her ears, "What else would I need while you are there?" "What more could I desire when you’re there?".

Adrishta · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Mr. Hadden: (next day he's seated in his cabin)

Yesterday, I scolded her a lot. I noticed a tear forming in the corner of her eyes. Honestly, she's great at containing her emotions.

I like her as a person; she's so pure and beautiful at the same time. With her dark emerald eyes, perfect smile, and lean body with nice curves, the moment she turns around for the exit, I get stunned by the way she walks so confidently, shoulders straight, and head held a bit high. I liked her the moment I saw her; it was her first day of work, and she looked so fine.

At times, I behave coldly, but it's needed for her own betterment. I want to know more about her, but she acts so grumpy around me. She's a tough girl.

I really should do something about this.

Mr. Jill come into my room. (he is the brother of Mr. Hadden)

"Yes, brother, what is it?" Mr. Jill stated.

"Call me Mr. Hadden; we're in the office, not at home; be professional," I stated sternly.

"Oh, come on, brother, tell me what it is." "Did Miss Evelyn drop any hints for you?" He smirked as he said it.

"I'm not that lucky, Jill," I told him.

"Call me Mr. Jill, be professional, brother; we aren't at home," he chuckled.

Such a jerk he is; if it were not for Miss Evelyn, I would have shooed him away as soon as possible. My bad.

"Shut up, Jill, and tell me something—what shall I do to be in her good books?" I asked him with a straight face.

"Well, brother, first you have to stop being so bossy; second, give her special attention, and third, make her feel special," he said smilingly.

"So you're calling me bossy?" "And next time, come with some better ideas, Jill; now you can go," I said.

"Sure, brother," he said and left.

By the way, the idea of making her feel special sounds good, and I'm sure she'll like it. She sometimes makes the most elementary errors, which literally irritates me because things don't work out that way, and then she gives the most innocent expression as if it is me who is at fault.

"Mr. Hadden, your meeting is at 11 a.m." A sweet voice came, which was, of course, that of Miss Evelyn.

"Yes, Miss Evelyn, over there are some documents; take them to the conference room," I said with a composed face.

"Ok, sir, got it," she said with her lovely voice.

She exited, and the way she moved her body made me crave it."The meeting went well," Miss Evelyn said.

"Yes, but Mr. Jade's presentation was not up to the mark." "Tell him to meet me at 3 p.m.," I said.

"Sure, sir. "Is there anything else you want me to do?" Miss Evelyn said

"As such, nothing, but would you do lunch with me?" I said though inside I was nervous. What if she rejects me or something?

"Sure, sir," she replied with a smile.

"Great! Come to my cabin at 1 p.m. for lunch," I said.

"Yes, sir," she responded.

At lunch~

"Cup noodles? "Where's your lunch, Miss Evelyn?" I asked her.

"Sir, I generally have cup noodles for lunch as I'm a bit lazy to make lunch," she replied with an uncomfortable smile.

"Why doesn't your mom make lunch for you? I asked her with a grave face.

"I don't have parents, I'm an orphan; they died in a car crash when I was 16," she replied with teary eyes.

At this point, I thought every time I scolded her, she had no family member to complain about me, or during her distress, she didn't have her parents. To be honest, she deserves all the happiness, and I'll make sure this happens.

"I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, Miss Evelyn," I said.

"It's all right, sir; I had a lot of problems at first, but things are getting better," she half-smiled.

I really adore her strength, she was about to break, but still, she smiled. She is indeed a strong woman, all these hardships made her the great person she is now.

"I like the stability you've achieved currently, Miss Evelyn, so for now, where do you reside? "Is there anything I can help you with?" I said to my strong girl.

"I live 3 kilometres away from our company, and Mr. Hadden, thank you for your concern, but currently I need no help," she said smilingly.

"Oh, okay, Miss Evelyn," I said.

After having lunch with her, I got to know many things about her. I liked that she opened herself to me. I guess she trusts me, or maybe I'm overthinking.

Miss Evelyn come into my room (time is 4:58 p.m.).

"So, Miss Evelyn, shall I drop you?" I said it with a smile.

"It's ok, sir, I can go on my own." "Thanks for the concern," she beamed.

"Ok, take care, Miss Evelyn, goodbye," I said to her in a low voice.

"You too, sir, take care and say goodbye," she said.