
Let's Divorce As Agreed

Shu Pan thought Gu Shaoting was the one. She thought the world's most wonderful love was bestowed upon her. Never did she expect she was never loved and their happy moments to be fake. When their three-year marriage fell apart, she fled. Only then did she realize Gu Zhaoting's lies and act of vengeance. Four years later, they met again. She had a mini version of herself while he had a girlfriend with whom he was in talks of marriage. The two of them were parallel lines. However, Gu Zhaoting discovered that he had a deeper attachment to her. When he found out that the mini version of her was his daughter, he was furious. Right now, he only wanted to hold their hands for the rest of his life.

Flyingfish Thistledown · Urban
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845 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Pan, Auntie knows you're a good girl, but you and Wen Chi really aren't a good match. Auntie hopes you can understand my motherly love," Mrs. Wen spoke in a gentler tone.

Shu Pan nodded but felt a deep sense of discomfort.

Back at home, Wen Chi happened to arrive.

"Pan, get Joy ready. I'm taking you both out for dinner at a friend's restaurant," Wen Chi announced with a cheerful smile.

Pretending like everything was normal, Shu Pan looked at Wen Chi, feeling torn inside. She knew she was about to disappoint him.

Wen Chi and Shu Pan came out with Joy, appearing to be a lovely and harmonious family in the eyes of outsiders.

This was particularly true for Gu Shaoting, who had been spending time near Shu Pan's building, observing them from a distance whenever he had a chance.